Featured Articles

Is Russia Really the Aggressor in Ukraine?

Is Russia Really the Aggressor in Ukraine?

If you haven’t received the memo, the U.S. government is vitally interested in you seeing the Russian invasion of Ukraine one way and one way only: Russia is the aggressor due to its “unprovoked” invasion of a sovereign country. Ukraine must be supported by NATO with every economic and financial “tool” in its toolbox to punish Russia for this lawless act.It is your duty as an upright and moral person to suffer the economic consequences of these sanctions because, “that is who we are.”It is...

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The Fog of Information War in Ukraine

The Fog of Information War in Ukraine

The Western intelligence apparatus has been busy in Ukraine. With financing and collaboration through various non-governmental organizations, it won the information war with the help of Ukrainian media before Russia ever fired a shot in February. Even the country’s newest publications, like the Kyiv Independent, have received support and funding from institutions associated with the Central Intelligence Agency.In most cases, these outlets have propagandized to the beat of the West’s war drums...

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All the idiocy of Covid and vaccine mandates in one neat package

All the idiocy of Covid and vaccine mandates in one neat package

On Sunday, Kyrie Irving decided to watch a basketball game in Brooklyn.And all heck broke loose.In case you don’t know, Irving plays basketball for the Brooklyn Nets (my favorite team, from back when their home was a parking lot in New Jersey). He’s very good. He has maybe the best “handle” - ability to dribble - in the world.Irving is also an odd duck. He made news in 2018 for saying he thought the earth might be flat.Last year Irving decided he needed time off mid-season because he was upset...

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The Supreme Court Uses Twisted Logic to Protect US Agents Committing Torture

The Supreme Court Uses Twisted Logic to Protect US Agents Committing Torture

The Supreme Court declared last week that Americans have no right to learn the grisly details of CIA torture because the CIA has never formally confessed its crimes. The verdict symbolizes how the rule of law has become little more than a form of legal mumbo-jumbo to shroud official crimes. Why should anyone expect justice from a Supreme Court that covers up torture? In 2002, the CIA captured Abu Zubaydah, a Palestinian radical, in Pakistan, mistakenly believing he was a kingpin with al-Qaeda....

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Erasing history: Big Tech's campaign to mop up 2 years of COVID tyranny

Erasing history: Big Tech's campaign to mop up 2 years of COVID tyranny

Some two years into COVID Mania, it appears that the forces for COVID tyranny have abandoned their failed war on a virus, at least for now. But they still can’t give up on the reality that it was all for nothing. They can’t acknowledge that the people in charge of society got everything they wanted, and ended up destroying hundreds of millions of lives, with nothing beneficial (at least for decent people) to show for it. There have now been dozens and dozens of high profile detractors from the...

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Is Washington Fighting Russia Down to the Last Ukrainian?

Is Washington Fighting Russia Down to the Last Ukrainian?

As the Russian invasion of Ukraine moves past its third week, there are slight hopes that negotiations between the two sides may soon produce a ceasefire. But with the shrill warmongering talk in Washington, it almost seems like the US government would hate to see that happen.Congress and the US Administration seem determined to drag the United States into a war with Russia over Ukraine. Senator Lindsay Graham is openly calling for someone to kill the Russian president and many in the US House...

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Leading to War in Ukraine?

Leading to War in Ukraine?

The whole idea of boycotting Russian vodka reminds too much of “freedom fries” from Gulf War II. It seems stupid and silly until you realize we are stupid and silly and this is how we are led to war. The tsunami of pro-Ukrainian propaganda is only matched by its transparency. The Ghost of Kiev was crafted out of an aircraft computer game. The Ukrainians on that island who would rather die than surrender surrendered. The supermodels joining the army are holding toy rifles. Zelensky is Where’s...

