The Liberty Report

‘Take The Guns First’ – Trump’s War On The Second Amendment

President Trump shocked his base of supporters yesterday when he recommended that police grab guns of those they suspect shouldn’t have them before any due process takes place. He is also appearing to cave in to demands primarily from Democrats that more restrictions on gun ownership be implemented. While the shooting in Florida was a tragedy, as we point out in today’s Liberty Report a recent university study has shown that school shootings are significantly down over the past 20 years. It is a largely manufactured crisis in search of more restrictions on our liberties:

Behind The State Department’s $40 Million Troll Farm

The State Department’s “counter-propanda” office, the “Global Engagement Center” has recently had its budget doubled by a $40 million cash transfer from the Pentagon. What does this mean? The US government will do much more meddling in the internal affairs of foreign countries with the excuse that it is “countering” unproven Russian meddling in the US elections and political life. Much of the money will go to NGOs that toe the US government line and act as force-multipliers for US neocon propaganda. The project is an assault on non-interventionists in the US. More in today’s Liberty Report:

More North Korea Sanctions: Who Benefits? Who Suffers?

President Trump has wasted no time to ramp up tensions after the brief Olympic North/South Korea thaw. He has announced “heavy” new sanctions on North Korea and any country that dares trade with North Korea. Will the US military begin boarding foreign-flagged ships on the high seas? Chinese and Russian ships? That is what is being threatened. Will sanctions do the trick this time? And if not will President Trump launch a war? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Will ‘Extreme Security’ Solve The School Shooting Problem?

Should we make schools even more like prisons to keep kids safe from mass shootings? Should we further restrict firearm ownership among private citizens? Is that the problem? Or is there a deeper problem in our society that is making some people violent? How about the Pentagon’s involvement in the production of some 1,800 films and television programs that portray it in a favorable light? Is it the military-industrial complex that survives and thrives from Washington’s aggressive foreign policy — which relies on keeping people frightened to drum up support? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

UN’s Syria Propaganda Stunt

What’s going on in East Ghouta? The Syrian government forces are liberating the civilians held hostage by five main jihadist factions. But you wouldn’t know it from the media coverage. It is portrayed as yet another example of Assad engaging in bloodsport. But they said the same thing about East Aleppo and after it was liberated several hundred thousand returned. Why is the UN joining in on the propaganda effort? Join us for today’s Liberty Report:

Carving Up Syria: Anything Left For The Syrians?

Turkey has launched an attack on Syrian government-affiliated forces as they approach Kurdish areas of northern Syria. The Turks are occupying increasing parts of Syrian territory. Earlier this month, US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson bragged that the US controls 30 percent of Syria. Israel also has designs on occupying even more Syrian territory. With ISIS all but defeated, will outside plans to carve up Syria succeed? Will Russia stand by? More in today’s Liberty Report:

Mueller’s Russia Indictments: Covering Up For The Deep State?

Thirteen Russians and three Russian entities have been indicted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller and accused of interference in the 2016 US elections. They were not agents of the state, at least according to the indictment. They were private citizens. So why do it? Perhaps it was just a commercial “click-bait” venture? But one thing is sure: no one is talking about the FBI FISA deception or about the real foreign collusion in the election, which is the Hillary campaign collusion with “former” British spy Christopher Steele to produce information to undermine support for Donald Trump. It’s a win-win for the deep state. Tune in to today’s Liberty Report for more:

Making The Roads Great Again? Trump’s Big Gas Tax Proposal

According to press reports, President Trump is open to adding an additional 25 cents of federal tax on top of the existing 18.4 cents per gallon of gasoline. This is purportedly going to be used to pay for part of his big infrastructure program. The big tax hike would hit lower income Americans the hardest and would in the end not raise even a fraction of the $1.5 trillion we are told is needed to fix US infrastructure. Murray Sabrin, a US Senate candidate from New Jersey has a better idea: transfer the funds from the bloated military budget and eliminate the gas tax altogether! More in today’s Liberty Report:

2019 Military Budget: Pentagon Wins, American Taxpayers Lose

President Trump has delivered his military budget request for 2019 that increases spending by 12 percent over 2017 spending. Designed to fully fund a “depleted” military, even Defense Secretary Mattis was surprised at the figures. Many more warships, many more F-22s (even though they don’t work). Half a billion more dollars to continue the US “regime change” operation in Syria. There’s something in it for everybody…except the American people. How this massive spending increase makes us less safe and less free in today’s Liberty Report:

Korea Olympic Charm Offensive – What’s The Threat?

Neocons — and even a few “libertarians” — are furious that North Korea is getting some credit for unleashing a “charm offensive” at the Olympic games. Rather than look to a future without crippling sanctions and the threat of nuclear war, they obsess on the lurid details of reported abuses by the North Korean government. But what’s the big problem with a “charm offensive”? Isn’t it preferable to a military offensive? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Who Is The Aggressor In Syria?

It’s been a couple of weeks of serious escalation in Syria. First, the US attacked and killed some 100 Syrian government-allied troops for launching an operation against a US-funded rebel force that seeks the overthrow of the Syrian government. Then some US-trained rebels shot down a Russian jet fighter. Then Israel began bombing Syria for the 100th or so time. Then Syria shocked the world and shot down an Israeli F-16. Then Israel dropped some more bombs on Syria for what it said was a violation of its sovereignty. Where does it go from here? And why are we still there? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Grassley Memo Shocker – Did The UK Meddle In Our Elections? With Guest Phil Giraldi

The release of the “Grassley Memo” earlier this week should have made headlines, but it didn’t. In addition to confirming key details from the earlier Nunes Memo on FISA abuses, the Grassley memo contained even more details on the incredible manipulation of the 2016 US presidential election. Perhaps the media is ignoring the memo because the manipulation it demonstrates is not the manipulation they want to report. There is no evidence of Russian meddling in the memo. Instead, it looks more and more like British intelligence colluded with the Clinton campaign and key elements in the US intelligence community in an attempt to prevent Donald Trump from becoming president. Think the Brits would never do such a thing? Think again. Former CIA officer Phil Giraldi joins today’s Liberty Report to break down this new information…

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