RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

The Liberty Report

Fair Trial? US Steals Assange’s Legal Papers

The treacherous government of Ecuador has opened Julian Assange’s private quarters at its UK embassy up to US investigators, who have seized Assange’s legal defense documents, medical records, and electronic devices. In what kind of court is the prosecution allowed to see the defendant’s case before the trial? A Soviet courtroom? A kangaroo court? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Rockets In Baghdad’s Green Zone – False Flag Or Iran Attack?

A small rocket was fired in Baghdad’s Green Zone (the US Embassy neighborhood) yesterday and the Trump Administration has been quick to take advantage of the apparent attack to blame Iran. Fortunately – and amazingly – the US Administration had enough foresight to order the removal of non-emergency personnel from the embassy beforehand. There was little damage and no casualties, but Bolton is using it to maximum advantage to push Trump toward war. Will Trump bite? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Venezuela Peace Talks Open In Norway; US Neocons Raging Mad!

The last time negotiations were planned between Venezuelan government and opposition forces, opposition leader (and US puppet) Guaido launched his ill-fated coup and the talks were scuttled. Today a new effort, brokered by Norway, is being launched to solve the conflict without further bloodshed. What kind of monkey wrench will the neocons throw into the mix this time? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report…

From Drug Warrior To Drug War Warrior: Former Narcotics Officer Speaks Out

Retired New York Police Department undercover drug detective John Baeza spent years in the drug war trenches. He tells the Liberty Report how he came to believe that the drug war was doing more harm than good. Baeza will be a featured speaker at the Ron Paul Institute’s May 18th Conference, Winning the War on the War on Drugs. For info: RonPaulInstitute.org/conference.

Who Knows What Evil Lurks In The Pentagon Budget? The Liberty Report Knows!

Trillions of dollars in Pentagon spending have just disappeared into thin air. The Pentagon failed its first ever audit last year. There is so much off-the-books spending that no one has a clue where it’s going. US troops show up in Niger and Congress has no idea how they got there. Is the Pentagon and the military-industrial complex a government unto itself? Tune in to the Liberty Report:

Pretext For War- Pompeo Pushes Iran To Quit Nuclear Deal

Pompeo and Bolton are hoping that one of two false pretexts will push Trump to war on Iran. First the bogus intel report from Israel that Iran was poised to attack and second the disinformation that Iran is pulling out of the JCPOA treaty. Will the neocons hoodwink Trump into another US war based on lies? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

John Bolton Can Almost Taste War With Iran

Bolton announced yesterday that the US was deploying a carrier strike force to the Middle East to convey the message to Iran that the US doesn’t want war. Makes perfect sense. So will a false flag be launched? Another provocation? In today’s Liberty Report we discuss the several extremely dangerous flash-points that may lead to war…

Playing Chicken In The Straits Of Hormuz – Red Lines And War Talk

After designating Iran’s Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organization, will the US make a physical attempt to shut down any oil export by citing the oil business’s relationship with the Iranian Guard? Will Iran make good on its threat to shut down the Hormuz Straits, which would take out 20 percent of the oil from the world market? Clearly Trump’s sights are set on Iran. How far will he go? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

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