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Know your Ally

Know your Ally

Know Your Enemy” is a standard invocation in wartime. But, if clear-eyed appreciation of an opponent and his intentions is obviously necessary, shouldn’t “Know Your Ally” be equally imperative? Even when war has become a spectator sport for Westerners, rejoicing in killing Putin with their mouths in cyberspace and joyously kicking Russian cripples out of the paralympics, there is a real conflict going on which is horrendous for Ukrainians, which also has serious implications even for us...

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How Solid Are US War Guarantees?

How Solid Are US War Guarantees?

When several NATO nations revealed that they had dozens of Russian-made MiG-29s, the idea arose to fly them to Ukraine and turn them over to Ukrainian pilots familiar with the MiGs. America would provide F-16s to replace the MiGs. Poland had an even better idea. Warsaw would fly its 27 MiG fighter jets to the U.S. Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany. The planes would be turned over to the Americans there, repainted and flown to Ukraine. How to get the MiGs to Ukraine’s pilots would be left to...

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Sanctions Kill Innocent People and Also Destroy Our Liberty

Sanctions Kill Innocent People and Also Destroy Our Liberty

While American statists are cheering the US government’s sanctions on Russia, 71-year-old John Hanick shows us how the cheers are also for the destruction of the rights and liberties of the American people. That’s because US officials have just charged Hanick, who is an American citizen who once worked at Fox News as a director, with a federal criminal offense for violating US sanctions on Russia. Hanick now faces up to 20 years in a federal penitentiary, not to mention of course, that he will...

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VAERS myocarditis already 47% of 2021 in just first 2 months of 2022

VAERS myocarditis already 47% of 2021 in just first 2 months of 2022

One of the most criminal aspects of the COVID regime was the decision to pressure low-risk teens into getting a shot that was known to cause cardiac inflammation. Myocarditis used to be a rare disorder discussed mainly in academic literature, but now it is everywhere. What have we done to a generation of young hearts, and what is being done to detect, diagnose, and treat the problem? Unless we can find an angle that ties in to Ukraine, our politicians, media, and medical establishment don’t...

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How Thin is Support in the US House for Peace and Trade with Russia? 17 Votes.

How Thin is Support in the US House for Peace and Trade with Russia? 17 Votes.

Seventeen votes from among 433 United States House of Representatives members. That is all the support for peace or free trade with Russia that was on display in the House on Wednesday when the House passed the Suspending Energy Imports from Russia Act (HR 6968) by a vote of 414 to 17, with two members not voting. As the bill’s name suggest, the bill prohibits the importing into America of a wide range of Russian petroleum and other natural resources products. In addition, the bill directs the...

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Will Poland Sacrifice Itself Again for a Global Empire Risking World War?

Will Poland Sacrifice Itself Again for a Global Empire Risking World War?

On Tuesday, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken told Face the Nation the US would “greenlight” Poland sending fighter jets to Ukraine. Later in the day, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby issued a statement indicating it would not allow Poland to use the US Ramstein AFB as the middleman for this transfer. However, Kirby also said, “the decision about whether to transfer Polish-owned planes to Ukraine is ultimately one for the Polish government.” Apparently, the Pentagon recognizes fighter jets sent...

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Forget About Covid, They Say

Forget About Covid, They Say

Earlier this year, a phrase was trending because Bari Weiss used it on a talk show: “I’m done with Covid.” Many people cheered simply because the subject has been the source of vast oppression for billions of people for two years.  There are two ways to be over Covid.  One way is to do what the memo from the consultants of the Democratic National Committee suggested: declare the war won and move on. For political reasons.  Deaths attributed to Covid nationally are higher now than they were in...

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Welcome to the controlled demolition of American energy

Welcome to the controlled demolition of American energy

Welcome to the controlled demolition of American energy, or as our ruling class alludes to it, the “energy transition.” Since the beginning of the Biden presidency, there have been competing forces in the White House going back and forth over the energy future for America. On one side, you had somewhat rational minds that recognized the necessity of continuing to produce reliable energy in America. On the other side, there are the forces for the regression of human civilization, arguing that...

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