RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

The Liberty Report

War Drums: US Diplomats Ordered Home From Venezuela

Secretary of State Pompeo has ordered all US diplomats to return from Venezuela. Their presence in country is “constraining” US foreign policy, he says. Is this the pre-cursor to a US attack? What about the power outages in Venezuela? A US cyber-attack? Are the neocons about to pull the trigger? Former US Diplomat and Senior Advisor to Senate Republicans Jim Jatras joins today’s Liberty Report:

Manafort To Jail – Not About Justice; Not About Russia

Former Trump campaign official Paul Manafort has been sentenced to nearly four years in prison for acting as an unregistered agent for Ukraine. But looking at the media coverage of the case one would never know that “taking down” Manafort was not all about Russia collusion. Reporting…or propaganda? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Did The NSA Kill Its Program To Spy On Us…Or Upgrade It?

A surprise revelation from a staffer in House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s (R-CA) office has everyone talking about whether the NSA has really ended its metadata collection of our phone calls and texts, which was authorized by the 2015 USA FREEDOM Act. They say they no longer need the data collection allowed by the Act. Is it true…or have they developed something else? Tune in to the Liberty Report…

Is John Bolton The New Dick Cheney?

President George W. Bush’s vice president, Dick Cheney, is widely seen as the “real” president when it came to implementing an aggressive, neocon-approved foreign policy. Bush was seen as incurious putty in Cheney’s hands. Has Trump’s National Security Advisor John Bolton taken on that role in this Administration? Is Bolton the new Cheney? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Guaido Not Arrested In Venezuela – Rubio And Bolton Outraged!

US neocons Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), Vice President Pence, and National Security Advisor John Bolton were all itching to see the Maduro government arrest US-appointed “president” of Venezuela Juan Guaido when he returned from his tour of US-friendly Latin American countries. They had all sprung a trap and it all depended on the Venezuelan government arresting Guaido. But Maduro did not fall for the bait. This is the second US coup attempt that has failed in the last month. What will be the neocons’ V-Coup 3.0? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

US/North Korea Summit: Will Trump Win Nobel Peace Prize?

Tomorrow President Trump will meet for the second time with North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un. They meet in Hanoi, Vietnam, where some 50 years ago a bitter and futile war was fought. While Trump’s enemies in the US are creating unrealistic expectations in hopes of making Trump look bad if he does not achieve a full surrender of North Korean nuclear capabilities, what would a successful summit look like to reasonable people? Can Trump pull it off? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Half-A-Cheer For Supremes’ Civil Asset Forfeiture Ruling

Yesterday’s Supreme Court ruling on civil asset forfeiture – that states are bound by the Eighth Amendment – may be a step in the right direction, but it’s only a baby step. Police are still free to steal from individuals not even accused of a crime, let alone convicted of a crime. They are just now told to not steal too much. The real issue that needs to be addressed is that the government should not be able to steal from the people. It’s that simple. A break down of the ruling and what it means in today’s Liberty Report:

Iraq Lies Redux: Trump Admin Claims Iran/al-Qaeda Alliance

In an astonishing Washington Times article this week, unnamed Trump Administration officials (who may or may not be called “John Bolton”) are claiming that Iran, which has been battling al-Qaeda in Syria for nearly four years, is actually secretly allied with al-Qaeda and therefore Iran can be attacked with no further Congressional authorization. Are we seeing the old “babies thrown from incubators” lies resurrected to gin up a war with Iran? Warning lights in today’s Liberty Report:

Whistling Past NATO’s Graveyard, With Special Guest Tom Luongo

The recent Warsaw and Munich summits have proven disastrous to Trump’s foreign policy as pursued by his neocon top advisors. They were supposed to line up for war on Iran and further isolation of Russia and China, yet none of the war bugles sounded. Have the Europeans had enough of “US global dominance”? Geopolitical analyst Tom Luongo joins today’s Liberty Report:

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