RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

The Liberty Report

COP21: Climate Action Or Pushing A Hoax?

More than 100 heads of state join almost 40,000 other elites in Paris for two weeks to discuss how to approve a legally binding global agreement to fight climate change. When polls in the US showed that Americans view climate change as a very low priority, political leaders backed up by the loyal media began pushing the idea that climate change is driving global terrorism. So if you are not motivated to take action to fight global climate change you must be soft on terrorism. That is how propaganda works. And it is working. What will be the implications for US sovereignty and economic and personal liberty of empowering a global body to regulate US economic activity? Join the Ron Paul Liberty Report today for our take:

Sen. Lindsey Graham In Iraq – Wants US Troops To Come Back!

Senators Lindsey Graham and John McCain have returned to the scene of the crime — Iraq — where the war they demanded has left the country shattered into a million bits with ISIS there to take care of the rebuilding. These two “experts” are forever wrong in their every utterance and policy position — remember how angry McCain became when it was pointed out that he was meeting with terrorists in Syria and telling us they were moderates? — yet the slavish US mainstream media continues to defer to their rotten judgement. Back in Iraq over the weekend, the Senators again pushed the only policy they know — war — demanding a fresh supply of young American meat to be ground up in Iraq and Syria. Troops on the ground, they scream. Give us 20,000 to start! Today’s Liberty Report looks at the logical fallacy that doing more of what caused terrorism can defeat terrorism:

The Most Dangerous Time in Our History?

Washington wants the rest of us to believe we are living in the most dangerous time in history. It is how they can cower us into accepting their “protection.” But they are wrong. They are hyping threats. In fact we have a great many things to be thankful for as Americans this Thanksgiving. Those of use working for peace and the prosperity it brings have more tools at our disposal than ever in history. We are empowered. Tune in to a special Thanksgiving Day edition of the Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Who Is Protecting ISIS And Why?

The US and its allies have allowed their desire for regime change in Syria to outweigh their stated desire to get rid of ISIS. What does that result in? Implicit or explicit protection for ISIS and related extremist groups inside Syria. Turkey was enjoying big business in Syrian underground oil shipments…until the Russians bombed ISIS’s oil infrastructure. Then Turkey attacked a Russian plane. What does it mean? Tune in to the Liberty Report:

Turks Hit Russian Fighter – What’s Next?

News that Turkey, a NATO member, has attacked and shot down a Russian fighter attacking ISIS positions in Syria has placed Russia and NATO on a footing as tense as at anytime during the Cold War. Turkey claims that Russia violated its airspace, but even if true according to Turkish radar it would not have been for more than 12 seconds. That means the Turks were ready to fire on the Russians. What does this mean? What will Russia do? Is there any way to avoid this escalating situation? Today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report looks at the troubling developments:

The Morality of Conscientious Objection

What happens when a young person joins the US military out of patriotism to defend the country, but finds himself or herself being sent back time and time again to immoral, illegal, and undeclared conflicts that have nothing to do with our national security? Some of them decide they must quit. They cannot continue their military service when they feel the government has violated its end of the contract by going to war in an unconstitutional manner. Though it may bring back memories of the 1960s and the Vietnam war, the fact is there are many who have a change of heart upon seeing the wars the US empire has become engaged in. Today’s Liberty Report is joined by special guest Justin Pavoni, formerly a USAF fighter pilot who came to realize that he could not continue to fight the empire’s wars.

Does ISIS Exist? Some Say No

Many observers believe that ISIS is simply a creation of the US government as a radical and violent force to further US policy goals in the Middle East. It seems farfetched, but of course the US did back bin Laden and the Mujahideen to take down the Soviets in Afghanistan. Also, back in 1988 it was thought to be a benefit for Israel and the US to create and back Hamas. So there is a precedent. Does the US foreign policy establishment back an enemy to do its bidding with the intent of destroying that enemy once it has served its purpose? Possible, but horribly wrongheaded and cynical. More on ISIS today in the Liberty Report:

Saudi Arabia: Friend Or Foe?

Saudi Arabia’s desire to be a regional leader in the Middle East has led it to act as a primary conveyor belt of jihadists into Syria, where the Saudis seek the overthrow of the secular Assad government. When Saudi-backed al-Qaeda rebels get hurt in southern Syria, they are patched up in Israeli hospitals. But the head-chopping Saudis are facing slow-motion suicide. Assad did not melt away, and the Saudis’ brutal war on Yemen continues to empty the Saudi coffers. The oil glut has shut off the welfare tap to keep its citizens at bay. Still the US continues to coddle the Saudi tyrants, this week announcing that it would sell them $1.3 billion worth of bombs to drop on the suffering Yemenis. More on the US/Saudi dysfunctional relationship on today’s Liberty Report:

Paris Attack Motivation: Retaliation?

As might be expected, the usual suspects are using the attacks on Paris to call for even more US intervention in the Middle East. Senator Ted Cruz said we need to stop worrying so much about civilian casualties. But none of them understand what motivates people to blow themselves up just so they can spread terror overseas. Why should we try to understand why the attacks on Paris happened? It is not to justify what happened. On the contrary. If we don’t understand the motivation of the attackers we open ourselves up to more attacks. Today’s Liberty Report takes a look at motivation beyond the usual bumper sticker “they hate us because we are free.”

America’s Dedication to Regime Change in Syria Halting Peace Process

With the second round of Syria peace talks scheduled for this weekend, the United States is still strongly objecting to any proposal to bring the Assad government together with moderate rebel factions to discuss political solutions to the ongoing slaughter. According to the US State Department it is “premature” for any talks between the Syrian government and rebels. In an interview, RPI Director Daniel McAdams says, “let’s be frank: the US is still completely dedicated to regime change in Syria, and that is where the road block is to further progress.” Watch the whole interview below:

US Isolationists Still Block Iran Trade

While France and the rest of Europe — not to mention Asia — are busy signing trade deals with Iran for when UN sanctions are lifted early next year, US companies are hampered by myriad legal restrictions on doing business with Iran. Will these restrictions continue even after UN sanctions are lifted, keeping US companies out in the cold? That is what the real isolationists hope for. Who are they? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

NATO Admits Afghan Mission Failure

After 14 years, more than a trillion dollars, tens of thousands of lives lost on all sides, the US/NATO mission in Afghanistan is more adrift than ever. Next month NATO member state ministers will meet to determine the next steps in Afghanistan. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg claims there will be no future combat mission for NATO, but NATO generals admit that if NATO leaves there will be an even swifter collapse. In today’s Liberty Report, Ron Paul offers some advice to NATO leaders:

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