RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

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Should Racists Get Health Care?

Should Racists Get Health Care?

Political correctness recently took a dangerous turn in the United Kingdom when the North Bristol National Health Service Trust announced that hospital patients who use offensive, racist, or sexist language will cease receiving medical care as soon as it is safe to end their treatment.The condition that treatment will not be withdrawn until doing so is safe seems to imply that no one will actually suffer from this policy. However, health-care providers have great discretion to determine when...

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‘Opposing Interventionism In Nation X Means You Love Nation X’s Government!’

‘Opposing Interventionism In Nation X Means You Love Nation X’s Government!’

Every time you speak out against western imperialism in a given nation or question western propaganda narratives about that nation’s government, you will inevitably be accused of loving that nation’s government by anyone who argues with you. When I say “inevitably”, I am not exaggerating. If you speak in any public forum for any length of time expressing skepticism of what we’re told to believe about a nation whose government has been targeted by the US-centralized empire, you will with...

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US Plans to Conduct Cyberwar Against Russia in Retaliation for Unproven Election Meddling

US Plans to Conduct Cyberwar Against Russia in Retaliation for Unproven Election Meddling

Despite having provided no proof of Russian meddling in the 2016 or 2020 US presidential election, the Pentagon is preparing to launch a cyberwar against Russia in retaliation. Could the real reason be political? From May 2017 until March 2019, a team of investigators and lawyers led by Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller engaged in a frenetic search for evidence sustaining allegations that individuals affiliated with the campaign of President Donald Trump—and even the president himself—had...

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Ron Paul’s Liberty Year in Review

How did peace and liberty do in 2019? Are we successfully making the case for a peaceful foreign policy and pushing back against the police state at home? Ron Paul Institute founder Ron Paul sits down with Institute director Daniel McAdams to look back over the year at the Ron Paul Institute and to lay out plans for the big year ahead! Please consider taking advantage of the tax benefits of making a year-end, tax deductible donation to the Ron Paul Institute before midnight on December 31st!...

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Rachel Maddow Called Out By WaPo Columnist For Shamelessly Peddling Fake News

Rachel Maddow Called Out By WaPo Columnist For Shamelessly Peddling Fake News

Conspiracy theorist and MSNBC host Rachel Maddow has been called out by Washington Post columnist Erik Wemple for breathlessly peddling the Steele Dossier - becoming a "clearinghouse" for the largely debunked opposition research funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC in 2016 (and fed to the MSM six weeks before the 2016 US election by the former British spy who wrote it). Wemple has been writing about the media's coverage of the Steele dossier since it was significantly undercut...

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Impeachment Is a Distraction: Heavily Scripted Vote Demonstrates That Democracy Really Is Dead

Impeachment Is a Distraction: Heavily Scripted Vote Demonstrates That Democracy Really Is Dead

Watching the impeachment “vote” was hard work. With only a few exceptions, each Congressman rose for roughly 90 seconds and provided a prearranged, almost completely scripted-along-party-lines explanation of how he or she was casting one’s ballot. After four grueling hours of hearing self-serving lies like “no one is above the law,” I was hoping that one of them would either fall off the podium and fracture a leg or actually go mad and break out into a song and dance routine. The entire...

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Senior OPCW official ordered deletion of ‘all traces’ of dissenting report on ‘Douma chemical attack’ – WikiLeaks’ new leak

Senior OPCW official ordered deletion of ‘all traces’ of dissenting report on ‘Douma chemical attack’ – WikiLeaks’ new leak

The leadership of the chemical weapons watchdog took efforts to remove the paper trail of a dissenting report from Douma, Syria which pointed to a possible false flag operation there, leaked documents indicate. In an internal email published by the transparency website WikiLeaks on Friday, a senior official from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) ordered that the document be removed from the organization’s Documents Registry Archive and to “remove all traces, if...

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Should Racists Get Health Care?

How Congress and the Federal Reserve Stole Christmas

The bickering over impeachment did not stop the president and Congress from coming together last week to avert a government shutdown by passing a 1.4 trillion dollar spending package.The bipartisan agreement has something for everyone — a 22 billion dollars increase to bring total spending on militarism to 738 billion dollars, and a 27 billion dollars increase to bring total spending on domestic programs to 632 billion dollars. It also imposes a national ban on selling tobacco products,...

