Eric Margolis

War in Syria Set to Intensify

War in Syria Set to Intensify

As Syria lies dying, western media cries, “we must save Syria’s suffering children.” Indeed so, among Syria’s nine million internal and external refugees, some 450,000 are children. All civil wars are bloody and cruel, but Syria’s strife has reached new extremes of...

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Al-Qaeda is Everywhere!

Al-Qaeda is Everywhere!

How did al-Qaeda, a tiny anti-Communist group in Afghanistan that had no more than 200 active members in 2001 become a supposed worldwide threat? How can al-Qaeda be all over the Mideast, North Africa, and now much of black Africa? This after the US spent over $1...

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World Danger Spots for 2014

World Danger Spots for 2014

Where are the world’s most dangerous places in 2014?*Mostly forgotten, but the highly dangerous, Indian-controlled portion of disputed Kashmir. Rebellion against Indian rule by Kashmir’s majority Muslims is again boiling. Over 1.6 million Indian and Pakistani troops,...

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The Phony Pullout From Afghanistan

Stasi Meets Steve Jobs

“Gentlemen do not read other gentlemen’s mail” sniffed US Secretary of State Henry Stimson in 1929 when told that American cryptographers had broken Japan’s naval and diplomatic codes. Stimson, who later headed the War Department, ordered code-breaking shut down....

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The Phony Pullout From Afghanistan

Storm on the Nile

Egypt’s US-financed armed forces have gone to war against Egypt’s people. Arab spring has become Arab winter.So far, army and security police have scored brilliant battlefield victories against unarmed men, women and children, killing and wounding thousands who were...

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The Phony Pullout From Afghanistan

Japan Must Face Up To China

photo: guccio@文房具社World War II has never really ended for Japan. Sixty-eight years after the battleship US “Missouri” sailed into Tokyo Bay to receive the surrender of the Japanese Empire, Japan still behaves like a meek, defeated nation rather than one of the world’s...

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The Phony Pullout From Afghanistan

Those Old Colonial Lusts

photo: Zachary BaumgartnerThat old colonial impulse keeps coming back. This past week, Britain and France pushed the rest of the European Union to lift the arms embargo in Syria – which in plain English means outright military intervention in that nation’s civil...

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