Month: December 2015

Are We In A Clash Of Civilizations?

Are We In A Clash Of Civilizations?

Watch Dr. Paul give the speech here.The credibility of all American politicians now requires acknowledging that America is engaged in a great war for survival – “the war against Islam.” Fear of “radical Islamic terrorists” requires our undivided attention. We’re to...

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Will the IRS Take Your Passport?

Will the IRS Take Your Passport?

A little-noticed provision in the highway funding bill Congress passed this week threatens a right most Americans take for granted: the right to travel abroad. The provision in question gives the Internal Revenue Service the authority to revoke the passport of anyone...

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Think Before You Rush to War!

Think Before You Rush to War!

Concentration of forces is the most basic law of military science. Victory on the battlefield is won by amassing as many troops as possible at the key point of attack, or ‘schwerpunkt,’ as it’s known in German. Unfortunately, the amateur strategists in the White House...

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TSA Bombs the Holidays

TSA Bombs the Holidays

If you use hand sanitizer when traveling, the Transportation Security Administration can badger you as if you were a terrorist suspect. TSA is one of the biggest hassles many Americans will encounter this holiday season. I learned that firsthand while flying home from...

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