It’s remarkable that whenever you read an article about Yemen in the mainstream media, the central role of Saudi Arabia and the United States in the tragedy is glossed over or completely ignored. A recent Washington Post article purporting to tell us “how things got...
Ron Paul
Education Scholarship Tax Credits Help Children and Advance Liberty
by Ron Paul | Nov 13, 2017 | Featured Articles
Shutting down the Department of Education and returning control of the education dollar to the American people is the key to improving education. The best way to put the people in charge of education is by shutting down all unconstitutional bureaucracies, repealing...
GOP Tax Plan Increases the Most Insidious Tax
by Ron Paul | Nov 6, 2017 | Featured Articles
Last Thursday, congressional Republicans unveiled their tax reform legislation. On the same day, President Trump nominated current Federal Reserve Board Governor Jerome Powell to succeed Janet Yellen as Federal Reserve chair. While the tax plan dominated the...
Neocons Hijack Trump’s Syria Policy
by Ron Paul | Oct 30, 2017 | Featured Articles
Does anyone in the Trump Administration have a clue about our Syria policy? In March, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson appeared to be finally pulling back from President Obama’s disastrous “Assad must go” position that has done nothing but prolong the misery in Syria....
Trump’s Fed Picks? More of the Same!
by Ron Paul | Oct 23, 2017 | Featured Articles
This week President Trump revealed his final five candidates for Federal Reserve chair. Disappointingly, but not surprisingly, all five have strong ties to the financial and political establishment. The leading candidates are former Federal Reserve governor and Morgan...
President Trump Beats War Drums For Iran
by Ron Paul | Oct 16, 2017 | Featured Articles
President Trump has been notoriously inconsistent in his foreign policy. He campaigned on and won the presidency with promises to repair relations with Russia, pull out of no-win wars like Afghanistan, and end the failed US policy of nation-building overseas. Once in...
Will Tax Reform Increase or Limit Liberty?
by Ron Paul | Oct 9, 2017 | Featured Articles
President Trump and the congressional Republican leadership recently unveiled a tax reform “framework.” The framework has a number of provisions that will lower taxes on middle-class Americans. For example, the framework doubles the standard deduction and increases...
What Did Washington Achieve in its Six Year War on Syria?
by Ron Paul | Oct 2, 2017 | Featured Articles
Now that the defeat of ISIS in Syria appears imminent, with the Syrian army clearing out some of the last ISIS strongholds in the east, Washington’s interventionists are searching for new excuses to maintain the illegal US military presence in the country. Their...
Trump Vs The NFL – The Right To Protest
by Ron Paul | Sep 25, 2017 | Featured Articles
Do NFL players have the "right" to protest against the national anthem on the playing field? Should Trump's demand that anyone who does not stand should be fired? What about the owners? And what about the millions the Defense Department sent the NFL to militarize the...
How to End the Korea Crisis
by Ron Paul | Sep 25, 2017 | Featured Articles
The descent of US/North Korea “crisis” to the level of schoolyard taunts should be remembered as one of the most bizarre, dangerous, and disgraceful chapters in US foreign policy history.President Trump, who holds the lives of millions of Koreans and Americans in his...
Rand Paul’s Senate Vote Rolls Back the Warfare State
by Ron Paul | Sep 18, 2017 | Featured Articles
Last week, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) reminded Congress that in matters of war, they have the authority and the responsibility to speak for the American people. Most Senators were not too happy about the reminder, which came in the form of a forced vote on whether to...
Congress Exploits Hurricane to Raise Debt Ceiling
by Ron Paul | Sep 11, 2017 | Featured Articles
Former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel famously counseled politicians to never let a crisis go to waste. Sadly, this week President Trump and congressional leaders of both parties showed that they have taken this advice to heart when they attached a debt...
Government ‘Aid’ Makes Disasters Worse
by Ron Paul | Sep 4, 2017 | Featured Articles
Texans affected by Hurricane Harvey, including my family and me, appreciate the outpouring of support from across the country. President Donald Trump has even pledged to donate one million dollars to relief efforts. These private donations will be much more valuable...
Will Congress and Trump Declare War on WikiLeaks?
by Ron Paul | Aug 28, 2017 | Featured Articles
The Senate Intelligence Committee recently passed its Intelligence Authorization Act for 2018 that contains a chilling attack on the First Amendment. Section 623 of the act expresses the “sense of Congress” that WikiLeaks resembles a “non-state hostile intelligence...
Oppose Fascism of the Right and the Left
by Ron Paul | Aug 21, 2017 | Featured Articles
Following the recent clashes between the alt-right and the group antifa, some libertarians have debated which group they should support. The answer is simple: neither. The alt-right and its leftist opponents are two sides of the same authoritarian coin.The alt-right...
Attack Venezuela? Trump Can’t be Serious!
by Ron Paul | Aug 14, 2017 | Featured Articles
There is something unsettling about how President Trump has surrounded himself with generals. From his defense secretary to his national security advisor to his White House chief of staff, Trump looks to senior military officers to fill key positions that have been...
Jeff Sessions Endorses Theft
by Ron Paul | Aug 7, 2017 | Featured Articles
Attorney General Jeff Sessions recently ordered the Justice Department to increase the use of civil asset forfeiture, thus once again endorsing an unconstitutional, authoritarian, and increasingly unpopular policy. Civil asset forfeiture, which should be called civil...
North Korea or Iran…Where Will President Trump Attack First?
by Ron Paul | Jul 31, 2017 | Featured Articles
President Trump seems to be impatiently racing toward at least one disastrous war. Maybe two. The big question is who will be first? North Korea or Iran? Over the past several days President Trump has sent two nuclear-capable B-1 bombers over the Korean peninsula to...
Trump Should Veto Congress’ Foolish New Sanctions Bill
by Ron Paul | Jul 24, 2017 | Featured Articles
This week’s expected House vote to add more sanctions on Russia, Iran, and North Korea is a prime example of how little thought goes into US foreign policy. Sanctions have become kind of an automatic action the US government takes when it simply doesn’t know what else...
Big Military Spending Boost Threatens Our Economy and Security
by Ron Paul | Jul 17, 2017 | Featured Articles
On Friday the House overwhelmingly approved a massive increase in military spending, passing a $696 billion National Defense Authorization bill for 2018. President Trump’s request already included a huge fifty or so billion dollar spending increase, but the...
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- House Passes Bill To Sanction Cooperation With The ICC Following Netanyahu Arrest Warrantby Christina Abbott
- Sen. Fetterman Claims He is Puzzled Why Americans Protest His Support of Israel’s Decimation of Gazaby Adam Dick
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