Featured Articles

Murder in Gaza

Murder in Gaza

Good work, Mr. President Biden. You have managed to do what America’s enemies have not – creating widespread hatred for the United States around the globe. Your destruction of the Gaza refugee camps has inflamed antisemitism everywhere. There is widespread disgust and...

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Forward, into the breach

Forward, into the breach

Leaders make choices in moments of crises which can either lead to enhanced security or catastrophe for their nations, with the lives of innocents often hanging in the balance. Immediately after the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, I went to the...

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Alexei Navalny, 1976-2024

Alexei Navalny, 1976-2024

When the Nord Stream pipelines were blown up in September 2022, the media rushed to say that Russia did it.  We now know that the Americans did it, attacking their main European ally, Germany, and with it, the whole of Europe. When Alexei Navalny’s...

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