Featured Articles

Iraq War Anniversary: Ron Paul’s Opposition Scored the Szasz Award for Civil Liberties

Iraq War Anniversary: Ron Paul’s Opposition Scored the Szasz Award for Civil Liberties

This week marked the 16th anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq. Plenty of Bush apologists have been rewriting history on Twitter. But Ron Paul was one member of Congress who had nothing to apologize in the run-up to the war. He was outspoken throughout 2002 and beyond, exposing the folly of starting a major war in the Middle East and trouncing the shabby evidence the Bush administration offered. His valiant fight against the war resulted in his receiving the Szasz Award for Outstanding...

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With RussiaGate Over Where’s Hillary?

With RussiaGate Over Where’s Hillary?

During most of the RussiaGate investigation against Donald Trump, I kept saying that all roads lead to Hillary Clinton. Anyone with three working brain cells knew this, including ‘Miss’ Maddow, whose tears of disappointment are particularly delicious. Robert Mueller’s investigation was designed from the beginning to create something out of nothing. It did this admirably. It was so effective it paralyzed the country for more than two years, just like Europe has been held hostage by Brexit. And...

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The Mueller Report Is In. They Were Wrong. We Were Right.

The Mueller Report Is In. They Were Wrong. We Were Right.

The Robert Mueller investigation which monopolized political discourse for two years has finally concluded, and his anxiously awaited report has been submitted to Attorney General William Barr. The results are in and the debate is over: those advancing the conspiracy theory that the Kremlin has infiltrated the highest levels of the US government were wrong, and those of us voicing skepticism of this were right. The contents of the report are still secret, but CNN’s Justice Department reporter...

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Trump Blocks Bolton, Reverses New North Korea Sanctions

Trump Blocks Bolton, Reverses New North Korea Sanctions

In a tweet on Friday, President Trump announced that “additional large-scale sanctions” by the US Treasury that had been added to already existing set of sanctions – were now off the table. It is not clear yet why the President has seemingly undercut his National Security Adviser John Bolton, but it’s possible we could be witnessing a serious fissure in the internal workings of the White House power structure. Prior to this, Bolton took to Twitter to crow about the harsh new sanctions on North...

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Human Rights as Seen by the White House: Concessions to Israel Are Notable

Human Rights as Seen by the White House: Concessions to Israel Are Notable

The State Department’s just issued annual Human Rights Report for 2018 is a disgrace, a document so heavily politicized by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and his crew of hardliners that it might be regarded as a model in how to make something that is black appear to be white. Which is not to say that it is not cleverly composed, quite the contrary, but it uses its choice of words and expressions to mitigate or even dismiss some actual human rights abuses while regarding as more grave other...

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Russia Gives US Red Line on Venezuela

Russia Gives US Red Line on Venezuela

At a high-level meeting in Rome this week, it seems that Russia reiterated a grave warning to the US – Moscow will not tolerate American military intervention to topple the Venezuelan government with whom it is allied. Meanwhile, back in Washington DC, President Donald Trump was again bragging that the military option was still on the table, in his press conference with Brazilian counterpart Jair Bolsonaro. Trump is bluffing or not yet up to speed with being apprised of Russia’s red line. The...

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On The Anniversary Of The Iraq Invasion, Bush Press Secretary Claims Bush Didn’t Lie

On The Anniversary Of The Iraq Invasion, Bush Press Secretary Claims Bush Didn’t Lie

On the sixteenth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, as the US government threatens punitive action against International Criminal Court investigators for attempting to look into US war crimes, former George W Bush administration Press Secretary Ari Fleischer has decided to publish a Twitter thread claiming that Bush did not lie to the world about Iraq. Here is a transcript of the full thread by Fleischer: The Iraq war began sixteen years ago tomorrow. There is a myth about the war that I...

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Goodbye to the Internet: Interference by Governments Is Already Here

Goodbye to the Internet: Interference by Governments Is Already Here

There is a saying attributed to the French banker Nathan Rothschild that "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes its laws." Conservative opinion in the United States has long suspected that Rothschild was right and there have been frequent calls to audit the Federal Reserve Bank based on the presumption that it has not always acted in support of the actual interests of the American people. That such an assessment is almost certainly correct might be presumed based on the...

