Senator Bernie Sanders has a growing following, particularly among progressives. While one may think progressives tend to oppose the US militaristic foreign policy, Sanders’ record on war is not as consistent as some would have us believe. In the Middle East his positions, as explained recently to CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, are quite bizarre: support Saudi Arabia’s push for regional domination. The Saudis would seem an unlikely partner for a progressive — considering the kingdom’s record on civil rights and its support for proxy wars in Syria and elsewhere. More about the Sanders bait and switch in today’s Liberty Report:
The Liberty Report
‘Unprivileged Belligerents’ – The US War On Journalists
by Daniel McAdams | Aug 27, 2015 | The Liberty Report
The Defense Department’s new Law of War manual, which provides guidance to military commanders in time of war, advises that journalists they consider “unprivileged belligerents” can be either removed from military facilities or even detained indefinitely without charge. The problem is we are in an endless, undeclared war and the provision is sufficiently vague to potentially include any effective critic of US military action. Today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report looks at this disturbing new development:
Who Tipped Off Al-Qaeda in Syria?
by Daniel McAdams | Aug 26, 2015 | The Liberty Report
McClatchy News Service reports this week that it was the Turkish government who tipped off al-Qaeda in Syria that a group of US-backed “moderate” fighters were about to enter the country. The “moderates” were immediately captured or killed upon stepping over the border. The Turkish and US government deny the story, which probably makes it more likely to be true. US and Turkish policy clash at several key areas when it comes to Syria. Today’s Liberty Report takes a look at the disastrous US regime change policy in Syria:
Markets Crash – Is China to Blame?
by Daniel McAdams | Aug 25, 2015 | The Liberty Report
Yesterday’s market crash shocked many in the financial world. Today comes the blame game, with several Republican hopefuls calling out China as being behind US economic woes. One candidate suggested that President Obama cancel the upcoming state visit of the Chinese president, while another spoke openly of the need for a trade war with China. The big danger with all this saber rattling toward China is that a trade war or a war of words can easily spill over into an actual war. Today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report looks at the populist protectionism that threatens to further sour US/Chinese relations:
Undiplomatic Power
by harley | Aug 19, 2015 | The Liberty Report
Is Samantha Power an excellent US ambassador to the United Nations? Is she putting America’s best foot forward? RPI Executive Director Daniel McAdams joins veteran journalist Patrick Smith and former US intelligence community linguist Scott Rickard to discuss how “human rights” has been weaponized to push regime change overseas:
Rabbis For Iran Deal – Is Schumer Wrong?
by Daniel McAdams | Aug 19, 2015 | The Liberty Report
Recently 340 US rabbis — from the full spectrum of US Judaism — signed a letter to Congress urging approval of the Iran deal. As AIPAC spends millions lobbying against the deal, perhaps the US Jewish community is not as unified as the neocons would like us to believe. Today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report discusses support for the deal:
Twisting The Truth On The Iraq War
by Daniel McAdams | Aug 17, 2015 | The Liberty Report
The neocons are looking to make a big comeback. Job one is to rehabilitate the Iraq war fiasco by re-writing history. It was not lies and manipulation that brought the US into the Iraq war, they claim, but it was only “faulty intelligence.” And Dick Cheney is coming out with a new book urging the US to “rebuild” the military so that it can engage in more pre-emptive wars! Will they succeed? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:
Iran Deal's Surprising Supporters
by Daniel McAdams | Aug 14, 2015 | The Liberty Report
As the neocons continue to bombard Congress demanding that the deal with Iran be killed, a group of former senior US military officers and a group of former Iranian political prisoners living in the US have both signed letters in support of the deal. Who will US lawmakers listen to? Today on the Ron Paul Liberty Report:
ISIS Winning? Will Trump's Plan Work?
by Daniel McAdams | Aug 10, 2015 | The Liberty Report
Donald Trump wants to hit ISIS hard, to “put a ring around them” and take their oil, presumably with US troops on the ground. But according to former CIA expert Michael Scheuer, attempting to defeat ISIS militarily would only help them grow in power. The best US “weapon,” writes Scheuer, is non-intervention in the Middle East. Who’s right? Today on the Liberty Report:
US Intelligence Confirms US Support for ISIS
by Daniel McAdams | Aug 8, 2015 | The Liberty Report
Former Defense Intelligence Agency head Gen. Michael Flynn is not backing down from his claims that elements of the US government were aware of and supported the rise of jihadists in Syria as a means by which to overthrow its president, Bashar Assad. As the US moves ever closer to a full-out invasion of Syria the lack of media interest in Flynn’s story is reminiscent of the one-sided (pro-war) coverage of the run up to the 2003 Iraq War. More on the disturbing new revelations in a special edition of the Ron Paul Liberty Report:
Hiroshima at 70: Have We Learned Anything?
by Daniel McAdams | Aug 6, 2015 | The Liberty Report
Seventy years after the atomic incineration of Hiroshima, have we progressed beyond the idea of viewing civilians as fair game in a war waged by their leaders? Yes and no, finds the Ron Paul Liberty Report. On one hand public opinion has gradually shifted away from the idea that the bomb was necessary — with the majority of young people in a recent poll viewing the atomic bombing of Japan unnecessary. On the other hand, through sanctions and drone “signature strikes” civilians are still being targeted. Today’s Liberty Report also features Ron Paul reading from his new book, Swords into Plowshares, a section remembering the reaction in his house when the first atomic bomb was exploded:
US Drone War Accelerates – Victims Unknown
by Daniel McAdams | Aug 5, 2015 | The Liberty Report
The US drone war not only continues, but accelerates. More than 5,000 have been killed since 2009 in Obama’s drone attacks and still the US has no idea how many of them might be innocent civilians. In fact, the US does not even bother to target only suspected terrorists. Instead, it targets patterns of behavior called “signatures.” A male of military age is therefore considered a legitimate target. Does such an approach really keep us safe? Today’s Liberty Report takes a look at this disturbing new form of US warfare:
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