We need to clear some things up before they get any further out of hand, as the Dems insist on making this stuff every day’s front page. For starters, stop saying “Reichstag moment.” And when Grandpa Simpson and Kamala “Silent Shadow” Harris tottered into the White...
Peter van Buren
CIA (Dis)Information Operations Come Home to the US
by Peter van Buren | May 30, 2021 | Featured Articles
Reporters joke the easiest job in Washington is CIA spokesman. You need only listen carefully to questions and say “No comment’ before heading to Happy Hour. The joke, however, is on us. The reporters pretend to see only one side of the CIA, the passive hiding of...
COVID, Learned Helplessness, and Control
by Peter van Buren | May 24, 2021 | Featured Articles
In the post-vaccination era, why don’t people remove their masks? Learned helplessness, employed as a control tool. Learned helplessness is well-documented. It takes place when an individual believes he continuously faces a negative, uncontrollable situation and stops...
The COVID Response Disaster
by Peter van Buren | Apr 5, 2021 | Featured Articles
If only we’d been able to see sooner that the disease wasn’t the hoax, the response was. How do we even know now? Pigs are flying everywhere. The media are fessing up. After fanning COVID panic for a year, Democratic newsletter Salon admits it was all for partisan...
What Keeps Canada Safe at Night? Joe Biden?
by Peter van Buren | Mar 13, 2021 | Featured Articles
We know what keeps America safe at night — rough men on the walls stand ready to visit violence on those who would do us harm, duh. But what about Canada? Or say, Cambodia or Bolivia? This is by way of trying to figure out why Joe Biden bombed Syria and derailed the...
Incitement is the New Terrorism
by Peter van Buren | Feb 17, 2021 | Featured Articles
You can only make up your own definition of “incitement” in the movies and at presidential impeachment trials. Otherwise the actual law is going to have to do. The picture is becoming clearer now: 1/6 will be sold to frightened Americans as a new 9/11, the prime mover...
The Legacy Of A Would-Be Dictator
by Peter van Buren | Jan 19, 2021 | Featured Articles
Twitterless, Donald Trump will soon disappear. It will then be for the fullness of history to judge his term, but it is certain the summation will be it was four years of lies and barely constitutional actions that have forever dented America’s democracy. Lies and...
Cleaning Up The Leftovers From Biden’s Last Bout Of Leadership
by Peter van Buren | Jan 4, 2021 | Featured Articles
As Trump leaves office the only president to have not started a new war since WWII—and Joe Biden, who supported so many of America’s wars, including (vice-) presiding over the second and third Iraq Wars, heads into office—the talk is again what should be the most...
State Department Shoots Itself in the Foot at Impeachment Hearings
by Peter van Buren | Nov 25, 2019 | Featured Articles
The State Department, where I worked 24 years as a Foreign Service Officer (FSO) and diplomat, reminds me a lot of my current hometown, New York City. Both places spend an inordinate amount of time telling outsiders how great they are while ignoring the obvious...
Impeachment Witness Questions
by Peter van Buren | Nov 15, 2019 | Featured Articles
In addition to the whistleblower himself, when Republicans get their chance to fully question the people whose testimony is now being stage managed by the Democrats, here are the points they must make to illustrate all this. There is no crime. Exactly what is the...
So, Admiral McRaven Just Called for a Military Coup, Kinda
by Peter van Buren | Oct 18, 2019 | Featured Articles
Admiral William McRaven, famous for being the guy who told the guy who told the other guy who told the other guy who told that guy to go kill bin Laden, has essentially called for a military coup against the President of the United States in a New York Times Op-Ed. He...
Finding a Vaccine for the Impeachment Derangement Virus
by Peter van Buren | Oct 14, 2019 | Featured Articles
Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons.Once intelligent people are talking about actual civil war in America. This began after Trump retweeted a pastor saying impeachment would cause a “civil war-like fracture in this Nation.” Never mind that it was a retweet, and never mind...
Bullies Like Me
by Peter van Buren | Jun 30, 2019 | Featured Articles
Harvard revoked a Parkland student’s admission, a survivor kid who supported the Second Amendment. Two former Central Park 5 prosecutors lost their jobs 30 years after the case, because of a Netflix movie released last week called “When They See Us.” By the time you...
Amash is Wrong, Pelosi (So Far…) is Right on Articles of Impeachment
by Peter van Buren | May 27, 2019 | Featured Articles
Even as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tries to put impeachment talk on the back burner within her own party, Justin Amash became the first Republican Congressman to call for it. This weekend on Twitter, as the Founders intended, Amash wrote “Mueller’s report identifies...
Iraq Wrecked Me for Nothing
by Peter van Buren | Apr 15, 2019 | Featured Articles
I recently spoke to some college students who, I realized, were in fifth grade when I got on a plane to Iraq. They now study that stuff in history classes like “Opportunities and Errors: 21st-Century America in the Middle East.” About halfway through our conversation,...
Russiagate: “Why did this ever start in the first place?”
by Peter van Buren | Apr 1, 2019 | Featured Articles
Trump and the Russians has created an army of “Mueller Truthers,” demanding additional investigations. But Republicans are also demanding to know more, specifically how the FBI came to look into collusion, and what that tells us about the tension between America’s...
So Why Did Trump Fire Comey?
by Peter van Buren | Mar 28, 2019 | Featured Articles
A media themelet is Trump fired then-FBI director James Comey because Comey would not let Michael Flynn off the hook. Flynn was caught in a perjury trap, lying about a legally-allowed meeting he held with the Russian ambassador. The FBI had the meet under surveillance...
Blackface: Confronting One’s Integrity in the Past
by Peter van Buren | Feb 8, 2019 | Featured Articles
We live in an age when one’s past is dragged up by those with ill intent to confront one’s integrity in the present. If you worked in Asia in the 1980s or earlier, you likely remember a popular toothpaste called, sadly, Darkie. It featured a caricature of a...
Was Jim Mattis the Last ‘Adult’ in Trump’s Room?
by Peter van Buren | Dec 24, 2018 | Featured Articles
The idea Mattis was the “adult in the room,” the moral and intellectual restraint on Trump’s evil wishes, is tired. We’ve been recycling that one for two years and more now, as various “adults” were christened as such and rose and fell in the eyes of the media —...
Mueller’s Investigation is Missing One Thing: A Crime
by Peter van Buren | Dec 10, 2018 | Featured Articles
A baby born when Robert Mueller started his investigation would be talking by now. But would she have anything to say?We last looked at what Mueller had publicly—and what he didn’t have—some 10 months ago, and I remained skeptical that the Trump campaign had in any...
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- It’s Rescission Timeby David Stockman
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- The Press Falls to Another Record Low in Public Trustby Jonathan Turley
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