Jacob G. Hornberger

Why Foreign Interventionism?

What is the point of US foreign interventionism? Why are US troops killing and dying in faraway countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Somalia? Why does the US government have 165,000 troops stationed in more than 150 foreign countries? Why is the US government...

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Empire is the Root of US-China Hostilities

More Dying for Nothing in Iraq

Two more US soldiers have been killed in Iraq. Yes, that Iraq — the Iraq that never attacked the United States or even threatened to do so — the Iraq that the US government invaded and has occupied for umpteen years under the rubric of “Operation Iraqi Freedom.” What...

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Empire is the Root of US-China Hostilities

Lift the US Embargo on Cuba

The US embargo on Cuba has been in effect for 60 years. It’s time to end it. The embargo makes it a criminal offense for any American to spend money in Cuba or to do business in Cuba. If an American travels to Cuba and spends money there or does business there, he is...

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Drug War Obtuseness

Drug War Obtuseness

Sometimes I wonder how super-smart people can be so obtuse when it comes to the drug war. A recent example of this phenomenon is Ioan Grillo, a contributing editor for the New York Times. Grillo is the author of two books on the drug war: El Narco: Inside Mexico’s...

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