Biden’s vaccine mandates continue to drop like flies, with a US Federal Judge in Georgia yesterday blocking the Administration’s Federal contractor vax mandate nationwide. Previously the Medicare and OSHA mandates have been blocked nationwide. Key question: the Administration has admitted these mandates are a “work-around” from Constitutional limitations – isn’t that illegal? Also today: you’ll never guess which states have the highest Covid hospitalizations. And…get ready for your six doses per year! Watch today’s Liberty Report:
The Liberty Report
Biden-Putin Virtual Summit: Will Washington’s Dogs Of War Be Unleashed?
by Daniel McAdams | Dec 7, 2021 | The Liberty Report
After weeks of US claims that Russia is about to invade Ukraine – because it is moving troops on its own soil – today’s Biden-Putin video meeting is billed as a way to release building pressure. The irony is that the US, with over 700 bases across the globe, is demanding that Russia stop moving its troops within Russia even as NATO members continue to add troops and sophisticated weapons in Ukraine. The Russia-Ukraine open wound is the poster child for the idiocy of US interventionist foreign policy. What’s at stake and what to expect? Also today – Oregon’s insane dictator goes to Washington. Watch today’s Liberty Report:
DeBlasio Goes Full Dictator: ‘Mandatory VAX For ALL’!
by Daniel McAdams | Dec 6, 2021 | The Liberty Report
Outgoing New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio is going out with a bang! He announced today that ALL employers in the Big Apple must require their workers to take the Covid shots or be fired. It is a decision that will hurt black NYC residents the most, but the mayor doesn’t seem to care much about those black lives. Meanwhile, a cruise ship has arrived in Louisiana with a fully vaxxed crew, a fully vaxxed group of passengers…and at least 17 covid cases! But not to worry – they are all asymptomatic. Hmmm. Something fishy about that one. This and more on today’s Liberty Report:
If Omicron’s As Mild As Experts Say…Why All The Hysteria?
by Daniel McAdams | Dec 2, 2021 | The Liberty Report
The professionals working most closely with the new “omicron” variant of the virus are reporting that the symptoms are extremely mild – more like a common cold. Yet Germany has locked its “underclass” of unvaxxed citizens and Austria has locked everybody down. How does this make any sense? Today on the Liberty Report:
Biden Expected To Lock Down Travelers!
by Daniel McAdams | Dec 1, 2021 | The Liberty Report
According to the Washington Post, the Biden Administration is expected tomorrow to force ALL travelers to the US – Americans and foreigners alike – to take a Covid test within a day of travel AND to self-quarantine for seven days after arrival. Vaxxed and unvaxxed alike! Government internment of all arrivals? Are we becoming Australia? Also today, the Biden vax mandates continue to take severe body blows in the courts, with the government contractor mandate being overturned yesterday. Also…Cramer’s mad rant – what’s he on? Watch today’s Liberty Report:
The Omicron Deception
by Daniel McAdams | Nov 29, 2021 | The Liberty Report
Thanksgiving weekend was rocked by reports of a new Covid mutation, quickly named “Omicron Variant,” which resulted in lockdown-happy “public health officials” across the globe pushing the panic button. Actual doctors reporting from “ground zero” in South Africa, however, report that the infections thus far from the new mutation are much more mild than the “Delta Variant.” Also today: Fauci jumps the shark, claiming that “I represent science!” Watch today’s Liberty Report:
Fauci: Critics Of Me ‘Are Killing People’!
by Daniel McAdams | Nov 24, 2021 | The Liberty Report
Fauci made another circuit through the adoring media yesterday, again accusing anyone of pointing out his lack of honesty and constant moving the goal posts of “killing people.” Senator Paul has a great retort to this absurd and, frankly, unhinged claim. Also today: “Don’t call looting looting!” Watch today’s Liberty Report:
NIH Director: Fauci Critics ‘Must Be Brought To Justice!’
by Daniel McAdams | Nov 23, 2021 | The Liberty Report
Outgoing National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins told the Washington Post that critics of Fauci and his organization are spreading misinformation and should be “brought to justice.” He continues the “I am science” argument of Fauci even as the multitude of flip-flops and failed promises have undermined public confidence. Also today: Australia goes full gulag, medical devices are “racist,” and the corporate elite are desperate to sell Africa drugs they don’t seem to need. Watch today’s Liberty Report:
Fauci Now Claims The Vax Doesn’t Protect Against Serious Covid!
by Daniel McAdams | Nov 22, 2021 | The Liberty Report
In an interview with the New York Times earlier this month, Fauci made a startling revelation: the vaccine wanes so seriously that it doesn’t even protect against hospitalization and death! His solution? MORE shots. Will America keep listening to him? Also today: South Korea got fully vaxxed…then they all got covid! What’s going on here? Watch today’s Liberty Report:
Austria Freak Out: Lockdown EVERYTHING!
by Daniel McAdams | Nov 19, 2021 | The Liberty Report
Just a day after announcing that the unvaccinated would lose all basic human rights, the Austrian government took it a stage further and ruled that the entire country would lose its basic human rights. Back to a nationwide lockdown to control a covid outbreak that was not controlled last time by a nationwide lockdown. Make sense? Also…as the AP reports, experts are “baffled” that in unvaccinated Africa, where there have been no lockdowns, there are very few covid cases and deaths are a tiny fraction of those in Europe and the US per capita. Finally today: Fauci demands three jabs and Biden’s approval rating continues to freefall. Today on the Liberty Report:
Back To The Unspeakable: Europe Locks Down ‘Unclean’ Unvaxxed
by Daniel McAdams | Nov 18, 2021 | The Liberty Report
Across Europe, from Germany to Italy, governments are placing millions under house arrest for the “crime” of not being “fully” vaccinated. While there is no public health justification for the move – we know from experts such as the CDC Director that the vaxxed continue to spread the virus – there is a distinct punitive intent. Those who do not follow the orders – as irrational as the orders – are to be denied basic human rights. Haven’t we seen this movie before? Watch today’s Liberty Report:
Oops…? Did Attorney General Garland Lie To Congress About Parent ‘Threat Tag’?
by Daniel McAdams | Nov 17, 2021 | The Liberty Report
Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee have revealed what appears to be a blockbuster whistleblower document showing how the FBI was instructed to add a “tag” to mark “threats” that parents might pose to school boards, schools, and teachers. Garland vehemently denied such a tag was authorized in testimony before Congress. Also today…as the vax continues to fail in its basic functions, Biden is set to demand boosters for all Americans. What could go wrong? And…big Pharma is making $1K per SECOND profit on the shots – corporatism? Watch today’s Liberty Report:
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