A new and rapidly growing journalistic “beat” has arisen over the last several years that can best be described as an unholy mix of junior high hall-monitor tattling and Stasi-like citizen surveillance. It is half adolescent and half malevolent. Its primary objectives are control, censorship, and the destruction of reputations for fun and power. Though its epicenter is the largest corporate media outlets, it is the very antithesis of journalism. I’ve written before about one particularly toxic...
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Peace & Prosperity Blog
Ron Paul: Currency Destruction Funds Wars
Ron Paul, who regularly challenged Federal Reserve Board chairmen as a member of the US House of Representatives' Financial Services Committee, continues to describe the problems...
‘Why They Didn’t Fire Is A Mystery’ – Coup Pilots Had Erdogan’s Plane In Their Sights And Did Nothing
Looking back at the failed Turkish coup, one question that nobody has been able to answer is why, if the coup was indeed a serious attempt at government overthrow, did the...
Five Minutes Five Issues: Anti-Trump ACLU, 28 Pages, Africa Intervention, Government Schools, Busy Cops
A new episode of Five Minutes Five Issues posted on Friday. You can listen to it, and read a transcript, below. You can also find previous episodes of the show at Stitcher,...
Judge Andrew Napolitano: ‘Reprehensible’ to Label Black Lives Matter as Terrorist Group
Speaking this week with host Jamie Allman on 97.1 FM radio in St. Louis, Missouri, former New Jersey state Judge Andrew Napolitano said it would be “reprehensible” to label Black...
Ron Paul: No Matter the Presidential Race Outcome, the US Is Going the Way of the USSR
Three-time presidential candidate Ron Paul, interviewed Tuesday on Fox Business, suggested that in the 2016 presidential race, in which Paul is not supporting any candidate,...
Dallas Violence: Wave Of The Future?
In recent shooting attacks, Republicans have wanted to blame "violent jihad" and Democrats have wanted to blame guns. The Dallas shooting has upset this scenario to a degree. Was...
Ron Paul on the Drug War, Federal Reserve, and Killing of Dallas Cops
To understand the conditions in America that can contribute to tensions with police and even potentially individuals being motivated to kill cops as occurred in Dallas, Texas on...
The Kiev Matrix Doesn’t Work in Dallas
During the protests in Dallas, a former soldier opened fire at the police, killing five. The same thing happened two and a half years ago in Kiev, when a hundred people,...
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