RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

Featured Articles

Rep. Thomas Massie Rebukes House Leadership for Pushing Lobbyists-and-Deep State-Drafted PATRIOT Act Reauthorization Bill

Speaking today on the United States House of Representatives floor, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) discussed how a committee markup of legislation dealing with reauthorization of USA PATRIOT Act provisions was terminated so the final bill could be drafted in a “backroom” by parties including “lobbyists and the deep state” and then rushed to the House floor for a vote. Massie explains in his speech that the bill to be considered today on the House floor — much sooner than regular House rules...

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This Is a Test: How Will the Constitution Fare During a Nationwide Lockdown?

This Is a Test: How Will the Constitution Fare During a Nationwide Lockdown?

This is a test. This is not a test of our commitment to basic hygiene or disaster preparedness or our ability to come together as a nation in times of crisis, although we’re not doing so well on any of those fronts. No, what is about to unfold over the next few weeks is a test to see how well we have assimilated the government’s lessons in compliance, fear, and police state tactics; a test to see how quickly we’ll march in lockstep with the government’s dictates, no questions asked; and a test...

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This Is a Test: How Will the Constitution Fare During a Nationwide Lockdown?

Douma Whistleblowers Respond to OPCW’s Attacks

Two whistleblowers that have been speaking out about a scandal within the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) have responded to the organization’s attempts to discredit them. The OPCW has been doing some serious damage control over its investigation into a chemical attack that allegedly took place in Douma, Syria on April 7th 2018. New revelations from The Grayzone and journalist Peter Hitchens severely undermine the OPCW’s attack on the brave whistleblowers. Leaked...

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This Is a Test: How Will the Constitution Fare During a Nationwide Lockdown?

Old Ideas in New Bottles

Numerous so-called “front groups” operate in the United States. A front group is very simply an organization that pretends to have a certain program while at the same time using that identity as cover to promote a hidden agenda that is something quite different, often opposed to what is being said publicly. The Global Climate Coalition is, for example, an organization funded by fossil fuel providers that works to deny climate change and other related issues. The Groundwater Protection Council...

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Joe Biden: Father of the Drug War's Asset Forfeiture Program

Joe Biden: Father of the Drug War's Asset Forfeiture Program

In 1991, Maui police officers showed up at the home of Frances and Joseph Lopes. One officer showed his badge and said, “Let’s go into the house, and we will explain things to you.” Once he was inside, the explanation was simple: “We’re taking the house.” The Lopses were far from wealthy. They worked on a sugar plantation for nearly fifty years, living in camp housing, to save up enough money to buy a modest, middle-class home. But in 1987, their son Thomas was caught with marijuana. He was...

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This Is a Test: How Will the Constitution Fare During a Nationwide Lockdown?

Central Banking is Socialism

Last week, the Federal Reserve responded to Wall Street’s coronavirus panic with an “emergency” interest rate cut. This emergency cut failed to revive the stock market, leading to predictions that the Fed will again cut rates later this month.More rate cuts would drive interest rates to near, or even below, zero. Lowering interest rates punishes people for saving, thus encouraging consumers and businesses to spend every penny they make. This may give the economy a short-term boost. But, it...

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This Is a Test: How Will the Constitution Fare During a Nationwide Lockdown?

Inside the World Uyghur Congress: The US-Backed Right-Wing Regime Change Network Seeking the ‘Fall of China’

In recent years, few stories have generated as much outrage in the West as the condition of Uyghur Muslims in China. Reporting on the issue is typically represented through seemingly spontaneous leaks of information and expressions of resistance by Uyghur human rights activists struggling to be heard against a tyrannical Chinese government. True or not, nearly everything that appears in Western media accounts of China’s Uyghur Muslims is the product of a carefully conceived media campaign...

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This Is a Test: How Will the Constitution Fare During a Nationwide Lockdown?

Lift the US Embargo on Cuba

The US embargo on Cuba has been in effect for 60 years. It’s time to end it. The embargo makes it a criminal offense for any American to spend money in Cuba or to do business in Cuba. If an American travels to Cuba and spends money there or does business there, he is subject to criminal prosecution, conviction, fine, and imprisonment by his own government upon his return to the United States. The purpose of the embargo is regime change. The idea is to squeeze the Cuban people economically with...

