Yesterday’s declassification of then-CIA Director John Brennan’s hand-written notes on Hilary Clinton’s alleged invention of a Trump-Russia scandal to distract from her own private email server scandal is an explosive development in the four year “Russiagate” scandal. So why is the mainstream media, which obsessed over “Russiagate” for four years, suddenly silent? Also on today’s program: Fmr FBI officer calls Trump “biological terrorist.” And NY and CA Governors lose their marbles. All on today’s Liberty Report:
The Liberty Report
Trump: 'Don't Let Covid Dominate Your Life!'
by Daniel McAdams | Oct 6, 2020 | The Liberty Report
President Trump returned to the White House from a weekend stay in the hospital after experiencing Covid symptoms. In a dramatic moment, before entering the building he took off his mask and told Americans to stop being so afraid of Covid that it dominates your life. The president’s detractors – and virtually the entire mainstream media – had their heads explode. Has the President finally seen through the political manipulation of the Covid public health crisis? Watch today’s Liberty Report:
Fauci: 'Hunker Down Again!' Top Scientists: 'No Way!'
by Daniel McAdams | Oct 5, 2020 | The Liberty Report
As Fauci warns Americans that they need to ‘hunker down’ again to avoid viruses, a group of top scientists and epidemiologists have released a detailed plan to get over the covid crisis while actually preserving lives. Also today: the economic costs of the shutdown continue to devastate and…victory in Michigan against a tyrant? Watch today’s Liberty Report:
Trump, COVID, and The October Surprise – Featuring Daniel McAdams
by harley | Oct 2, 2020 | The Liberty Report
Well…no one saw that coming! RPI’s Daniel McAdams joins The Gaggle’s Peter Lavelle and George Szamuely to discuss the massive political implications of President Trump and the First Lady testing positive for coronavirus just weeks before the presidential election. Is “Trump has Covid” the October surprise we were waiting for? Who benefits, who loses from this development?
CDC To America: 'Cancel Traditional Thanksgiving!'
by Daniel McAdams | Oct 1, 2020 | The Liberty Report
The Centers for Disease Control have released a “helpful” set of guidelines for upcoming holidays. Celebrating Halloween or Thanksgiving as we did in the “old normal” is out of the question. Consider a “virtual” Thanksgiving, they recommend. Also today, CNN tells us there is NO RETURN to normal, and if you want to return you may be mentally ill. Also – Why is CIA Director Haspel blocking declassification of documents critical to understanding “Russiagate”? Watch today’s Liberty Report:
'Shut Up, Man!' Dissecting The Trump-Biden Circus
by Daniel McAdams | Sep 30, 2020 | The Liberty Report
Last night’s presidential debate was more like a food fight than a serious discussion of policies. Moderator Chris Wallace lost control early on and seemed to bring his biases with him to the event. Underneath all the rudeness and screaming, however, a few important points and distinctions can be made. In today’s Liberty Report we will do our best to bring those distinctions to light. Watch today’s Liberty Report:
What We WON'T Hear In Tonight's Debate
by Daniel McAdams | Sep 29, 2020 | The Liberty Report
Thrilla in Manila? Hardly. Tonight’s presidential debate has many hanging at the edge of their seats, but it’s not because they are interested in a serious philosophical discussion about the direction of the United States, a country clearly in crisis. Will Biden show up? Will Trump bring his bombast? How many punches will fly? But the debate will be marked more by what is NOT said by the candidates. Also today, Fauci and CDC Director Redfield declare war on Dr. Scott Atlas. Watch today’s Liberty Report:
CDC Comes Clean: New Fatality Rate Is A Shocker!
by Daniel McAdams | Sep 28, 2020 | The Liberty Report
The Centers for Disease Control have come out with a new estimate of the Covid infection fatality ratio and the numbers will shock you. No wonder the Florida governor has said “enough is enough” and decided to open his state up completely. We are told to trust the CDC, so why is the mainstream media ignoring this very important news? Is this still about a disease…or is it politics? Today on the Liberty Report:
Yes, YouTube Has Censored the Ron Paul Liberty Report. You Won't Believe Why!
by Daniel McAdams | Sep 26, 2020 | The Liberty Report
As many of you have already heard, YouTube (owned by Google, with deep roots in the deep state), inexplicably removed our Ron Paul Liberty Report from 23 September, titled “Covid Whistleblowers Expose Narrative As ‘Total Fraud,'” and officially delivered a “warning” to the Ron Paul Liberty Report You Tube channel. They claimed in the notice that the program, which you can watch for yourself here, violated their “community guidelines” regarding “spam, deceptive practices, and scams.”
We are in danger of having our entire channel removed if we continue in these prohibited activities, they warned. Please watch the program for yourself and attempt to identify where any of these three violations took place.
