Month: August 2013

How Dare The Iranians Elect a Moderate?

How Dare The Iranians Elect a Moderate?

Last week the US House voted 400-20 to dramatically increase sanctions on Iran, including measures to cripple Iran’s oil exports. Two days ago three-fourths of the US Senate sent a letter to President Obama demanding that the US “toughen sanctions and reinforce the...

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NSA Spying: Fiction versus Fact

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers and many other defenders of the NSA spying program warned critics that the mass collection of our electronic communications had already stopped “dozens” of terrorist plots against the United States. In June, NSA...

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Neocon Jonathan Tobin Examines Our DNA

The current political chaos in Egypt provides a picture perfect example of how convoluted is U.S. foreign policy. Egypt shows how U.S. interventionism in the affairs of foreign nations leads to nothing but trouble, and backs the U.S. into a corner where no matter what...

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Welcome to Post-Constitution America: The Weapons of War Come Home

McCain Declares War on Russia

Fresh off of his flip-flop on aid to Egypt and his threats to vote for the left (neocon) interventionists in the Democratic Party should anyone remotely non-interventionist succeed in gaining the Republican nomination to be the next president, Senator John McCain is...

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Welcome to Post-Constitution America: The Weapons of War Come Home

Time to Abolish the DHS?

photo: Steve RhodesTo the glee of her critics, Janet Napolitano, the longest-serving secretary at the Department of Homeland Security in its decade-long existence, has announced her resignation. No longer will Republicans have old Janet to kick around. As for the...

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