In a fitting legacy for my friend Walter Jones, Jr. who passed away last week, the US House made history by voting in favor of H.J.Res. 37, a resolution “Directing the removal of United States Armed Forces from hostilities in the Republic of Yemen that have not been authorized by Congress.” As George O’Neill wrote in the American Conservative magazine this week, the historic 248-177 victory for a bill demanding the end of the US participation in the nearly five year Saudi war of aggression...
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'George Who??' 'Woke' NYC Set To 'Cancel' George Washington Statues!
Santayana is credited with saying "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it." New York City is considering sending a good chunk of US history down the "memory...
'George Who??' 'Woke' NYC Set To 'Cancel' George Washington Statues!
Santayana is credited with saying "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it." New York City is considering sending a good chunk of US history down the "memory...
Peace & Prosperity Blog
RPI’s McAdams and Tom Woods: Fallujah, Iran Sanctions, Back-to-Iraqers, and More
Listen to RPI's Daniel McAdams on the Tom Woods Show today, taking apart Iraq, Iran, al-Qaeda, and the neocons who are still having their way with US foreign policy.
Gates Too Kind About Biden?
Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates thinks Vice President Biden is a decent guy but a bit loopy. In his new book, Duty, Gates writes on Biden that: ...he has been wrong on...
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Has Robert Gates Become One of Us?
Is former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates becoming a non-interventionist? Has he taken the hard road to conversion that begins with all faith in US power projection and...
Back to Iraq? You Bet!
As usual, the interventionists who run the US foreign policy establishment are drawing all the wrong conclusions from the news that the former "al-Qaeda in Iraq" (now "al-Qaeda...
Rep. Walter Jones: Declassify 9/11 Report and End Afghanistan War
Rep. Walter Jones, on the Alex Jones Show Thursday, discusses his resolution in the United States House of Representatives calling for making public the 28 classified pages of a...
Ron Paul and Stephen Kinzer: The History of Interventionism
Today on the Ron Paul Channel, Dr. Paul interviews Stephen Kinzer, author of the fascinating new book on the Dulles brothers and their interventionist rampage through the 1950s....
American Dictatorship, NSA Court Decision, and More: Daniel McAdams and Jay Taylor
RPI's Daniel McAdams is with Jay Taylor on the VoiceAmerica network discussing: Snowden, American dictatorship, NSA court decision, are hackers legitimate, the Washington Post's...
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