Featured Articles

Who Wants to be Defense Secretary?

Who Wants to be Defense Secretary?

It seems nobody wants to be Secretary of Defense in the Obama administration. The president’s first two Defense Secretaries, Robert Gates and Leon Panetta, both complained bitterly this month about their time in the administration. The president’s National Security...

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Nuclear Chicken in the Mideast

Nuclear Chicken in the Mideast

To no surprise, nuclear talks between Iran and major world powers have become stalemated. Iran will not sink “to its knees” to win a nuclear deal with the great powers, said its leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, after the failure of six months of talks in Vienna....

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ISIS: Fighting the Modern Wahabis

ISIS: Fighting the Modern Wahabis

Sir John Baggot Glubb, better known as Glubb Pasha, was one of the modern Mideast’s most colorful and romantic figures. He and "Chinese" Gordon of Khartoum were the last of the great British imperial officers. Seconded by Britain to its protectorate, the Hashemite...

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Ron Paul: ‘Help!’

Ron Paul: ‘Help!’

Dear Friends:Looking at the entrance to the little, spartan headquarters of my Institute for Peace and Prosperity here in Clute, Texas, I wonder how long it will be here. Not long, I am afraid, without your help. I marvel at how much has been achieved with so little...

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Still Letting the Neocons Lead

Still Letting the Neocons Lead

In a rational political system, the American neocons would be the most discredited group in modern U.S. history. If not in the dock for complicity in war crimes – from Central America in the 1980s to Iraq last decade – they would surely not be well-regarded scholars...

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