Dr. Paul sent an appeal asking for specific clarification as to what in the program violated their “community standards.” This seems important, because if they could point to something that was said or something in the title or thumbnail photo that violated their “guidelines,” it wouldn’t be that difficult to avoid such phrases or words or even photos in the future. Yes, it might be annoying and unfair, but knowing specifically what was the violation or violations would logically benefit both parties, as YouTube was clear in their “warning” that they did “not want to lose” us.
Imagine if a police officer pulled you over and began writing a ticket and when you requested the reason for the ticket they refused to tell you. Or perhaps they arrested you with no clearly articulated reason. Neither did the judge nor jury utter a peep when they ruled on the case and passed sentence.
This is how YouTube responded to a request for the “habeas corpus” of our “crime”:
As Ron Paul Institute Senior Fellow (and attorney) Adam Dick wrote me after I showed him the result of the appeal, “What ‘understanding’? Violation determined and appeal denied; that is all the info to understand. The process seems designed to prevent understanding anything other than that power is being exercised.”
Yes. Power is being exercised and we do not have to tell you why.
Digging a bit deeper into the actual reason they decided to pull the episode of the Liberty Report (which as most of you know is hours in the making and represents years in preparation), turns up this bizarre email YouTube sent to the Ron Paul Liberty Report’s gmail address:
So finally we are getting more of an explanation of where we might have gone wrong. YouTube simply does not allow any criticism of the World Health Organization – a United Nations bureaucratic body that has absolutely no idea what to do about the Covid health problem. One week you must wear masks, the next week you don’t need them, etc. But don’t dare criticize them or you will have your metaphorical larynx ripped from your body.
As we have pointed out on the Liberty Report several times – probably contributing to our being targeted – the World Health Organization is not even led by a doctor, but by a violent Ethiopian communist politician.
If you dare criticize a violent Ethiopian communist, you will be banned from YouTube. It seems that simple.
So, as another violent communist once wrote, what is to be done?
We are still looking at our options. For now we have opened a backup account on BitChute so that if a future YouTube broadcast is pulled we can offer it up to you without so much delay.
Ultimately we believe the noose will tighten on any “dissident” voices such as Dr. Paul’s. It seems bizarre in what so many love to claim is the “freest country on earth,” one that must spend billions “freeing” others overseas, that anyone challenging the prevailing mainstream media/US government narrative on Covid – or foreign policy or anything else – must be silenced. Once there was the gulag for dissidents, these days it’s “big tech” companies that do hundreds of billions of dollars in business with US intelligence and the US government who do the bidding of their paymasters. But hey, they’re “private” companies so don’t you dare complain as you are herded into your ideological boxcar!
We are looking at other options to deliver the Ron Paul Liberty Report to our viewers – who on YouTube are a hair away from passing the quarter million subscriber mark – but many of these options are not cheap. As you all know, we operate on a shoestring and we stretch every penny from the generous contributions of our supporters.
But we are going to need your help if we are going to keep the peace and prosperity message of the Ron Paul Liberty Report alive. We are directly challenging multi-billion dollar media empires and their narratives – they are not at all happy about it.
This is your program, and if you want it to continue – one of the last voices challenging the dominant and crushing narrative coming from the mainstream media on the Left AND Right – we will need your support.
Please consider a tax-deductible contribution to the Ron Paul Institute, which is the producer of the Ron Paul Liberty Report. Every donation is gratefully appreciated, but we’re going to need some big bucks to fight this freight train we see bearing down on us. Once they have obliterated us, they will be coming for you. Please help. By the way, we LOVE Bitcoin and you can make a Bitcoin donation at the above link.
Dr. Paul famously says, no army can stop an idea whose time has come. Even in these seemingly dark days, the time has come for our peace and prosperity message. Please do what you can to help us. We need you and we appreciate you.
Why Are So Many American Voters Politically Homeless? With RPI's Daniel McAdams
by harley | Sep 25, 2020 | The Liberty Report
RPI’s Daniel McAdams joins Peter Lavelle’s “The Gaggle” to take a look at the coming US presidential vote and the general lack of direction in the country. Why is it that so many Americans are completely disgusted with both political parties? What will it take to wake the US political class up?
Can You Boost Your Immune System? With Dr. Joseph Mercola
by Daniel McAdams | Sep 24, 2020 | The Liberty Report
In a recent interview Dr. Fauci revealed that he takes multiple vitamin supplements to help boost his immune system and fend off disease. Dr. Joseph Mercola joins today’s Liberty Report to explain how we might be able to also provide our bodies with additional protections against diseases with such vitamins and natural immune boosters. Watch today’s Liberty Report:
Covid Whistleblowers Expose Narrative As 'Total Fraud'
by Daniel McAdams | Sep 23, 2020 | The Liberty Report
Two insiders have recently emerged to give a shocking view behind the scenes of the ongoing Covid narrative. A former chief science officer at pharma giant Pfizer and a former official at the CDC have both come forward with shocking tales of fraud and falsification. Also today, US support for a Covid vaccine continues to plummet based on recent polls. More good news out of Pennsylvania. Dementia deaths. Watch today’s Liberty Report:
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