RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

The Liberty Report

Trump Tapped? President Accuses Obama Of Spying On His Campaign

Over the weekend, President Trump Tweeted the he had just learned that former President Obama had wiretapped the campaign headquarters at Trump Towers. The mainstream media is largely ignoring the actual claims — certainly there is very little investigative journalism going on over it — but in reality this may be coming to a showdown: either President is so incredibly reckless that he would falsely accuse his predecessor of a serious crime, or former President Obama has indeed committed the most serious political crime since Watergate. What will happen? We discuss in today’s Liberty Report:

Will The Neocons ‘Flynn’ Jeff Sessions?

On Capitol Hill, Congressional business and campaign business is by law separate. Members or their staff must go off-site when conducting phone calls or other campaign related activities. When Senator Session said in his confirmation hearing that his campaign work did not include meetings with Russian officials he did not commit perjury, as the Democrat/Neocon alliance is claiming. But they are too lazy to have opposed Sessions on his terrible track record when it comes to civil liberties so they are determined to take down another senior member of the Trump Administration by perpetuating the laughable lie that somehow Washington, D.C. has been taken over by Putin and his KGB team. Will the Democrats and Neocons take down Sessions? We discuss the bizarre case in today’s Liberty Report:

Was Trump’s Speech Libertarian?

Dr. Paul watched President Trump’s address to Congress last night with one hand on his keyboard, live-Tweeting the event with his own critique and commentary and finally giving the speech a grade from a libertarian perspective. The response to Dr. Paul’s “Tweet-storm” was overwhelming, but much of it missed the point. This is not an issue of whether one “likes” or “supports” President Trump or any other politician. It is about the policies not the people. In today’s Liberty Report, Dr. Paul looks back over some of his Tweets from last night to provide more context to the brevity demanded by that medium:

What’s Going On In Djibouti? US/China Face-off in Africa

The sole permanent US military base in Africa is getting a new neighbor. It’s the Chinese, who are building their first military base outside of Chinese territory. The Chinese are the largest investors in Africa and have been heavily involved in anti-piracy efforts near Djibouti, where the two bases will be a few miles from each other. The neocons will point to this development as an example of how the US must be even more forwardly deployed to block Chinese expansion, but a more likely explanation is that the Chinese move is in response to repeated US destabilization moves in the region, including the war in Yemen, the war on Libya, and elsewhere. But will the new neighbors get along? We discuss in today’s Liberty Report:

War And Peace In The Age Of Trump

A month into the new Trump Administration has been a mixed bag when it comes to foreign policy. On the one hand, the President has reiterated his desire to get along with Russia even with all the shrieking of neocon disapproval. On the other hand, neocons have infiltrated and continue to infiltrate his Administration. In today’s Liberty Report we are joined by Lew Rockwell to take a look at War and Peace in the Age of Trump — and introduce an exciting joint Mises Institute/Ron Paul Institute symposium on the topic!

Shock Poll: Is Russia Friend Or Foe?

According to a recent NBC News poll, two-thirds of Americans are worried about a major war breaking out, and while among all respondents Russia is considered a foe, young people by a near three-fourth’s majority do not believe Russia to be a foe. The propaganda of the mainstream media has less of an effect on younger Americans, who have tuned out network news. What does this mean for the pro-peace movement? It’s good news, as we discuss in the Liberty Report:

CIA Weapons Pause In Syria – Are We Backing Off…Or Escalating?

For the past couple of weeks the CIA weapons smuggling operation to Syrian rebels has been on hold, according to press reports. Does this mean Trump’s sensible “we don’t know who these people are” statement during the campaign has become policy? We hope that is the case. However, the current Commander of the US Central Command said recently that Washington may be sending regular units of the US military into Syria, which would be a significant escalation. Which is it going to be: wisdom or folly? We discuss in today’s Liberty Report:

McMaster To NSC – More Troops To Middle East?

President Trump’s pick for National Security Advisor, Gen. H.R. McMaster, holds some views on Russia that seem to be at odds with the policy positions of his boss. He believes that Russian “aggression” began when the US began to withdraw from the world militarily, around 2008. He believes the US military needs to be more forward deployed. He has also stated publicly that Russia invaded Georgia in 2008, which is factually incorrect. What are his views on why radicals in the Middle East seek to do us harm? Join us for today’s Liberty Report:

More Troops: Why Trump’s ISIS Strategy Will Fail

After nearly 14 years of US military action in Iraq, significant parts of the country remain occupied by an ISIS that did not exist before the 2013 US “liberation.” The occupation that followed the 2013 US invasion of Iraq fueled the resentment that led to the rise of militants, which in turn led Washington to believe it needed to continue its military presence in Iraq, which led to the creation of more militants. It’s a never-ending cycle that it seems will be continued under President Trump’s new strategy to defeat ISIS. No one benefits from this cycle except the Beltway defense contractors and think tanks. More in today’s Liberty Report:

Is The Intelligence Community At War With Trump?

It looks like open warfare between the 60,000 member US intelligence community and their boss, President Donald Trump. According to numerous (non-sourced) articles recently, the nation’s intelligence officers are not even giving their president a full briefing out of fear that sensitive material may be leaked to the Russians. Is this a spook coup against Constitutional government or is it a thin layer of highly political elites at the top of these agencies leading a rebellion together with their allies on the outside? Is the target Trump, or his Russia policy? Today’s Liberty Report is joined by retired career intelligence officer Phil Giraldi who brings a valuable insider’s view to these questions:

Gen. Flynn Out At NSC — Winners and Losers

Did the CIA conspire to undermine President Trump’s National Security Advisor, Gen. Michael Flynn, by leaking information about a phone call Gen. Flynn had with the Russian ambassador after Trump was the president-elect? The phone call was intercepted by the intelligence community and illegally leaked to the press. Why? Who benefits? What can we expect of President Trump’s stated policy of better relations with Russia now that Flynn, who supported the policy, has been forced to resign? We look at the winners and losers of this early shake up in the Trump Administration in today’s Liberty Report:

‘Extreme Vetting’ – Homeland Security’s Attack On Liberty?

Gen. John Kelly, Director of the Department of Homeland Security, told Congress yesterday that the Administration is considering even more “extreme” vetting measures, to possibly include demands for passwords and information about web browsing habits. For now, these measures would only apply to those coming from the seven countries included in the temporary visa ban, but does anyone believe these requirements will not be expanded to include others…possibly even including Americans? More in today’s Liberty Report:

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