Heading into its sixteenth year, with no endpoint in sight, America’s longest war is its least talked about. Afghanistan has not come up in any Republican or Democratic debate, except perhaps as one of a list of countries where Islamic State must be destroyed (left...
Peter van Buren
Does Over-Classification Matter With the Hillary Emails?
by Peter van Buren | Apr 15, 2016 | Featured Articles
Rules are for fools, and in this case the fools in question are you, me, and what’s left of the American democratic system. Obama, in an interview, basically made it clear nobody is going to indict Hillary Clinton for exposing classified material via her unclassified...
John Kerry, and the Legacy of Hiroshima
by Peter van Buren | Apr 13, 2016 | Featured Articles
US Secretary of State John Kerry and fellow envoys from the G7 visited Hiroshima’s Peace Memorial Park on the margins of their summit meeting this week. Kerry was the highest ranking American government official to visit the Peace Park, the memorial dedicated to the...
‘The Boys Who Said No!’: New Documentary About War Resisters
by Peter van Buren | Apr 4, 2016 | Featured Articles
Evil is participatory, says interviewee David Harris at the beginning of a documentary in progress about Vietnam-era draft resisters, The Boys Who Said No! Evil continuing depends on people joining in, and the first step to stopping it, he continues, is withdrawing...
Iraq Ranks In Ten Most Corrupt Countries In World, Again
by Peter van Buren | Mar 30, 2016 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Iraq, the failed state that over 4,600 (and counting…) Americans died to free from some evil tyrant 13 years ago, is still ranking high internationally in something. Unfortunately, that something is corruption. A couple of other places where America has been...
Back to the Future: The Unanswered Questions from the Debates
by Peter van Buren | Mar 26, 2016 | Featured Articles
The nuances of foreign policy do not feature heavily in the ongoing presidential campaign. Every candidate intends to “destroy” the Islamic State; each has concerns about Russian President Vladimir Putin, North Korea, and China; every one of them will defend Israel;...
You Should Care About Apple, Your iPhone, and the FBI
by Peter van Buren | Mar 8, 2016 | Featured Articles
FBI Director James Comey Yep, you should care. Very much. Hang up the phone and listen. What This is All About The FBI wants Apple to help unlock an iPhone used by one of the attackers who killed 14 people in the December San Bernardino shooting. Specifically, the...
US Military Contractors Return In Droves to Iraq
by Peter van Buren | Mar 2, 2016 | Featured Articles
America’s mercenaries smell the blood (and the money) and are returning to Iraq.Mercs are a great thing for the US government, in that they aren’t counted as “troops,” or as “boots on the ground,” even while they are both. The Defense Department can disavow any...
Intel Agencies: Clinton Emails Match Top Secret Documents
by Peter van Buren | Mar 1, 2016 | Featured Articles
Clinton supporters, erroneously, make much out of the idea that of the many, many emails that passed through her private server, none were “marked” classified. They claim that, when in fact thousands of those same emails are indeed now marked classified, that is just...
Six Years and $17 Billion Wasted in Afghanistan
by Peter van Buren | Jan 28, 2016 | Featured Articles
What did you get for Christmas these last six years? The U.S. government was nice enough to gift our loyal friends the Afghans $17 billion of your tax money, and, in the true spirit of giving, asked nothing in return for itself. What that means in actual dollars and...
Guantánamo Parole Board Clears Victim of Mistaken Identity — After 13 Years
by Peter van Buren | Jan 27, 2016 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Detainee 434 Mustafa al Shamiri This story makes me so angry that I can’t even come up with my usual snarky introduction. I only weep. The Guantánamo parole board approved the release of a Yemeni “forever prisoner,” dismissing intelligence that imprisoned the man for...
You Won’t Like It, But Here’s the Answer to ISIS
by Peter van Buren | Jan 25, 2016 | Featured Articles
How can we stop the Islamic State? Imagine yourself shaken awake, rushed off to a strategy meeting with your presidential candidate of choice, and told: “Come up with a plan for me to do something about ISIS!” What would you say? What Hasn’t Worked You’d need to start...
What’s the Real Story Behind Saudi Arabia’s Execution of Shia Cleric al-Nimr?
by Peter van Buren | Jan 12, 2016 | Featured Articles
The execution of Shi’ite cleric Nimr al-Nimr and 46 convicted al-Qaeda members by the Saudis triggered a still-unfolding crisis between the Kingdom and Iran. Protesters in Tehran set fire to the Saudi embassy, and the Iranian government threatened that the Saudis will...
New ‘Jihadi John?’ ISIS Video Features English-Speaker
by Peter van Buren | Jan 7, 2016 | Featured Articles
For those who still don’t get why the War of Terror continues to fail after 14+ years, here is another lesson. We all remember “Jihadi John,” who of course was never called that except in the western media. John (real name: Mohammed Emwazi) was a British citizen who...
About That ISIS Plan to Attack Munich…
by Peter van Buren | Jan 4, 2016 | Featured Articles
So while we huddled in drunken fear here in The Homeland, Germans in Das Homeland played out a similar game. You may have missed it among updates of our impending doom from terror attacks on New Year’s Eve, but in Munich two train stations were evacuated and closed...
US Now World’s Top Arms Dealer
by Peter van Buren | Dec 28, 2015 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
In most people’s minds, America’s biggest exports are things like iPhones made in China, or swank Levi’s made in China. But in fact, America is the world’s leading seller of one category of goods, and those goods are nearly 100% made in America: weapons. Maybe not a...
Your Business Been Hacked? Thanks NSA!
by Peter van Buren | Dec 24, 2015 | Featured Articles
It appears that the NSA (“or someone”) hacked into the code of a popular firewall and planted a password in there that would allow them access as needed. That means the NSA (“or someone”) would be able to bypass the security features of a network and do what they...
Your Business Been Hacked? Thanks NSA!
by Peter van Buren | Dec 24, 2015 | Featured Articles
It appears that the NSA (“or someone”) hacked into the code of a popular firewall and planted a password in there that would allow them access as needed. That means the NSA (“or someone”) would be able to bypass the security features of a network and do what they...
The SEALS Beat a Man to Death — Should We Care?
by Peter van Buren | Dec 22, 2015 | Featured Articles
Here’s what happened: The three Navy SEALs stomped on bound Afghan detainees and dropped heavy stones on their chests. They stood on the prisoners’ heads and poured bottles of water on their faces in an improvised form of waterboarding. A bomb had exploded at an...
Washington to Whomever: Please Fight the Islamic State for Us
by Peter van Buren | Dec 17, 2015 | Featured Articles
In the many strategies proposed to defeat the Islamic State (IS) by presidential candidates, policymakers, and media pundits alike across the American political spectrum, one common element stands out: someone else should really do it. The United States will send in...
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- Fire the Washington War Partyby Eric Margolis
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