A new episode of Five Minutes Five Issues posted on Saturday. You can listen to it, and read a transcript, below. You can also find previous episodes of the show at Stitcher, iTunes, YouTube, and SoundCloud. Listen to the new episode here: Read a transcript of the new...
Adam Dick
Judge Napolitano: Donald Trump Supports ‘Authoritarian Police State’ Stop-and-Frisk
by Adam Dick | Sep 29, 2016 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Constitutional scholar and former New Jersey state judge Andrew Napolitano, in an interview Wednesday with host Brian Thomas at KRC-Radio in Cincinnati, Ohio, decried as an authoritarian police state activity the now-discontinued New York City stop-and-frisk program...
Five Minutes Five Issues: WaPo Betrayal, Tulsa Charge, NYPD Cash, Marijuana Defense, Boehner’s Bonanza
by Adam Dick | Sep 26, 2016 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
A new episode of Five Minutes Five Issues posted on Saturday. You can listen to it, and read a transcript, below. You can also find previous episodes of the show at Stitcher, iTunes, YouTube, and SoundCloud. Listen to the new episode here: Read a transcript of the new...
Ron Paul: Clinton and Trump Support More Militarism, Mass Surveillance, and Drug War
by Adam Dick | Sep 23, 2016 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Speaking Thursday with host Kennedy at Fox Business, former presidential candidate Ron Paul critiqued Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump for their support of the continuation of militarism, mass...
Senators McCain and Corker Use Faulty Geography to Support US Arming Saudi Arabia
by Adam Dick | Sep 22, 2016 | Neocon Watch
During the debate Wednesday in the United States Senate concerning Sen. Rand Paul’s (R-KY) resolution (S. J. Res. 39) to prohibit certain US military equipment sales to Saudi Arabia, resolution opponents Sens. John McCain (R-AZ) and Bob Corker (R-TN) spoke regarding...
Five Minutes Five Issues: Israel Aid, Anti-Marijuana Dollars, Ballot Access, Guantanamo Vote, Conference Report
by Adam Dick | Sep 17, 2016 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
A new episode of Five Minutes Five Issues posted on Saturday. You can listen to it, and read a transcript, below. You can also find previous episodes of the show at Stitcher, iTunes, YouTube, and SoundCloud. Listen to the new episode here: Read a transcript of the new...
Politicians Won’t Make America Great Again
by Adam Dick | Sep 15, 2016 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
On Wednesday, I was a guest on Liberty Talk Radio with host Joe Cristiano. The interview explored many topics, including foreign intervention, incarceration in America, the United States presidential election, and my new book, A Tipping Point for Liberty: Exposing and...
Rep. Thomas Massie Joins the Ron Paul Institute Advisory Board
by Adam Dick | Sep 14, 2016 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
US House of Representatives Member Thomas Massie (R-KY) is the newest addition to the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity (RPI) Advisory Board. RPI Executive Director Daniel McAdams first made the announcement of Massie’s selection as a board member Saturday...
Five Minutes Five Issues: Vaccination Mandate, Kratom Ban, Trump Biometrics, NRA Position, Colin Kaepernick
by Adam Dick | Sep 9, 2016 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
A new episode of Five Minutes Five Issues posted on Thursday. You can listen to it, and read a transcript, below. You can also find previous episodes of the show at Stitcher, iTunes, YouTube, and SoundCloud. Listen to the new episode here: Read a transcript of the new...
Donald Trump: We Need More Stop-and-Frisk
by Adam Dick | Sep 5, 2016 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
In his main stage speech at the Republican National Convention in July, Rudy Giuliani, a former New York City mayor and current advisor to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, predicted, “What I did for New York, Donald Trump Will do for America.” That does...
Five Minutes Five Issues: Clinton’s Dictators, Party Principles, Speed Control, Planet K, Sailor Sentenced
by Adam Dick | Sep 2, 2016 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
A new episode of Five Minutes Five Issues posted on Thursday. You can listen to it, and read a transcript, below. You can also find previous episodes of the show at Stitcher, iTunes, YouTube, and SoundCloud. Listen to the new episode here: Read a transcript of the new...
Donald Trump’s Wall Would Threaten Americans’ Freedom
by Adam Dick | Aug 30, 2016 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
The Berlin Wall was a tool for oppression. It prevented people from exercising a very important right — the right to leave. In doing so it also helped ensure continuing abuse of individuals trapped by the wall and armed enforcers. In November of 1989, gates of the...
Gary Johnson and Bill Weld Presidential Campaign Dragging Libertarianism Through the Mud
by Adam Dick | Aug 28, 2016 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Ron Paul Institute Senior Fellow Adam Dick, in a Wake Up Call Podcast interview posted on Friday, argues that Libertarian Party presidential and vice-presidential nominees Gary Johnson and Bill Weld have drug the term “libertarian” through the mud with their advocacy...
Ron Paul Nearly Won Electoral College Votes in 2012 Presidential Election
by Adam Dick | Aug 26, 2016 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
When Americans vote each four years, they are not directly electing a president. Instead, under the United States Constitution, each state, as well as the District of Columbia (DC), appoints to the Electoral College a number of electors that equals the sum of the...
Five Minutes Five Issues: Secretary Romney, Iceland Asylum, Clinton Files, Another Snowden, Fed Wars
by Adam Dick | Aug 24, 2016 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
A new episode of Five Minutes Five Issues posted on Wednesday. You can listen to it, and read a transcript, below. You can also find previous episodes of the show at Stitcher, iTunes, YouTube, and SoundCloud. Listen to the new episode here: Read a transcript of the...
Five Minutes Five Issues: Disappearing Trials, Trump’s Taxes, Indian Marijuana, Hospital Bombing, Freest States
by Adam Dick | Aug 21, 2016 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
A new episode of Five Minutes Five Issues posted on Saturday. You can listen to it, and read a transcript, below. You can also find previous episodes of the show at Stitcher, iTunes, YouTube, and SoundCloud. Listen to the new episode here: Read a transcript of the new...
Ron Paul: US Intervention Contributes to Risk of Ukraine Fighting Expansion
by Adam Dick | Aug 20, 2016 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Ron Paul, interviewed Friday by Stuart Varney at Fox Business, says “trouble has been brewing” around Ukraine since the United States government in 2014 “participated in the coup” in the European nation, resulting in political upheavals including the ousting of...
Ninth Circuit Bars Federal Medical Marijuana Prosecutions; Full Protection Requires Congress Action
by Adam Dick | Aug 17, 2016 | Featured Articles
People living in some western portions of America with liberalized medical marijuana laws have some extra protection from the United States government prosecuting them for violations of US marijuana laws thanks to a decision issued Tuesday by the Ninth US Circuit...
Five Minutes Five Issues: Clinton Assassination, Yemen Bombing, Bill Weld, Iran Cash, VA Pension
by Adam Dick | Aug 13, 2016 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
A new episode of Five Minutes Five Issues posted on Friday. You can listen to it, and read a transcript, below. You can also find previous episodes of the show at Stitcher, iTunes, YouTube, and SoundCloud. Listen to the new episode here: Read a transcript of the new...
The Drug War Built Leviathan Government; Drug War Backlash Can Defeat Leviathan Government
by Adam Dick | Aug 10, 2016 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Interviewed Saturday on the Patriot’s Lament radio show on KFAR radio in Fairbanks, Alaska, Ron Paul Institute Senior Fellow Adam Dick zeroed in on the drug war as a major avenue for the expansion of government power at the expense of liberty. Yet, Dick also told...
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