The Liberty Report

NSA Spies on Enemies…And Friends!

What are the long-term consequences of recent revelations that the NSA has for decades spied on the top leaders of the closest US allies? While neither German Chancellor Merkel nor French President Hollande have been particularly outwardly annoyed at the revelations, what will French and German citizens feel about such an affront to national pride? And what of US spying on French industry — was it stealing technology to help well-connected US firms? More on this today in the Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Torture Conspiracy: Doctors Collude With CIA

A recent report commissioned by the American Psychological Association showed that several of its members surreptitiously assisted the Central Intelligence Agency in designing new forms of torture. Even the APA’s person in charge of ethics was caught trying to re-write the ethics rules to allow for such horrific behavior. Today the Ron Paul Liberty Report takes a look at what happens when doctors serve the state instead of their patients:

Iran Deal: Peace Opportunity or ‘Historic Mistake’

Does today’s announcement that a deal was reached with Iran bode well for our peace and prosperity in the future? Not if the neocons get their way — and they have only begun to fight. Look for them to pull out all stops in their manic determination to strangle this baby in its crib. What does Ron Paul think about the deal? Tune in to today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report to find out:

Whataburger’s Gun Discrimination Is Good For Liberty

Next January it becomes legal in Texas to openly carry firearms in public places. The burger chain Whataburger has decided that it will not allow open carry of firearms in its restaurants. Is it OK for Whataburger to discriminate against its customers? Of course, says Ron Paul in today’s Liberty Report. We discriminate in literally every action we take. The real issue is one of property rights, not guns or wedding cakes.

Forget ISIS: Russia and China Biggest Threat Says Pentagon

According to the newly released Military Strategy of the United States, 2015, the real threats are no longer the terrorism of non-state actors but rather Russia, China, Iran, and any other state that challenges US global hegemony. This even though the document makes it clear that these countries have no intention of attacking the United States. Confused? Tune in to the Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Army Troop Cuts – A Propaganda Ploy?

Press reports that the US Army would cut 40,000 troops are meant to terrify the American people into demanding an increase in military spending – even though the US spends more than all developed countries combined. The truth is US military spending is going to increase with or without those 40,000 troops and with or without the “sequester.” The US is spending itself into bankruptcy. Today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report on the false propaganda of a shrinking military:

Greeks Vote No: Keynesian Crisis Continues

Greece’s vote against the EU bailout offer raises as many questions as it answers. What happens next? We know the debt will not disappear. Eventually it will have to be liquidated and Greece will have to start over if it is ever going to be a “normal” country again. On today’s Liberty Report, Ron Paul offers his suggestions for a way out of the Greek crisis:

Independence Day: Celebration or Sadness?

Do the fires of liberty still burn in an America that revolted against the British crown in 1776? Perhaps the majority have opted for a new overlord, the omnipotent state and its accompanying American exceptionalism, but there remains, in the words of Samuel Adams, a “tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” Today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report on the spirit of revolt against tyranny:

California’s ‘Corporate Fascist’ Vaccine Law

California Governor Jerry Brown signed into law one of the nation’s strongest mandatory vaccination laws. If a California resident does not agree to have her child jabbed some 48 times by school-age, the child cannot attend school. The exemption loopholes have been all but closed. Today the Ron Paul Liberty Report looks at both the medical and the civil liberties implications of this move — a move comedian Jim Carrey called “corporate fascist.”

New Embassy in Cuba – But Will Congress Kill the Deal?

President Obama will officially restore full diplomatic relations with Cuba today, in what is one bright spot in his otherwise not very encouraging foreign policy. Talks with Iran are the other positive. But as always, the devil is in the details. State-to-state relations are one thing, but for really “normal” relations what is needed is person-to-person relations. That means an end to the embargo and the travel ban. Let’s hope that is on its way soon and that Congress doesn’t obstruct the reversal of this half-century disaster. More on US-Cuba relations on today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

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