Featured Articles

Winner and Losers in the Ukraine Crisis

Winner and Losers in the Ukraine Crisis

Let’s examine winners and losers in the Ukraine crisis. Let’s start with the losers. The biggest loser are the people of Ukraine. They are being killed, injured, and maimed by the Russian invasion of their country. The invasion is also destroying their homes, businesses, and, well, their entire country.  The Ukrainian people are also the big losers because of the person they have as their president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Yes, I know, the US mainstream press compares Zelenskyy to George...

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Stop the Crazy War in Ukraine

Stop the Crazy War in Ukraine

The brazenly biased western media is giving us the impression that the Ukraine fighting is some sort of sports competition. Russia’s media, now shamefully silenced in the west by the banning of Russia Today and Sputnik News, portrays the so far modest war in Ukraine as a renewed struggle against WWII fascism. Both views are totally wrong. In reality, Moscow has been complaining about the West’s meddling in Ukraine for over 14 years. Russian forces are now waging a slow-motion offensive against...

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Revenge of the Putin-Nazis!

Revenge of the Putin-Nazis!

(n.b. - some strong language)And they’re back! It’s like one of those 1960s Hammer Film Productions horror-movie series with Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee … Return of the Putin-Nazis! Revenge of the Putin-Nazis! Return of the Revenge of the Bride of the Putin-Nazis! And this time they are not horsing around with stealing elections from Hillary Clinton with anti-masturbation Facebook ads. They are going straight for “Democracy’s” jugular! Yes, that’s right, folks, Vladimir Putin, leader of...

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The War From TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome)

The War From TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome)

Hear us out here. The Donald himself is the approximate casus belli of the World War III prelude now raging in Ukraine, reminding us once again that sometimes history morphs in the strangest ways. But the truth is, Trump single-handed generated such a deep, intense and irrational wave of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) in the Imperial City that Washington—berserk with anti-Putin hysteria—essentially shoved Cool Hand Vlad right over the brink. To to be sure, before Trump came down the...

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Is Putin the New Coronavirus?

President Biden’s “maskless” State of the Union signifies the near-end of the COVID tyranny we have lived under for the past two years. Fortunately for Congress, the President, and the Federal Reserve, the Ukraine-Russia conflict is replacing COVID as a ready-made excuse for their failures and a justification for expanding their power.Even before politicians began declaring the end of the pandemic, polls showed that rising prices were the people’s top concern - particularly the increase in gas...

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Americans have no obligation to sacrifice for the war in Ukraine

Ukraine Mania is the successor to COVID Mania. No questions asked! In March of 2020, we were told it was an act of incredible selfishness to want to continue to simply lives our as free human beings. COVID-19 was to be taken very seriously. So seriously, in fact, that the ruling class told us that not taking COVID seriously (and adhering to the draconian edicts of politicians) meant you were a bad citizen, and likely complicit in the potential death of everyone’s grandma. This notion of...

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Russia and Ukraine

Russia and Ukraine

Suppose that Brazil had invaded a relatively peaceful United States several times in the last century. The foreign policy of the latter country would surely be to arrange for a cordon sanitaire south of its border. That would pretty much be the be all and end all of its international endeavors. But posit that the Brazilians set up a CATO (Central American Treaty Organization). They successively enrolled in it Columbia, then Panama, then Costa Rica, then Nicaragua, then El Salvador, Honduras,...

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Where’s Fauci? Infamous bureaucrat now relegated to obscure shows and local TV

Where’s Fauci? Infamous bureaucrat now relegated to obscure shows and local TV

If you’re looking for the infamous Dr Anthony Fauci, you might want to check your local television stations, or some random YouTube channels, because the man has seemingly joined the primetime cable milk carton.  COVID Mania has become deeply unpopular with the American people, and a Democratic polling firm recently convinced the Biden Administration and its allies in Congress to drop the hysteria. With midterms around the corner, and trouble raging in Eastern Europe, it was time to put the...

