RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

The Liberty Report

B-52s Over Korea…Protecting Our Homeland?

Why did the US fly a B-52 over South Korea yesterday? Was it a sign of superiority…or insecurity? North Korea tested some sort of nuclear device last week and the fly-over was part of a multi-pronged US response to the test. Today on the House Floor a bill strengthening sanctions against North Korea is likely to pass overwhelmingly. There is no shift in US thinking over the past 60 years. But if you think about it, even Kim Jong-Un’s foreign policy is more rational that Obama’s: in response to the threat posed by US troops in South Korea and strong rhetoric from Japan, North Korea has developed an effective nuclear deterrent. North Korea does not practice “regime change” overseas, it does not attempt to invade its neighbors. It merely has developed a deterrent to a threat. More on ineffective US foreign policy toward North Korea in today’s Liberty Report:

US (In)Justice Department Created Mess In Oregon

What is the role of federal mandatory minimum sentencing laws in the current Oregon standoff? At its core the dispute is about a federal government that runs roughshod over states, forcing otherwise peaceful ranchers like the Hammonds to be charged under federal terrorism laws for a controlled burn that accidentally scorched some federal government parkland. Setting aside the sideshow that is the armed occupation of a federal building in the remote nature preserve, the real issue is one of federal government over-reach and bullying. More today on the Liberty Report with special guest Jacob Sullum of Reason Magazine:

North Korea Nukes: A Case For Non-Intervention?

Cries of glee must have emanated from the military-industrial complex and the Beltway think tanks as North Korean leader Kim Jong Un made another of his periodic pleas for global attention. The nuclear detonation is looking less likely as powerful and thus significant than the North Korean government initially claimed, but that is not stopping vested US interests in playing up the threat. To some, like Donald Trump, it’s all China’s fault. To others, like Jeb Bush, it’s all the fault of the Obama/Hillary foreign policy. To the think tankers, more policy papers are being feverishly crafted all calling for more of the same to produce different results. More military spending and more sanctions!

But the North Korean “problem” is a direct result of US interventionism and the uncertainty it produces. After all, the Libyans gave up their nuclear program and not long afterward were “regime changed” by Washington. No one thinks a similar attack on North Korea is imminent. So as a deterrent, North Korea’s nuclear policy actually works well. Why would anyone expect them to change? Perhaps taking away the incentive for such a deterrent would be more successful? Don’t count on new thinking among the entrenched elite. Instead, turn to the Ron Paul Liberty Report:

US Politicians On Saudi Beheadings: It’s All Iran’s Fault!

Is House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce purposely deceiving the American public, or is he just that badly informed? As the Saudis beheaded 47 prisoners, including a prominent Shiite cleric, Royce went on CNN to blame the whole thing on the Iranians! The problems started when the Iranian military invaded Yemen, he said. But that is demonstrably untrue. It was the Saudis who invaded Yemen. The presidential candidates are no better, promising to use the US military to defend our “ally” the Saudis. Why are they so seemingly bought off by the Saudis? It could have to do with the hundreds of millions of dollars the Saudis spend on PR in Washington each year. More on these neocon lies in today’s Liberty Report:

2016: An Explosive New Year?

The Saudis and Iranians are at each other’s throats after Saudi Arabia’s penchant for executing the political opposition netted a prominent Shiite cleric. US reaction was muted. The Saudis have broken diplomatic relations after angry Iranians stormed the Saudi embassy in Tehran, and Riyadh is considering banning citizens from traveling to Iran. Meanwhile, the Chinese stock market crashed today, leading to a big initial Dow drop and a spike in gold prices. If 2016 is coming in with a bang, can we expect even louder explosions as the year goes on? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report with host Ron Paul and co-host Daniel McAdams:

Kerry In Moscow: Assad Can Stay?

