The 1978 Humphrey-Hawkins Act requires the Federal Reserve to “promote” stable prices and full employment. Of course, the Fed’s steady erosion of the dollar’s purchasing power has made prices anything but stable, while the boom-and-bust cycle created by the Fed ensures that periods of low unemployment will not last for long. Despite the difficulties the Fed faces fulfilling its “dual mandate,” Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell recently announced a new Fed mandate: to protect the financial...
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Peace & Prosperity Blog
Ukraine’s American Finance Minister Asks John McCain for Weapons
When the US-installed government of Ukraine went shopping for a finance minister last year, it found an American woman who had not only spent a good deal of time in Ukraine but...
Ron Paul: ‘NATO’s an Entangling Alliance We’d Be Better Off Without’
Speaking Monday on the Alan Colmes Show, Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity Chairman Ron Paul discussed the danger the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) poses to...
More Repercussions From US/European Militarism
Over the weekend, a ship filled with migrants capsized off the coast of Libya. Hundreds of people, fleeing from the Middle East and Africa were reported to be on this ship and...
US to Widely Export Killer Drones
Here’s one of those “Now what could possibility go wrong?” stories. Drones for Everyone Reversing years of restricted sales of America’s robot drone killers, the Obama...
US Military Lands in Ukraine
Paratroopers from Army's 173rd Airborne Brigade en route to Ukraine.Paratroopers from the US Army's 173rd Airborne Brigade have arrived in Ukraine to begin training that...
Ending Vaccination Mandate Exemptions in Australia and the US
Under a new government policy announced by Australia Prime Minister Tony Abbott, many Australian families are respectively facing the denial of thousands of dollars in welfare...
Canadian Cowards, Yemen Unraveling – McAdams and Taylor Week in Review
Sen. Tom Cotton ignores history, urges bombing of Iranian families on US pro-family radio. Canadian symphony president bans Ukrainian pianist for holding "wrong" views of west...
Gov. Charlie Baker Applauds US Government Circumventing State Law to Execute Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
Massachusetts does not have a death penalty. It has not had one for over thirty years — since the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled in 1984 that the state’s death...
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