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Conscription Is Slavery

Conscription Is Slavery

Last month a federal judge in Texas declared the all-male military draft to be unconstitutional because it applies only to men and not also to women. The decision flies in the face of a decision by the Supreme Court in 1981 that upheld the constitutionality of the draft-registration process. Back then, however, women were not permitted to serve in combat roles, which was the justification for the Court’s ruling. Today, women are permitted to serve in combat roles, a point cited by that Texas...

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Was UK Paying White Helmets to Produce Syria ‘Chemical Weapon’ PR as Cover for Jaish Al Islam?

Was UK Paying White Helmets to Produce Syria ‘Chemical Weapon’ PR as Cover for Jaish Al Islam?

Life returns to normal in Douma after SAA liberation. Photo © Vanessa Beeley.As controversy rages over the alleged April 2018 Douma “chemical weapon attacks” that signaled the end of Jaish Al Islam’s occupation, life in the Syrian city gradually returns to peace and stability. The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons’ (OPCW) interim report and final report have thrown the Western media community into disarray. Already scrambling to salvage their loss of face after the “no...

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Germany Backpedals On NATO Spending Promise As France Goes Full Throttle

Germany Backpedals On NATO Spending Promise As France Goes Full Throttle

Germany is poised to renege on its promise to boost NATO spending, backtracking on a public commitment last year by Chancellor Angela Merkel to increase German military expenditure to 1.5 percent of gross domestic product by 2024 - bringing it closer to the 2 percent level set by NATO themselves, according to the Wall Street Journal. If confirmed at a cabinet meeting on Wednesday, the move would mark a fresh step in the gradual estrangement between the US and its erstwhile loyal European ally...

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Attempt to Prosecute Assad at ICC is Aimed at Undermining Syrian Peace Process

Attempt to Prosecute Assad at ICC is Aimed at Undermining Syrian Peace Process

The announcement that “a group of Syrian refugees and their London lawyers” have found “a neat legal trick” to press for an indictment against Syrian President Bashar Assad by the International Criminal Court demonstrates, yet again, the dangerous corruption of international justice, against which I have been warning for over a decade. The Syrian war is nearly over, thanks to the military successes of the Syrian army and its Russian and Iranian allies. Exhaustion on both sides has probably...

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Is Trump Really About to Attack Venezuela?

Is Trump Really About to Attack Venezuela?

Last week Secretary of State Mike Pompeo ordered the last of the US diplomats out of Venezuela, saying their presence was a “constraint” on US policy toward the country. The wording seemed intended to convey the idea that the US is about to launch military action to place a Washington-backed, self-appointed politician to the presidency. Was it just bluster, designed to intimidate? Or is the Trump Administration really about to invade another country that has neither attacked nor threatened the...

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Pompeo Announces Ban On International Criminal Court Officials Probing US War Crimes

Pompeo Announces Ban On International Criminal Court Officials Probing US War Crimes

The US has threatened to revoke visas for members of the International Criminal Court (ICC) at The Hague should they so much as investigate any criminal actions of American military personnel. The United States has never been a member of the ICC and considers it without authority over matters related to Americans or allies conducting joint operations. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo issued a scathing rebuke Friday following ICC statements that it would look into possible US war crimes in...

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The Dialectics of Stupidity

The Dialectics of Stupidity

Someone astute once said "history repeats itself--the first as tragedy and then as farce." Oh, yes, it was Karl Marx in his Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon. Quite relevant to the subject. I have followed the beginning of the 2020 presidential campaign undecided whether to cry or laugh. That is to say, I am undecided whether to view the unfolding season as a tragic or farcical circumstance. Of particular agony is the back-and-forth between President Trump and his sycophants on the one...

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War Against Venezuela Is War Against Us All

War Against Venezuela Is War Against Us All

The American war on Venezuela continues to escalate with the sabotage of it’s electricity grid, the most serious action of all so far, which was not only an act of terrorism against the entire civilian population but also an attempt to shut down exports of Venezuelan oil. This is part of the American hybrid war strategy. Hybrid warfare is warfare that uses all domains of life and society to hurt and damage the targeted nation. It was best defined by Qiao Liang and Wang Xiansui, two senior...

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Peace & Prosperity Blog

US Aid Arrives in Syria?

US Aid Arrives in Syria?

As Brown Noses points out on Twitter, it appears as if US aid has arrived to Syria, courtesy of USAID. Isn't it nice to see that the money extorted from Americans and sent to...

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