This year’s presidential election is the fourth since 2000 to be marred by either widespread allegations of voter fraud or of foreign interference. Politicians and pundits have long counted on elections to wave a magic wand of legitimacy over the reign of whoever is designated the winner. But Americans are increasingly wondering if the endlessly-trumped “consent of the governed” has become simply another sham to keep them paying and obeying. Twenty years ago, America was in the throes of a...
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Peace & Prosperity Blog
Ron Paul: Prohibiting Remittances to Mexico ‘Sounds Like Theft’
Ron Paul, the former United States presidential candidate and Republican member of the US House of Representatives from Texas, strongly condemned on Wednesday presidential...
United States Maintains Banking Sanctions Against Iran
Despite the lifting of international sanctions against Iran earlier this year, the United States government intends to continue denying Iranian companies access to the US...
Merle Haggard’s Peace Song ‘America First’
Merle Haggard, who died today, will be remembered with appreciation by many people for his songs over the decades. Among those songs is “America First.” Ron Paul Institute for...
See Ron Paul at a Conference This Year? A Few Generous Donors Can Make It Happen!
How about a Ron Paul Institute (RPI) conference this year? Ron Paul, RPI’s chairman, is excited about the idea. Of course, he would be a featured speaker at the conference. The...
Dozens, Maybe Hundreds, Smoke Marijuana in Front of White House; Two Fined $25 Each
Saturday saw marijuana prohibition protestors walking through the United States capital city to outside the White House. Once there, dozens — maybe hundreds — of the protestors...
They’re at it Again: Pentagon Training New Syrian Rebels
Official White House Photo by Pete SouzaYou know the old saying: if at first you don't succeed, keep trying the same dumb thing over and over and wonder why you are still not...
School Bus Bombing?
The CIA was allegedly engaged in a training exercise in suburban Virginia, which required real plastic explosives in a real school bus. Then it “forgot” them and returned the bus...
Five Minutes Five Issues: Sanders Wins, Obama Clemencies, Chief Rabbis, Stacked Hearing, Phone Privacy
A new episode of Five Minutes Five Issues posted today. You can listen to it, and read a transcript, below. You can also find previous episodes of the show at Stitcher, iTunes,...
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