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New Putin-Erdogan Deal is Sugar-Coating the Turks’ Surrender

New Putin-Erdogan Deal is Sugar-Coating the Turks’ Surrender

This week’s meeting between Presidents Putin and Erdogan in Moscow was cast as preventing a war between Russia and Turkey in Syria. War, however, was never on the horizon. Putin called Erdogan’s bluff, and the Turk folded. Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Erdogan, accompanied by their respective senior national security advisers, met in Moscow on March 5. The purpose of this emergency summit was to negotiate the terms of a ceasefire that would bring an end to heavy...

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Joe Biden: Father of the Drug War's Asset Forfeiture Program

The Salisbury Poisonings Two Years On: A Riddle, Wrapped in a Cover Up, Inside a Hoax

I’ve said some stupid things in my time, but up there with the best of them was a comment I uttered to my wife on the morning of Tuesday 6th March 2018. The previous night the news had broken that an ex-spy by the name of Sergei Skripal had apparently been one of two people hospitalised on the Sunday afternoon on a bench in The Maltings in Salisbury. At that time the opioid, Fentanyl, was thought to be connected to it. Was this about to be a huge international story? Or was it going to soon be...

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Quincy Conference: A 'Seat at the Table'…or a Kick in the Teeth?

Quincy Conference: A 'Seat at the Table'…or a Kick in the Teeth?

This article originally appeared as a special update to RPI subscribers. Subscribe for free here.I hesitate to write this, as I am a fan of the Libertarian Institute. But one of their recent articles has me scratching my head. And though I have never named them before in a critical piece, I notice that one of my articles is linked in their article so I believe I should set the record straight because the topic is so critically important to our movement. The article in question, "The Quincy...

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This Is a Test: How Will the Constitution Fare During a Nationwide Lockdown?

Coronavirus vs. the Mass Surveillance State: Which Poses the Greater Threat?

“If, as it seems, we are in the process of becoming a totalitarian society in which the state apparatus is all-powerful, the ethics most important for the survival of the true, free, human individual would be: cheat, lie, evade, fake it, be elsewhere, forge documents, build improved electronic gadgets in your garage that’ll outwit the gadgets used by the authorities.” —Philip K. Dick Emboldened by the citizenry’s inattention and willingness to tolerate its abuses, the government has weaponized...

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This Is a Test: How Will the Constitution Fare During a Nationwide Lockdown?

The Myth of Moderate Nuclear War

There are many influential supporters of nuclear war, and some of these contend that the use of "low-yield" and/or short-range weapons is practicable without the possibility of escalation to all-out Armageddon. In a way their argument is comparable to that of the band of starry-eyed optimists who thought, apparently seriously, that there could be such a beast as a "moderate rebel." In October 2013 the Washington Post reported that “The CIA is expanding a clandestine effort to train opposition...

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This Is a Test: How Will the Constitution Fare During a Nationwide Lockdown?

Some Thoughts on Idlib Dawn

The seesaw events of the last few days can be examined from the political dancing and posturing of the major players and from the combatants’ maneuvers on the battlefield. Obviously there is a lot of interplay between the two, but I think it is the soldiers who are driving this train rather than the politicians. I'm also way more comfortable at the grazing fire level than wallowing among the political class. The SAA still is composed of a few well trained, well led and well equipped combined...

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This Is a Test: How Will the Constitution Fare During a Nationwide Lockdown?

MIT Study Finds No Evidence of Fraud in Bolivian Election That Resulted in a Coup

Back in November 2019, former Bolivian President Evo Morales was ousted in a coup after claims of election fraud from the Organization for American States (OAS). A new MIT study into the October 20th presidential election does not support the conclusions of the OAS and casts further doubt on the already flimsy claims. Much damage has already been done, Morales fled the country, members of his Movimento al Socialismo (MAS) party have been arrested, and dozens of his supporters were shot and...

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This Is a Test: How Will the Constitution Fare During a Nationwide Lockdown?

Can the Fed Save Us from Climate Change?

The 1978 Humphrey-Hawkins Act requires the Federal Reserve to “promote” stable prices and full employment. Of course, the Fed’s steady erosion of the dollar’s purchasing power has made prices anything but stable, while the boom-and-bust cycle created by the Fed ensures that periods of low unemployment will not last for long. Despite the difficulties the Fed faces fulfilling its “dual mandate,” Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell recently announced a new Fed mandate: to protect the financial...

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Peace & Prosperity Blog

Al-Qaeda, Our Ally?

Al-Qaeda, Our Ally?

Generally speaking, if one were to argue that the US foreign policy elites secretly back al-Qaeda, that person would be accused of extreme stupidity and of wallowing in the...

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