Speaking from a set that could have been designed by Leni Riefenstahl, President Obama yesterday informed us that not only does our freedom depend on the work of spies, but the very birth of our republic was dependent on the same kind of surveillance network that so...
Daniel McAdams
War with Iran? New Sanctions? RPI’s McAdams and Jay Taylor Discuss
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 15, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Daniel and Jay discuss Syria and Iran. Why are the neocons so obsessed? Why is the US so paranoid about Iran? What about the trade deal between Russia and Iran?
McCain and Graham Go To Work Against Iran Agreement
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 14, 2014 | Congress Alert
Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) continue to pull out all stops in attempt to scuttle the six-month interim agreement between the P5+1 and Iran. The agreement is meant to provide some space for negotiations to continue between the two sides while...
RPI’s McAdams and Tom Woods: Fallujah, Iran Sanctions, Back-to-Iraqers, and More
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 14, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Listen to RPI's Daniel McAdams on the Tom Woods Show today, taking apart Iraq, Iran, al-Qaeda, and the neocons who are still having their way with US foreign policy.
Gates Too Kind About Biden?
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 13, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates thinks Vice President Biden is a decent guy but a bit loopy. In his new book, Duty, Gates writes on Biden that: ...he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades. The...
It’s An Al-Qaeda World
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 13, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Is "Al-Qaeda" a franchise today for groups who believe in the ideas of the original "Al-Qaeda"? What is the connection between "Al-Qaeda" and Saudi Arabia today? And what is the level of threat today? RPI Director Daniel McAdams and Tel Aviv University's Yoram...
Has Robert Gates Become One of Us?
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 8, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Is former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates becoming a non-interventionist? Has he taken the hard road to conversion that begins with all faith in US power projection and coercive influence and ends up with frenzied and joyous clicking through the pages of LRC and...
Back to Iraq? You Bet!
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 7, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
As usual, the interventionists who run the US foreign policy establishment are drawing all the wrong conclusions from the news that the former "al-Qaeda in Iraq" (now "al-Qaeda in Iraq and Syria") has set up shop in the notorious Fallujah. Sen. John McCain and his...
Ron Paul and Stephen Kinzer: The History of Interventionism
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 6, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Today on the Ron Paul Channel, Dr. Paul interviews Stephen Kinzer, author of the fascinating new book on the Dulles brothers and their interventionist rampage through the 1950s. As Kinzer tells Dr. Paul in the interview, the Dulles brothers -- John Foster as Secretary...
Eric Cantor Girds His Iran War Loins
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 3, 2014 | Congress Alert
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) is leading the counter-attack against the Administration's opening door to a peaceful agreement with Iran. His strategy to scuttle any permanent rapprochement with Iran on behalf of his neocon and Israel/Saudi lobby benefactors...
American Dictatorship, NSA Court Decision, and More: Daniel McAdams and Jay Taylor
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 3, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
RPI's Daniel McAdams is with Jay Taylor on the VoiceAmerica network discussing: Snowden, American dictatorship, NSA court decision, are hackers legitimate, the Washington Post's shilling for the national security state, and more...
The Real ‘Blame America’ Crowd
by Daniel McAdams | Dec 31, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
The Washington Post’s Walter Pincus loves to protect his sources in the Intelligence Community. In an awkward attempt to cast aspersions on the NSA leakers and the journalists who cover them, he posed “Questions for Snowden” earlier this year that were so off-base his...
Saudis to Buy French Weapons For Lebanon Army
by Daniel McAdams | Dec 30, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia announced yesterday that it would extend $3 billion to the Lebanese army to purchase weapons from France. This is no garden variety foreign aid. This is in part Saudi Arabia's response to Washington's recent reconsideration of its Syria...
'NSA Has Become a Four-Letter Word in US'
by Daniel McAdams | Dec 29, 2013 | Featured Articles
The NSA “has become a four-letter word in the US” and Americans are irritated, executive director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, Daniel McAdams, told RT while commenting on a ruling which states that the agency's spying is legal. RT: The hackers'...
McAdams’ Year-End Chat With Jay Taylor
by Daniel McAdams | Dec 27, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
RPI's Daniel McAdams looks back over the year in foreign policy and civil liberties with VoiceAmerica Radio's Jay Taylor. What does the rest of the world think of US spying, the ugly underside of an otherwise legitimate US intelligence community, ruling against NSA...
Ron Paul Rewind: Who Warned Us About Sudan?
by Daniel McAdams | Dec 27, 2013 | Featured Articles
The new state of South Sudan, another product of US interventionism, is falling apart. President Obama is sending in the US Marines. As the US frenzy to "protect" southern Sudan pervaded the early 2000s, with the eventual US-sponsored creation of a South Sudan client...
Judge Napolitano Applauds, Explains NSA Ruling
by Daniel McAdams | Dec 20, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
As usual, Judge Andrew Napolitano, an RPI Advisory Board Member, explains clearly and eloquently the real importance of US District Court Judge Richard Leon's ruling that the NSA's massive data collection program aimed at Americans may be unconstitutional.Napolitano...
Jay Taylor and RPI’s Daniel McAdams: What in the World?
by Daniel McAdams | Dec 18, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
RPI's Daniel McAdams once again joins Jay Taylor on his excellent "Turning Hard Times Into Good Times" radio program. The two discuss the recent NSA ruling, Ukraine, new spy satellite, and more.
RPI’s Daniel McAdams With Scott Horton
by Daniel McAdams | Dec 17, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
RPI Director Daniel McAdams was a guest on the Scott Horton Show yesterday, discussing latest events in Syria, interventionism, and the ongoing crisis in Ukraine.
Sen. McCain, Interventionism's ‘Energizer Bunny’
by Daniel McAdams | Dec 17, 2013 | Featured Articles
If there are US-backed groups anywhere seeking the overthrow of their government, you will find John McCain in their midst. He is the Energizer Bunny of interventionism. Fresh off his trip to Libya, where he was granted an award by the military on the same day the...
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