The leadership of the chemical weapons watchdog took efforts to remove the paper trail of a dissenting report from Douma, Syria which pointed to a possible false flag operation there, leaked documents indicate. In an internal email published by the transparency...
McAdams: ‘Trump White House is a “Cult” under Bolton’
by RT | Apr 4, 2019 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
How is it that President Trump's national security advisor John Bolton seems to actually be running things and even over-riding his boss's foreign policy? As RPI Director Daniel McAdams tells Rick Sanchez of RT America, it's because he's frozen everyone else from the...
Venezuela is ‘most open US coup’, pundit tells RT as WSJ talks ‘getting Russia out of Caracas’
by RT | Apr 1, 2019 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
The US is fueling “the most open coup in history” in Venezuela, an American pundit told RT in response to a WSJ op-ed that beat the drum of interventionism by discussing how to get Russia out of Caracas and Maduro out of power. A short but emotive editorial piece by...
Neocons Want Brazil in NATO to Undermine Venezuela – Daniel McAdams
by RT | Mar 21, 2019 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Daniel McAdams of the Ron Paul Institute joins News.Views.Hughes to discuss Trump’s apparent 180 degree turn on NATO. While once he was outspoken in his criticism, President Trump now wants to expand the alliance by bringing Brazil into the fold. He argues that Trump...
US Has Foreign Policy of ‘World Domination’ – Daniel McAdams
by RT | Mar 5, 2019 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree to make Russia’s withdrawal from the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty official. Russia continues to insist that they have not been in breach of the treaty, despite repeated accusations from US leaders....
First Venezuela, Now Nicaragua? Bolton Says Ortega’s Days ‘Numbered’ & People ‘Will Soon be Free’
by RT | Feb 20, 2019 | Featured Articles
US President Donald Trump’s top foreign policy advisor John Bolton appears dead set on resuming his decades-long stand-off with Nicaragua President Daniel Ortega, hinting that Washington-backed regime change may be in the offing. “The Ortega regime has sentenced three...
LinkedIn Billionaire ‘Sorry’ for Funding ‘Russian bot’ Disinformation Campaign Against Roy Moore
by RT | Dec 27, 2018 | Featured Articles
The co-founder of LinkedIn, Reid Hoffman, has apologized to Republican Roy Moore for funding an organisation that faked a "Russian bot" involvement to mar his election campaign in Alabama. American Engagement Technologies (AET), which Hoffman gave $750,000 to, put...
Republican Congressman Calls Syrian President Assad ‘the Butcher of Baghdad’ in War Geography Fail
by RT | Sep 17, 2018 | Neocon Watch
In a clumsy attempt to attack a non-interventionist congressional colleague, Republican congressman Adam Kinzinger got his war geography mixed up — referring to Syrian President Bashar Assad as “the Butcher of Baghdad”.In an interview with CNN at the weekend,...
Butina prosecutors wrote their own James Bond novel with sex allegations – and the media loved it
by RT | Sep 11, 2018 | Featured Articles
US prosecutors who wrongly accused Russian ‘foreign agent’ and gun activist Maria Butina of trading sex for influence peddled their own cheap James Bond fan fiction. No matter how incorrect, the media lapped it up.Butina’s request to be released until the time of her...
Saudi-led Coalition Strikes Newly Built Doctors Without Borders Facility in Yemen
by RT | Jun 13, 2018 | Featured Articles
A newly built cholera care center, run by Doctors Without Borders (MSF) in the town of Abs, has been hit by Saudi-led coalition planes in yet another airstrike on the medical charity’s facilities in war-ravaged Yemen.The attack has rendered the center...
‘The Best Interests of the People’: Ex-US Top Spy Clapper Justifies Election Interference
by RT | Jun 3, 2018 | Featured Articles
Fret not, people of the over 80 countries where the US has interfered in elections – it was done in your “best interests,” according to former head of US Intelligence James Clapper.Clapper, who famously lied about the NSA mass surveillance program before it was...
N. Korea Conundrum: ‘Washington Confuses Concept of Negotiation With Surrender’
by RT | May 23, 2018 | Featured Articles
The US is essentially irrelevant to the solution of the Korean problem and, if a deal is made between the North and South, the US will be asked to leave, says Daniel McAdams, executive director of the Ron Paul Peace Institute.Donald Trump said during a meeting with...
Blackout: US military spent $60 million on Afghanistan power lines to nowhere
by RT | Apr 7, 2018 | Featured Articles
The US military spent $60 million on a new section of power grid in Afghanistan’s northeast. It doesn’t work and may even put residents at risk, according to a report from the US government’s reconstruction watchdog.While the power lines have been built, the Special...
‘Operational pause’: Turkish offensive in Syria’s Afrin forces US to halt anti-ISIS battle
by RT | Mar 6, 2018 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Some US-aligned militias have switched their priorities to battle the Turkish-led offensive in Afrin instead of fighting ISIS terrorists, the Pentagon said, announcing a “pause” in ground operations in eastern Syria.On January 20, Turkey, with the help of the...
Lew Rockwell: ‘It’s About Time the US Realized it Needs to Get Out of Afghanistan’
by RT | Jan 25, 2018 | Featured Articles
The US has no business in Afghanistan but it loves war and could be there for another 17 years, killing hundreds of thousands more people, according to Lew Rockwell, chairman of the Ludwig von Mises Institute.The US State Department confirmed Tuesday that several...
‘US Govt Undermines Democracy’ Seeking More Control Over Social Media
by RT | Nov 2, 2017 | Featured Articles
It’s preposterous that the US government purports to tell Americans what they are allowed to read on social media, says Daniel McAdams, executive director of Ron Paul Institute. He adds that it undermines US democracy.Technology and social media giants Facebook,...
Ron Paul: Anti-Russia Campaign Stems From Bias and Desire to Limit Free Speech
by RT | Sep 30, 2017 | Featured Articles
The investigation into the alleged Russian meddling in the US elections and the supposed use of social media by Moscow to sway public opinion is just a “witch hunt,” former US Congressman Ron Paul told RT.“The people who promote this witch hunt do not care about what...
‘US in Grip of Anti-Russia Hysteria, Worse Than Days of Salem Witch Trials’
by RT | Sep 29, 2017 | Featured Articles
The whole "Russia thing" is due to the neocons who are looking for another Cold War because it is very profitable for them, Daniel McAdams, executive director of the Ron Paul Institute, told RT.Twitter has published a report on how the company battled against alleged...
Hysteria in America: Congress Filled With ‘Totalitarians’ Who Oppose ‘Free Market of Ideas’
by RT | Sep 21, 2017 | Featured Articles
There are members of Congress who don’t want anyone on TV saying America’s foreign policy is a disaster and it costs a fortune, Daniel McAdams, executive director, Ron Paul Institute, told RT. The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for the fiscal year 2018,...
US Taxpayers Will be ‘Crying in Their Beers’ When Iraqi Reconstruction Bill Arrives
by RT | Jul 13, 2017 | Featured Articles
The neocons and the military-industrial complex are rubbing their hands with glee over profits to be made from Iraqi reconstruction, but that cannot be said of the US taxpayer who must foot the bill, says Ron Paul Institute Executive Director Daniel McAdams.After...
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