Ron Paul was not the chairman of a full committee and he did not hold a party leadership position during his 23 years in the United States House of Representatives. Neither was Paul focused in the House on expanding the use of government power via legislation....
Peace and Prosperity Blog
Mexico President Says ‘Pass’ on Coronavirus Vaccine
by Adam Dick | Apr 6, 2021 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Mexico President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has distinguished himself among top national political leaders across the world by not freaking out over coronavirus. Instead, López Obrador has gone his own way with actions including choosing to usually not wear a mask...
Talking Vaccine Passports and Coronavirus Crackdowns
by Adam Dick | Apr 4, 2021 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
On Saturday, I was a guest at KFAR radio in Fairbanks, Alaska. The in-depth interview with hosts Joshua Bennett, Michael Anderson, and David Giessel started with discussion of my March 30 article “The Vaccine Passport Propaganda Template” and then moved on to other...
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Signs Executive Order Prohibiting Vaccine Passports
by Adam Dick | Apr 2, 2021 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
On March 19, I wrote about Florida Governor Ron DeSantis speaking out strongly against vaccine passport mandates, which are being considered in America in the name of countering coronavirus. Here is an update. On Friday, DeSantis signed an executive order to make...
‘Three Stooges’ Mistake Contaminates Up To 15 Million Doses of Coronavirus Vaccine
by Adam Dick | Apr 1, 2021 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
This is like something out of a Three Stooges movie. “Human error” is being blamed for contamination of Johnson & Johnson experimental coronavirus vaccine being produced at a Baltimore, Maryland, manufacturing plant that resulted in 15 million doses having to be...
The Libertarian Approach to Coronavirus
by Adam Dick | Mar 27, 2021 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
What is the libertarian approach to coronavirus? Like the libertarian approach to many things, the libertarian approach to coronavirus can be summed up in the French phrase laissez-faire. Several decades back, Ayn Rand told an illustrative story about the...
Rutgers Says Students Must Be Vaccinated Before They Can Come to the Campus in Fall
by Robert Wenzel | Mar 26, 2021 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
COVID authoritarianism has hit the university level. Rutgers University, in New Jersey, announced Thursday that all students would need to be fully vaccinated against the coronavirus before they would be allowed to return to campus in the fall. “Adding COVID-19...
Hitting the Ground Running…or Just Hitting the Ground? RPI’s Daniel McAdams on Biden Foreign Policy Disasters
by RPI Staff | Mar 20, 2021 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
RPI Director Daniel McAdams joined the News, Views, Hughes program on RT America to discuss the recent firebomb dropped by President Biden on already-dismal US/Russia relations. Calling his Russian counterpart a "soulless killer" was not the best representation of his...
Gov. Ron DeSantis Opposes Vaccine Passports in Florida
by Adam Dick | Mar 19, 2021 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Good for Governor Ron DeSantis. In sharp contrast with New York Governor Andrew Cuomo who recently imposed “vaccine passport” requirements for people in New York to attend certain events, DeSantis is standing up for freedom and against the imposing of vaccine...
No, President Biden, We Are Not the Government
by Adam Dick | Mar 15, 2021 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
People who desire the protection of freedom from overreaching government have much to be concerned about in President Joe Biden’s Thursday speech focused on coronavirus and coronavirus-related government actions. Yet, likely the most dangerous to freedom proposition...
Coronavirus Crackdown Madness at the Alaska State Senate
by Adam Dick | Mar 11, 2021 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Over the last few weeks, coronavirus crackdown mandates, including mask wearing requirements, have been rolled back in several states. But, in Alaska, the state Senate is proceeding with a looney and pernicious crackdown on one of its own members because she has not...
Oh Well, I May Not Watch a Texas Rangers Game This Year Either
by Adam Dick | Mar 11, 2021 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
I’ve enjoyed watching the occasional Texas Rangers game at the team’s Arlington, Texas, stadium over the last few years — until Major League Baseball, along with much of the rest of America, went off the rails in a supposed effort to counter coronavirus. After reading...
RPI’s Daniel McAdams: ‘No one wants to be the last person on the sinking ship of lockdowns and mask mandates’
by RPI Staff | Mar 10, 2021 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
RPI Director Daniel McAdams joins RT America's In Question program to discuss today's lifting of the Texas mask mandate and all occupancy restrictions on Texas businesses. Is it too soon? Will it end in disaster? Or should Texas Governor Greg Abbott have never shut...
Lew Rockwell: Stop the US Government’s Murders
by Adam Dick | Mar 7, 2021 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Lew Rockwell does not hold back in his recent interview at RT. Rockwell, who founded the Ludwig von Mises Institute and runs the website, calls out the United States government for its murdering of people around the world, both directly through means...
Governor Andrew Cuomo Imposes Vaccination Passports in New York
by Adam Dick | Mar 4, 2021 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Some politicians can’t stop coming up with new ways of bossing people around and preventing the return of normal life, all in the name of countering coronavirus. A prime example of such coronavirus tyrants is New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. This week, Cuomo, who has...
Reports of Deaths and Injuries After Taking Experimental Coronavirus Vaccines Keep Coming In
by Adam Dick | Mar 2, 2021 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Government and big money media continue trumpeting the message that everyone should take experimental coronavirus vaccines. They also continue downplaying or not mentioning even the risks the government and drug companies admit come with taking the experimental...
Pentagon Announces $125 Million in Military Aid for Ukraine
by Dave DeCamp | Mar 2, 2021 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
On Monday, the Pentagon announced a $125 million military aid package for Ukraine. The $125 million package includes two armed Mark VI patrol boats, giving Ukraine a total of eight such vessels provided by the US. The Pentagon said the package also includes...
Medical Experts Call for ‘Immunity Nights’
by Robert Wenzel | Feb 27, 2021 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
The Washington Post has published an op-ed by Dorry Segev and Marty Makar, professors at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and Bloomberg School of Public Health.Because they apparently understand some medicine, Segev and Makar feel comfortable throwing out some...
Truth Slips Out in Coronavirus Vaccine Deaths ‘Fact Check’?
by Adam Dick | Feb 17, 2021 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
The big money media that have been working for a year to stir up maximum fear of coronavirus have been taking the opposite tack regarding coronavirus vaccines. These experimental vaccines, which are not even vaccines under the normal understanding of what qualifies as...
Biden Removes ‘We the People’ Petitioning From White House Website
by Eric Garris | Feb 16, 2021 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
It appears that the "We the People" petition system has been taken off the White House website. Here is an archive of what it looked like before Biden took office. The system has been around for many years. At any given time, hundreds of petitions were active. If you...
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- Shut Down the Department of Education!by Ron Paul
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