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Chemical Weapons Watchdog Is Just an American Lap Dog

Chemical Weapons Watchdog Is Just an American Lap Dog

A spate of leaks from within the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), the international inspectorate created for the purpose of implementing the Chemical Weapons Convention, has raised serious questions about the institution’s integrity, objectivity and credibility. The leaks address issues pertaining to the OPCW investigation into allegations that the Syrian government used chemical weapons to attack civilians in the Damascus suburb of Douma on April 7, 2018. These...

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Donald Trump: Peace Candidate, Presidential Warmonger

Donald Trump: Peace Candidate, Presidential Warmonger

Mr. Trump ran in 2016 almost on a peace platform in terms of foreign policy. He said things such as this: I share the American people’s frustration… I also share their frustration over a foreign policy that has spent too much time, energy, money — and, most importantly, lives — trying to rebuild countries in our own image instead of pursuing our security interests above all other considerations. I supported him vis a vis Mrs. Hillary Clinton mainly because she seemed, at least in comparison,...

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A Massive Scandal: How Assange, His Doctors, Lawyers and Visitors Were All Spied on for the US

A Massive Scandal: How Assange, His Doctors, Lawyers and Visitors Were All Spied on for the US

It sounds like a James Bond movie, but it really happened. Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks journalists and every single lawyer, reporter, politician, artist and physician who visited the founder of WikiLeaks at the Ecuadorian embassy over the last seven years was subjected to systematic espionage. Meetings and conversations were recorded and filmed, and all the information was sent to US intelligence. Sometimes the espionage operations were truly off the wall: at one point spies even planned to...

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The Insider: How National Security Mandarins Groomed Pete Buttigieg and Managed his Future

The Insider: How National Security Mandarins Groomed Pete Buttigieg and Managed his Future

In his quest for front-runner status in the 2020 presidential campaign, Pete Buttigieg has crafted an image for himself as a maverick running against a broken establishment. On the trail, he has invoked his distinction as the openly gay mayor of a de-industrialized Rust Belt town, as well as his experience as a Naval reserve intelligence officer who now claims to oppose “endless wars”. He insists that “there’s energy for an outsider like me,” promoting himself as “an unconventional candidate.”...

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By impeaching Trump, Democrats have made him more powerful than they could ever imagine

By impeaching Trump, Democrats have made him more powerful than they could ever imagine

From coast to coast, the Resistance is cheering the impeachment of President Donald Trump in the House. They shouldn’t be. For in seeking to destroy him, they have only made him more powerful, and undercut themselves. Let’s not mince words: Wednesday’s vote was the culmination of efforts that began on November 8, 2016, with Trump’s shocking triumph over Hillary Clinton – or maybe even before, on whatever date the FBI actually began investigating the Trump campaign for “Russian collusion” per...

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The Afghanistan Fiasco and the Decline and Fall of the American Military

The Afghanistan Fiasco and the Decline and Fall of the American Military

A devastating investigative report was published in the Washington Post on December 9th. Dubbed the “Afghanistan Papers” in a nod to the Vietnam War’s famous “Pentagon Papers,” the report relied on thousands of documents to similarly expose how the US government at the presidential level across three administrations, acting in collaboration with the military brass and civilian bureaucracy, deliberately and systematically lied repeatedly to the public and media about the situation in...

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The Absurdity of Today’s Impeachment Vote Captured in One Tweet

The Absurdity of Today’s Impeachment Vote Captured in One Tweet

On the United States House of Representatives floor today, representatives have lined up to speak in solemn tones about how they are fulfilling of their oaths of office and defending America from grave danger by voting to impeach President Donald Trump.Over at Twitter today, politics writer James Bovard calls rubbish on this morality play taking place in the House. In one tweet he shows the absurdity of the impeachment vote. Bovard writes: If Trump, instead of calling the Ukraine president,...

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Can Recep the Magnificent Sort Out Libya?

Can Recep the Magnificent Sort Out Libya?

This title is not intended to trivialize the very serious nature of the deadly conflict in Libya; the situation is an ever-escalating humanitarian disaster, and has been since US State and NATO destroyed the country in 2011. On December 14th an air cargo transport of Belgian FN arms from Ostend was supplied to Misrata rebels by a United Arab Emirates contractor. Whether the UAE weapons shipment was contracted to undertake an uprising in Misrata prior to Erdogan's clash with Tobruk (Haftar) and...

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