Does the US government want the Islamic State and/or its fellow-travelers in Al Qaeda to take over Syria? As far as the State Department is concerned, that seems to be a risk worth taking as it moves to cut off Russia’s supply pipeline to the Syrian government of...
Featured Articles

Congress Fiddles While the Economy Burns
by Ron Paul | Sep 14, 2015 | Featured Articles
Reports that the official unemployment rate has fallen to 5.1 percent may appear to vindicate the policies of easy money, corporate bailouts, and increased government spending. However, even the mainstream media has acknowledged that the official numbers understate...
America’s Police State is Rooted in Four Federal Wars
by Jacob G. Hornberger | Sep 11, 2015 | Featured Articles
Consider the impact on the civil liberties of the American people of four of the non-stop wars that the U.S. government has been waging for a very long time: the war on drugs, the war on terrorism, the war on immigrants, and the war on wealth. These four wars have...
Why The US and Iran Aren’t Cooperating Against ISIS
by Gareth Porter | Sep 9, 2015 | Featured Articles
By the logic of geopolitics, the United States and Iran ought to be cooperating to contain and weaken the Islamic State (IS). Both countries have declared that the group is a very serious threat to their own security and to the security of the entire Middle East....
A Russian Buildup in Syria? The Propaganda Machine Strikes Again
by Bryan MacDonald | Sep 8, 2015 | Featured Articles
Somebody wants the Saudis and their Arab neighbors to believe that Russia is intensifying its presence in Syria. That possibly explains a hysterical propaganda overload this weekend. They seek them here, they seek them there. According to certain elements of the US...
‘Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death’: The Loss of Our Freedoms in the Wake of 9/11
by John W. Whitehead | Sep 8, 2015 | Featured Articles
“Since mankind’s dawn, a handful of oppressors have accepted the responsibility over our lives that we should have accepted for ourselves. By doing so, they took our power. By doing nothing, we gave it away. We’ve seen where their way leads, through camps and wars,...
Turning the Cradle of Civilization Into its Graveyard
by Diana Johnstone | Sep 7, 2015 | Featured Articles
This Monday, September 7, seven Syrian citizens go to court in Paris to pursue their civil suit against French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius. The five men and two women all lost family members and close friends in massacres by armed rebels supported by Fabius in...
Color Revolution 2.0 in Lebanon: From Piles of Trash to Piles of Rubble
by Tony Cartalucci | Sep 7, 2015 | Featured Articles
“Spontaneous.” “Genuine.” Defiant.” The US State Department’s marketeers have used these labels in attempts to differentiate its latest wave of global “color revolutions” from the now tired, ineffective, and familiar formulas used everywhere from the US-engineered...

The Real Refugee Problem – And How To Solve It
by Ron Paul | Sep 6, 2015 | Featured Articles
Last week Europe saw one of its worst crises in decades. Tens of thousands of migrants entered the European Union via Hungary, demanding passage to their hoped-for final destination, Germany. While the media focuses on the human tragedy of so many people uprooted and...
‘Refugees’ Arrive in Munich, Hungary Demonized: What’s The Endgame?
by Daniel McAdams | Sep 5, 2015 | Featured Articles
Watching live footage of the "refugees" arriving in Munich, it is difficult not to be struck by how non refugee-like they look. Many are well shod in expensive-looking western sneakers, wearing Adidas and other western name-brand clothing, fingering their smart...
False Flag Alert on Refugee ‘Crisis’?
by Anne Williamson | Sep 4, 2015 | Featured Articles
In the past week, the flood of undocumented and unregistered Middle Eastern and African migrants into the EU has become an inundation. The high water mark of the human tide is located in Hungary, which is not a logical outcome despite the country’s geographical...
Ron Paul and Lost Lessons of War
by Todd E. Pierce | Sep 3, 2015 | Featured Articles
Former US Rep. Ron Paul lays out a national security strategy for the United States in his book, Swords into Plowshares, which Carl von Clausewitz , the author of On War, would have approved. Clausewitz, a Prussian general in the early Nineteenth Century, is...
Buy the Rights-Abusing Cops Lunch Says Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick
by Adam Dick | Sep 3, 2015 | Featured Articles
Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick issued a statement Wednesday that says that, to counter “America’s negative attitude toward our law enforcement officers,” people should all-but grovel at the feet of any police they come across. Patrick even suggests that...
Abusing Dead Syrian Children
by Daniel McAdams | Sep 3, 2015 | Featured Articles
Images are a powerful tool in the hands of propagandists. A picture is worth a thousand words, as the saying goes. If a powerful image can be manipulated to tell a tale even if false, it can persuade more viscerally than can a thousand reasoned arguments.So it is with...
Sheep Led to the Slaughter: The Muzzling of Free Speech in America
by John W. Whitehead | Sep 1, 2015 | Featured Articles
“If the freedom of speech be taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”—George Washington The architects of the American police state must think we’re idiots. With every passing day, we’re being moved further down the road towards a...
Why the War on Terror is Failing
by Peter van Buren | Aug 31, 2015 | Featured Articles
A well-done article in the New York Times reminds us that four years after the United States assassinated American citizen and Muslim cleric Anwar al-Awlaki (and his teenage son) in a drone strike, his influence on jihadists is greater than ever. At the same time, the...
Saudi Coalition Bombs Yemen Water Bottling Plant, Killing Dozens of Civilians
by Sarah Lazare | Aug 31, 2015 | Featured Articles
In the midst of a war-fueled water crisis, the Saudi Arabia-led coalition reportedly bombed a water bottling plant in northern Yemen on Sunday, adding to mounting civilian casualties as the military onslaught enters its sixth month. "The corpses of 36 workers, many of...

Blame the Federal Reserve, Not China, for Stock Market Crash
by Ron Paul | Aug 30, 2015 | Featured Articles
Following Monday’s historic stock market downturn, many politicians and so-called economic experts rushed to the microphones to explain why the market crashed and to propose "solutions” to our economic woes. Not surprisingly, most of those commenting not only failed...
Beijing Bingo
by Eric Margolis | Aug 29, 2015 | Featured Articles
My father, a New York financier, used to call dubious stocks or bonds, “Chinese paper.” Last week, we saw a blizzard of Chinese paper, both in China and around the world. As manager of a sizeable investment portfolio (an unwelcome second job from my main work,...
Follow the Money? Not with Hillary, Follow Pat…
by Peter van Buren | Aug 28, 2015 | Featured Articles
The old adage, “follow the money,” is still not a bad way to suss out wrongdoing. Originated during the Watergate era, the term says if you follow the trail of money through an organization or a caper, you’ll find the guilty people at the end. With the State...
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