RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

Peter van Buren

General Milley’s Imaginary Coup

General Milley’s Imaginary Coup

We need to clear some things up before they get any further out of hand, as the Dems insist on making this stuff every day’s front page. For starters, stop saying “Reichstag moment.” And when Grandpa Simpson and Kamala “Silent Shadow” Harris tottered into the White...

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The COVID Response Disaster

The COVID Response Disaster

If only we’d been able to see sooner that the disease wasn’t the hoax, the response was. How do we even know now? Pigs are flying everywhere. The media are fessing up. After fanning COVID panic for a year, Democratic newsletter Salon admits it was all for partisan...

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Incitement is the New Terrorism

Incitement is the New Terrorism

You can only make up your own definition of “incitement” in the movies and at presidential impeachment trials. Otherwise the actual law is going to have to do. The picture is becoming clearer now: 1/6 will be sold to frightened Americans as a new 9/11, the prime mover...

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Impeachment Witness Questions

Impeachment Witness Questions

In addition to the whistleblower himself, when Republicans get their chance to fully question the people whose testimony is now being stage managed by the Democrats, here are the points they must make to illustrate all this. There is no crime. Exactly what is the...

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Bullies Like Me

Bullies Like Me

Harvard revoked a Parkland student’s admission, a survivor kid who supported the Second Amendment. Two former Central Park 5 prosecutors lost their jobs 30 years after the case, because of a Netflix movie released last week called “When They See Us.” By the time you...

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Iraq Wrecked Me for Nothing

Iraq Wrecked Me for Nothing

I recently spoke to some college students who, I realized, were in fifth grade when I got on a plane to Iraq. They now study that stuff in history classes like “Opportunities and Errors: 21st-Century America in the Middle East.” About halfway through our conversation,...

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So Why Did Trump Fire Comey?

So Why Did Trump Fire Comey?

A media themelet is Trump fired then-FBI director James Comey because Comey would not let Michael Flynn off the hook. Flynn was caught in a perjury trap, lying about a legally-allowed meeting he held with the Russian ambassador. The FBI had the meet under surveillance...

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