The US State Department under Secretary John Kerry has become a laughingstock. While Spokesperson Jen Psaki occupies herself by Tweeting mindless "selfies," her boss's "social media" team are busy putting together incomprehensible platitudes like the below. Can anyone...
Daniel McAdams

‘Foot-in-Mouth’ Kerry’s Nixonian Blunder
by Daniel McAdams | Apr 9, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
The US and EU appear incapable of distinguishing between action and reaction. The coup they backed in Kiev against the elected government has thrown off the delicate balance in Ukraine and left the pro-Russia eastern portion of the country feeling threatened. In this...

Forbes Magazine’s Doomsday Preacher
by Daniel McAdams | Apr 9, 2014 | Neocon Watch
Like a fanatical preacher, who keeps moving ahead his prediction of the end of the world as each new date comes and passes, Forbes magazine's Paul Roderick Gregory has worked himself into a lather screaming that the Russian military invasion of Ukraine is imminent!...

Ron Paul: ‘Hands Off Raw Milk!’
by Daniel McAdams | Apr 8, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
To Ron Paul, the raw milk issue is a matter of personal freedom, and he is very pleased that Rep. Thomas Massie has introduced two bills -- one quite sweeping and the other more incremental -- that would make it easier for individuals to make their own decisions about...

Ron Paul: How The Aid to Ukraine Scam Works
by Daniel McAdams | Apr 5, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
On his weekly podcast with Charles Goyette, Ron Paul explains the Congressional trick that actually opens the door to far more aid to Ukraine than is reported in the media. He also points out that the IMF money going to Ukraine in great part comes from the US as well....

Ron Paul: What the Media Won’t Say About the Latest Ft. Hood Tragedy
by Daniel McAdams | Apr 4, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
On his Ron Paul Channel, RPI Chairman Ron Paul comments on the latest tragedy at Ft. Hood military base, where a soldier killed three people before taking his own life. What Ron Paul will tell us that the mainstream media will not, is that the shooter had been treated...

Zombie NATO
by Daniel McAdams | Apr 4, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Where is NATO in 2014? The debate continues on just why, more than 20 years after the communist threat it was created to defend against has disappeared, NATO continues to nudge its way into smaller conflicts and end up making them bigger ones. RPI academic advisor,...
NATO Exploits Ukraine Crisis to Demonstrate Its Relevance
by Daniel McAdams | Apr 4, 2014 | The Liberty Report
NATO's bureaucrats — and the military-industrial complex that supplies them — are thrilled with the new lease on life given them by the Ukraine crisis. That is why NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen keeps telling anyone who will listen, that NATO is needed...
Origins of NATO Expansion — Daniel McAdams on Jay Taylor Show
by Daniel McAdams | Apr 3, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
RPI Director Daniel McAdams speaks with Jay Taylor of "Turning Hard Times Into Good Times" this week on the origins of NATO expansion in central Europe, the ongoing Ukraine crisis, the still-unresolved implications of the break-up of the USSR, and more:
Daddy Warbucks Seeks President
by Daniel McAdams | Apr 2, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Much is made of money in politics and how the process is shaped by big donors. While RPI does not concern itself with politics or elections, there is a disturbing related phenomenon that does indeed concern our mission: big money purchasing war. Take casino magnate...

Is Helsinki Burning?
by Daniel McAdams | Apr 1, 2014 | Neocon Watch
It is not always necessary to click on the latest press release from the neocon dynamic duo, McCain and Graham, to get a sample of the most outré pronouncements. Sometimes the most outlandish and warmongering "analyses" can be found in the strangest places.Take the...

Infantile Diplomacy and Double Standards
by Daniel McAdams | Apr 1, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Frank Furedi at Spiked Online has published one of the best pieces we have seen on the remarkable inability of American and Western diplomats, NGO employees, and others to see US foreign policy as those on the receiving end might see it. In the toxic religion of...

Obama’s War On History
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 29, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
President Obama's speech in Brussels this week was a shocking mélange of ignorance and arrogance masquerading as foreign policy. Attempting to justify placing the US on war footing with Russia over the recent referendum in Crimea, the president stated: Kosovo only...
Col. Wilkerson: ‘What American Wants to Die for Kiev?’
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 27, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
RPI academic advisor Col. Lawrence Wilkerson appears in a thought-provoking interview on MSNBC, where he expresses his hopes that President Obama can find a way to walk back from the increasing US/Russia war footing. Asked by the host about the neocons who are...
Obama Descends to Comedy
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 26, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
First they fear you, then they hate you, then they laugh at you? Sadly this is the tragectory of President Obama. Anyone with any sense of irony left can but laugh out loud at his absurd thirty minute speech in Brussels today.Low poll numbers
Democracy Promotion or Total Destruction?
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 26, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
RPI's Daniel McAdams joined Jay Taylor's Turning Hard Times Into Good Times radio program this week to discuss the neocons, the left humanitarian interventionists, and the US gambit in Ukraine. Who are the real isolationists? The neocons and the sanctions addicts.

Did Students for Liberty Leader Really Attack Ron Paul?
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 26, 2014 | Neocon Watch
How unfortunate that Alexander McCobin, president of Students for Liberty (SFL), decided to write an attack piece on Ron Paul's non-interventionism while echoing neocon warmongering over the recent referendum held in Crimea. It seems quite a strange move for an...

‘Non-Neocon’ Cal Thomas Attacks Ron Paul’s ‘Isolationism’
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 24, 2014 | Neocon Watch
Cal Thomas is a survivor. "America's most widely syndicated op-ed columnist" understands that to go against the rising tide of opinion in the US is to say goodbye to an enormously lucrative paycheck for relatively little work. The question Thomas struggles with is how...
Ron Paul: A New Cold War?
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 21, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
This week on the Ron Paul Weekly Podcast, Dr. Paul and host Charles Goyette discuss the US government's bizarre re-igniting of the Cold War through interventionism and hypocrisy in Ukraine.The interventionists try to stoke up another cold -- or even hot -- war with...

McCain’s Eleven Point Plan For War
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 19, 2014 | Neocon Watch
Sen. McCain to the rescue. He looks on in horror as the dramatic threats of the Obama administration against Russia on Ukraine are not only undeterring but in fact mocked by the Russians. He has developed an eleven point plan to hoist the administration back up onto a...
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- The Era of ‘Standing’ With Foreign Nations Must Endby Chris Rossini
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