US chief medical adviser Anthony Fauci has declared American families may spend the holidays together – as long as they’re vaccinated. But who gave him the authority to decide, and why are people still listening to him anyway? “If you’re vaccinated and your family...
Helen Buyniski
Biden wasn’t kidding when he said ‘nothing would fundamentally change’ under his presidency. Only the media spin is new.
by Helen Buyniski | Mar 29, 2021 | Featured Articles
The only difference between Joe Biden and Donald Trump is the nature of their media coverage. The truth is there is scarcely any daylight between most of their policies, but pointing that out will soon be a capital thoughtcrime. As Biden’s crew sauntered into the...
Welcome to Snitch Nation: From kids to parents, it’s a race to rat out your (former) loved ones before they get you first
by Helen Buyniski | Mar 1, 2021 | Featured Articles
In the grand tradition of divide and conquer, the ruling class has set in motion a fool-proof way to keep us from uniting against the Great Reset and attendant restrictions on human freedoms – dupe us into snitching on each other! In order to achieve the proper level...
With unilateral censorship of a sitting US president, Big Tech has proven it’s more powerful than any government
by Helen Buyniski | Jan 9, 2021 | Featured Articles
Big Tech’s moves to muscle President Donald Trump off social media have been heralded by some as victory. But a corporate-run state with politicians serving as mere figureheads amounts to the very fascism they claim to oppose. The smug, palpable air of "mission...
Save us, Big Brother! Ever-shifting Covid-19 guidance is designed to make you beg for dictatorship
by Helen Buyniski | Dec 30, 2020 | Featured Articles
While much of the US is succumbing to pandemic fatigue, caring less than ever about the latest scary numbers, a small but influential faction is demanding dictatorship for everyone to ensure compliance with “the rules.” “All I want for Christmas are Covid-19...
How to kill a thriving metropolis in 7 months: NYC’s Covid-19 failure is a vicious spiral directed by a sadistic political regime
by Helen Buyniski | Oct 13, 2020 | Featured Articles
Seven months into the pandemic, as many US states inch back toward "normal," New York is in the grips of a crime wave, reinvigorated lockdowns, and widespread fear of pretty much everything. Thank local government. New York City has lost billions of dollars in tax...
All Tom Cotton has to do to get back in the NYTimes’ good graces is call for the US military to bomb ANOTHER country’s civilians
by Helen Buyniski | Jun 6, 2020 | Featured Articles
Republican senator Tom Cotton’s controversial op-ed demanding US troops be deployed against American protesters would have been embraced by the New York Times if he’d just stuck to cheering on military actions abroad. The Times has been consumed with angst over the...
We were told for months we’d never gather in public again ‘because Covid-19.’ Where do the week's riots leave ‘social distancing'?
by Helen Buyniski | Jun 2, 2020 | Featured Articles
The same people who convinced Americans to lock themselves inside for months for fear of a killer virus have forsaken Covid-19 to urge us all to join nationwide protests. If anyone took them seriously before, those days are over. Media, politicians and celebrities who...
US Mainstream Media Worships Superficial ‘Diversity,’ but Diversity of Thought is Forbidden
by Helen Buyniski | May 2, 2019 | Featured Articles
The mainstream media’s obsession with racial, ethnic, and gender diversity masks its virulent opposition to ideological diversity, which is clearer than ever in the establishment’s reporting on Venezuela. For all that the left and right wings of the establishment...
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