Month: August 2013

The Commissar Goes Collectivist

Neocon commissar, Jennifer Rubin, is high on war fever. With no rational argument available to justify U.S. aggression against Syria, she falls back on good ‘ole collectivism: Assad’s crimes are not merely against Syrians but against the civilized world. Wow! Assad...

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Syria and the Waning of American Hegemony

Syria and the Waning of American Hegemony

Once carried out, the Obama administration’s thoroughly telegraphed strike on Syria, ostensibly over alleged chemical weapons use there, will mark an important inflection point in the terminal decline of America’s Middle East empire.  Most importantly, it will confirm...

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Syria and the Waning of American Hegemony

Obama's Syria Dossier: 'Trust Us'

Release of the long-awaited US government intelligence dossier on the alleged chemical attack in Syria on Aug. 21, had been moved and postponed until the media black-hole of a Friday afternoon before a big US holiday weekend. Now we see why.Here is the crux of the...

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