Ron Paul

The ‘Giuliani Moment’

The Republican Party Debate, South Carolina, May 15th, 2007 MR. GOLER: Congressman Paul, I believe you are the only man on the stage who opposes the war in Iraq, who would bring the troops home as quickly as -- almost immediately, sir. Are you out of step with your...

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Trump’s Budget: Radical Change or More of the Same?

Save Liberty, Shut Down the Government

Congress ended the week by passing a continuing resolution keeping the government funded for one more week. This stopgap funding bill is designed to give Congress and the White House more time to negotiate a long-term spending bill. Passage of a long-term spending...

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Trump’s Budget: Radical Change or More of the Same?

Obamacare Repeal or Obamacare 2.0?

This Thursday, the House of Representatives will vote on a Republican bill that supposedly repeals Obamacare. However, the bill retains Obamacare’s most destructive features.That is not to say this legislation is entirely without merit. For example, the bill expands...

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Trump’s Budget: Radical Change or More of the Same?

Cut, Don’t Reform, Taxes

Many Americans who have wrestled with a 1040 form, or who have paid someone to prepare their taxes, no doubt cheered the news that Congress will soon resume working on tax reform. However taxpayers should temper their enthusiasm because, even in the unlikely event tax...

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