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Russia-Ukraine War: A Different Invasion, the West’s Same ‘Madman’ Script

Russia-Ukraine War: A Different Invasion, the West’s Same ‘Madman’ Script

How convenient for western leaders that every time another country defies the West’s projection of power, the western media can agree on one thing: that the foreign government in question is led by a madman, a psychopath or a megalomaniac. At a drop of a hat, western leaders are absolved of guilt or even responsibility for the terrible events that unfold. The West remains virtuous, simply a victim of the world’s madmen. Nothing the West did was a provocation. Nothing they could have done would...

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How the Narcotic of Defense Spending Undermines a Sensible Grand Strategy

How the Narcotic of Defense Spending Undermines a Sensible Grand Strategy

The MICC’s grand-strategic chickens are coming home to roost big time. While war is bad, the Russo-Ukrainian War has the champagne corks quietly popping in the Pentagon, on K Street, in the defense industry, and throughout the halls of Congress. Taxpayers are going to be paying for their party for a long time. It is no accident that the United States is on the cusp of the Second Cold War. Future historians may well view the last 30 years as a case study in the institutional survival of the...

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Why Wouldn’t the US Negotiate With Putin?

Why Wouldn’t the US Negotiate With Putin?

It’s of course possible that Vladimir Putin was always hell-bent on invading Ukraine, that his decision was taken months if not years ago, and that no diplomatic intervention would have made any difference. Yes, that is possible. But it is also the case that the only country capable of making any difference in addressing the “security” concerns Putin claimed were driving his behavior — and thus, the only relevant diplomatic player in the situation — was the US. Many have pointed out that...

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Ukraine: Why the Pentagon and the CIA Hate Julian Assange

Ukraine: Why the Pentagon and the CIA Hate Julian Assange

As most everyone knows, the hatred that US officials have for Julian Assange has no bounds. For years, they have relentlessly and obsessively done everything they can to destroy, isolate, persecute, prosecute, incarcerate, torture, and hound the guy to death. They have even contemplated assassinating him through their omnipotent, dark-side, non-reviewable power of assassination, a power that the US national-security establishment wields and exercises on a regular basis without any interference...

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Will Ukraine Crisis Backfire On America?

As the Russian attack on Ukraine continues, there are more and more moves in the US to weaponize banking and money itself in an attempt to "punish" Russia for its aggression. Some cooler heads are recognizing that the "sanction everything" hot heads may be producing some unintended consequences back home. Crypto users and fans should also be worried. Watch today's Liberty Report:

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Zelensky’s Saakashvili Moment

In 2008 as then-president of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili realized that his attack on Russian peacekeepers and civilians in South Ossetia had elicited a Russian military response that ended up with the Russian army practically knocking on his door in Tbilisi, he infamously appeared on a BBC interview voraciously chewing his necktie. It demonstrated to the world that the plucky US-educated leader who dared take on the Russian bear for the sake of "democracy" was in fact an unhinged and unstable...

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It All Comes Back to NATO

It All Comes Back to NATO

When the Bush Administration announced in 2008 that Ukraine and Georgia would be eligible for NATO membership, I knew it was a terrible idea. Nearly two decades after the end of both the Warsaw Pact and the Cold War, expanding NATO made no sense. NATO itself made no sense. Explaining my “no” vote on a bill to endorse the expansion, I said at the time: NATO is an organization whose purpose ended with the end of its Warsaw Pact adversary… This current round of NATO expansion is a political...

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War Propaganda About Ukraine Becoming More Militaristic, Authoritarian, and Reckless

War Propaganda About Ukraine Becoming More Militaristic, Authoritarian, and Reckless

In the weeks leading up to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, those warning of the possible dangers of U.S. involvement were assured that such concerns were baseless. The prevailing line insisted that nobody in Washington is even considering let alone advocating that the U.S. become militarily involved in a conflict with Russia. That the concern was based not on the belief that the U.S. would actively seek such a war, but rather on the oft-unintended consequences of being swamped with war...

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Peace & Prosperity Blog

What is Driving New Drive for AUMF?

What is Driving New Drive for AUMF?

After years of sitting back and letting Congressional authority to declare war transfer to the Executive Branch, it appears that some leading Members of the House and Senate are...

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Hypersonic War

Was Russian President Vladimir Putin's recent speech, in which he highlighted several new "unstoppable" weapons systems, just electioneering? Was it an explicit threat to the US?...

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