The Liberty Report

Taking Sides: Pompeo Declares Israeli Settlements Legal

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reversed US policy on Israeli settlements on Palestinian land. While long considered illegal in international law, Pompeo has declared them “legal,” citing the need to “advance peace.” More on this – and a special segment on the Patriot Act extension and an update on Assange – in today’s Liberty Report:

Don’t forget to get your new Ron Paul mini-book, America’s “Exceptional” Bankruptcy, as a premium for your tax-deductible support for the Ron Paul Institute. A donation of $50 or more gets you the book as a gift and a donation of $100 or more will get you a hand-signed book as a gift. Donate at:

Catastrophe! $6.4 Trillion Wasted On 20 Years Of War!

A new report by Brown University’s Costs of War Project now estimates that by the end of fiscal year 2020, the US will have “spent” $6.4 trillion on a global “war on terror” in which more than three million people have died. And what do we have to show for it? And what will happen when payment is actually due (i.e. the Fed can no longer hide the costs by printing money)? Watch today’s Liberty Report:

ALSO: Support the Liberty Report with a donation of $50 or more and get a free copy of Ron Paul’s latest mini-book, “America’s Exceptional Bankruptcy.” For $100 or more, Dr. Paul will hand-sign it. Limited Time Offer! Donate here today!

Bolivia Coup: Is Washington Pulling The Strings?

Does it seem like we’ve seen this movie before? Populist Latin American leader on the outs with Washington finds himself facing a coup? This time it’s Bolivia’s Evo Morales, who resigned the presidency on Sunday and was granted asylum by Mexico. Is Washington involved? And why bother with relatively unimportant Bolivia? Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Whistleblower…Or Blowing Smoke? Should Trump’s Accuser Appear?

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) took to the Senate floor this week to make the case that, yes, whistleblowers should have better protection whether government employees or contractors, but, he said, legislation and statutes cannot supersede the US Constitution, which gives everyone the right to face their accuser. So, should the CIA “whistleblower” be forced to appear before the Congressional impeachment committees? Today on the Liberty Report:

Obamagate: How Much Did He Know About Brennan’s CIA Task Force?

Former CIA officer Phil Giraldi joins today’s Liberty Report to discuss the breaking scandal over the Obama Administration’s intelligence leaders and the plot against candidate Trump. Then-CIA Director John Brennan reportedly set up a CIA task force early in 2016 to surveil and even conduct covert actions against candidate and then President Trump. Are we witnessing a “deep state” coup against the president? Will heads roll? Was Obama at the center of the operation? Watch today’s Liberty Report:

‘Thank God For The Deep State’ – CIA Celebrates Coup Against Trump

Former Acting CIA Director John McLaughlin, on a panel with former CIA Director John Brennan, responded to a question about whether the “deep state” was trying to take out President Trump with a quote, “thank God for the deep state.” Everyone laughed. He went on to say that the “intelligence community” is right to take out presidents like Trump because they are selfless patriots only interested in the truth. Does the CIA and other intelligence agencies in the US have the right to overthrow a president if they don’t like him? Is that the kind of government we want? Or should people start going to jail. Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Impeach Them All! F-35 Bipartisan Boondoggle Is The Real Crime!

With broad bi-partisan support, the Pentagon announced a massive purchase of the practically useless F-35 fighter jets. The deeply troubled aircraft might not do much to actually defend this country, but the hundreds of billions spent on development and acquisition go a long way to feathering the nests of the well-connected military-industrial-Congressional-complex. This is the real crime, but all Washington supports it. Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Patriot Act On Steroids: Trump’s Dangerous New ‘Pre-Crime’ Plan

Dubbed “The Surge” President Trump through his Attorney General have sent notice to law enforcement across the country that they need to be even MORE militarized and must receive more training on how to identify and punish Americans for crimes they have not (yet) committed. The FBI has a plan to go after “potential” threats by identifying, among others, “anti-government extremists.” Who gets to decide? Watch today’s Liberty Report:

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