Last week in Moscow, US Secretary of State John Kerry said it was not US policy that Assad must be overthrown in Syria. Days later in his end-of-year press conference President Obama said, once again, Assad must go. Is President Obama not in control of his own administration, as a recent Seymour Hersh article has suggested? Whatever the case, US policy toward Syria seems completely incomprehensible. Do they know what they are doing? Those are the questions we have on today’s Liberty Report:

Congress Passes PATRIOT Act II In Secret

Brand new Speaker of the House Paul Ryan made grand-sounding promises of reform. The House would go back to regular order, no more sneaking bills to the Floor in the dead of night. Well that didn’t last long: Ryan snuck a dangerous and anti-American “PATRIOT Act, II” into the “must-pass” Omnibus spending bull. As bad as the PATRIOT Act was, allowing the government to spy on us nearly at will, the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA) may be even worse. The bill forces private companies to spy on their customers and hand the information over to US intelligence services. When Obama signed the bill into law days ago, he essentially turned the “private” sector in the United States into an adjunct intelligence service for the government. More on this chilling move in today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

GOP Debate: Fear Won, Liberty Lost

Host Wolf Blitzer set the tone for last night’s Republican Party presidential debate when he solemnly told the audience that Americans are more fearful now than at any time since 9/11. The fear of terrorism is the number one issue, he emphasized, trumping all other concerns. With the stage thus set, the candidates, with a few exceptions, proceeded to tell voters how many new wars they would start, how many civilians they would kill overseas, how many of our liberties we must give up at home. Today’s Liberty Report takes a look at the dismal future laid out by most of the candidates:

ISIS Is Big Winner In Saudis’ Yemen War

Eleven months of Saudi bombs on Yemen has produced thousands of dead civilians, devastated infrastructure, a threatened famine, and…ISIS! The US-backed Saudi intervention to push back a Houthi-led insurgency in Yemen was presumably driven by the Saudi obsession with reducing any perceived Iranian advantage in the Middle East. The fruits of the intervention are increasingly bitter, however. A Libya, part II — or perhaps a preview of post-Assad Syria if the Saudis, Americans, and Turks have their way. As a new round of peace talks begins today in Switzerland, the Ron Paul Liberty Report takes a look at who’s winning big in Yemen:

Cheap Oil: Great For The Economy?

Cheap oil has not driven an economic recovery in the US as it was supposed to do. Consumers have benefitted in the short-term from lower prices, but there are still record numbers of Americans out of the work force and the economy looks as shaky as ever. Much of the shale boom was driven by the Federal Reserve Bank’s money-printing policies, which created boatloads of money looking for places to mal-invest. But the soft underbelly of the current cheap oil “crisis” is geopolitical uncertainty primarily in the Middle East. The world is one Turkish missile, or Russian bomb, or US airstrike, or Saudi invasion away from what could a global earthquake in the oil markets. Today’s Liberty Report takes a look at the economics and politics of cheap oil:

Losing The ‘Good War’: Taliban Returns In Afghanistan

The US-led war on Afghanistan has lasted some 15 years and cost well over a trillion dollars. Yet Afghanistan is in arguably worse shape than when the US set out to “liberate” it from the Taliban. In fact, the Taliban are conducting ever bolder strikes against targets of psychological significance such as the airport in Kandahar this week. The US war in Afghanistan is lost, but no one in Washington will admit it because it is too profitable to the military-industrial complex, and the admission would reveal the bankruptcy of the “regime change” and “nation-build” that is at the center of US foreign policy. Instead they will press on, taking with them the lives of many more war victims and untold resources. Today’s Liberty Report takes a look at the US slow-motion defeat in Afghanistan:

Congress Plans To Tax and Spy On You More

It seems like only yesterday that incoming Speaker of the House Paul Ryan promised that from here on the House would proceed only under regular order and that there would be no midnight bills pushed through without due consideration from the committees of jurisdiction. That didn’t last long. As Congress ponders its holiday break, the pressure it mounting to rush through the Cybersecurity Information Sharing (CISA) Act, which encourages companies to spy on their customers and give the information to the US government. They’ve tried to pass this legislation for years, but it looks like by bypassing regular order they will finally push it through. Once again Congress sells out our liberties with the false promises of providing us more security. Today’s Liberty Report is joined by Campaign for Liberty president Norm Singleton to take a look at what Congress is giving us for Christmas:

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