RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

The Liberty Report

The Coronavirus Crackdown Continues: School Kicks Out Four-Year-Old Child for Not Wearing a Mask

Over two years after the coronavirus crackdowns began across America, much of the authoritarian “public health” measures have been jettisoned. But some draconian government mandates pursued in the name of countering coronavirus remain in place. Included are outrageous mandates at some schools requiring children, who have always been at nearly zero risk of becoming seriously sick or dying from coronavirus, to wear masks. The masks, by the way, have not been established to provide net protection from coronavirus but do cause health problems.

One poignant example of the vile enforcement that backs up the remaining mask mandates on children at schools is on display in a report at KRON-TV news. The report concerns school officials, including an on-campus cop, on Thursday kicking a four-year-old boy out of a Mountain View Whisman School District school in California because the boy would not wear a mask. You can watch the report here:

The news report is not all bad news though. The report relates that the school district revoked its mask mandate for students later the same day.

Still, looking below the surface, that policy change is less reason for celebration than one may first suppose. The school district’s “COVID Plans” web page now describes masks as “recommended.” That means that many parents and students will still feel pressure to act as if the mandate were still in place. The liberty and health respecting course would be for the school district to neither mandate nor recommend.

Further, the school district’s web page indicates that it is following a policy that ensures the mask mandate can spring back into force. The web page states:

As Aug. 18, our local COVID transmission rates have dropped below the ‘high’ category as reported by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  As we’ve stated earlier this month in our COVID guidelines, reaching this threshold means our masking protocol can change.

 This autopilot mask policy, similar to the one employed by the Los Angeles County government, means that, if coronavirus statistics reach a certain CDC-defined level, then the full mandate can be reimposed. That would mean the school district’s schools again could kick out the boy and any other children who dare to leave their faces uncovered.

Donald Trump / Ron Paul 2024

Ron Paul has thrown his hat in the ring in three presidential races. Paul vied for the 2008 and 2012 Republican presidential nominations, after having campaigned as the Libertarian presidential nominee in 1988. Might there be another presidential ticket run in Paul’s future — this time for vice president as Donald Trump’s running mate in the 2024 election?

This possibility is spoken of favorably in a discussion in the Tuesday episode of the popular Timcast show. Check out the discussion of a potential Trump/Paul ticket here:

One Year Later: Was Afghan Withdrawal A Mistake?

This week marks one year since the end of the 20 year US war on Afghanistan. Former US Gen. David Petraeus argues in The Atlantic that the withdrawal was a mistake. Is he right? Also today: SecDef and First Lady are jabbed to the hilt…yet they still got Covid! Does that just mean the vaccine is working? Today on the Liberty Report:

The War On Kids: Spain To OK Gender Change Without Parent Consent

Despite strong opposition even among feminists and many in the Left, Spain is to approve children of 16 years to change their gender without parental notification. Younger children are also to be approved but with parental notice. Also today: as Covid falls apart, who benefits? Big Pharma. And – surprise! – quad-jabbed Pfizer Exec catches the ‘rona! Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Ron Paul Says Abolish the FBI, Don’t Just Review and Reform It

After the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) raid and seizure at Donald Trump’s home this week, there has been much talk, including from United States Congress members, about holding hearings concerning the FBI and implementing reforms of the FBI.

One former Congress member, though, says such actions do not go far enough. Ron Paul, who served in the House of Representatives as a Republican from Texas for over 20 years during which he twice sought the Republican presidential nomination, says that what is needed is the abolition of the FBI.

Paul makes the case for terminating the FBI at the beginning of a Thursday interview with host Jackson Hinkle at The Dive. Paul and Hinkle then discuss several other matters including US antagonism toward Russia and China, as well as the future of the US dollar.

Watch Paul’s interview here:

Inflation Reduction…Or Inflation PRODUCTION?

Birch Gold’s Phillip Patrick is again joining today’s Liberty Report to discuss the just-passed Inflation Reduction Act, which spends massively on “green” energy and more drug benefits. Will more spending curb inflation? Is there anything we can do ourselves to blunt the sting of higher prices? Watch today’s Liberty Report:

New Poll: Americans Unmoved By Jan. 6th Hearings

Despite relentless propaganda and juicy threats of impending arrests, a new poll of Americans shows the January 6th “insurrection” hearings are not shifting any opinions on the event. Also today, US warns starving Africa not to buy food from Russia. And…Biden gets boost in polls! Don’t miss today’s Liberty Report:

Police State? Armed Feds Raid Trump House

Armed Federal agents busted into former President Trump’s Florida house last night, ostensibly to seek classified documents that were to be turned in to the National Archives. What’s behind this unprecedented move? Also today: Biden sends Ukraine $4 billion…to help with their budget! And finally: media races to claim Biden chalking up victories. Why? Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Armed Robbery: Anti-Inflation Bill To Unleash Massive IRS Army

The laughably-named “Inflation Reduction Act” will double the size of the IRS – making it larger than the Pentagon, State Department, FBI, and Border Patrol…combined! And that will save money? Also today: under (government?) pressure, CBS censors its own report on US weapons to Ukraine. And…is the end of “woke” entertainment on the horizon? Today on the Liberty Report:

A New ‘Giuliani Moment’? With Guest, Rep. Anthony Sabatini

Florida State Rep. Anthony Sabatini, in a recent candidate forum, dared to make a stand for non-interventionism in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. He was interrogated by neocon moderator Marc Levin who could not believe anyone could advise staying out of the war, calling the Florida Rep’s views “the most radical I’ve ever heard.” Sabatini held his ground…and the crowd roared in approval. Today on the Liberty Report:

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