Month: June 2013

Will Egypt Implode Tomorrow?

The Egypt experiment is falling apart. The crisis point may be reached as early as tomorrow, June 30th, when massive demonstrations are expected to rock the rule of Muslim Brotherhood's Mohamed Morsi. It has been a slow-motion disintegration from the begining,...

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Obama’s Syrian Allies

Obama’s Syrian Allies

The Washington Times is reporting that the US shift in favor of overtly arming the Syrian rebels was celebrated by the rebels with an orgy of innocent blood. According to the Times, a Christian priest and another Christian believer were beheaded by the US-allied...

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McCain: ‘Vote For Berlin Wall!’

Sen. John McCain is promoting the so-called immigration bill (S.744) in the United States Senate by emphasizing it will create "the most militarized border since the fall of the Berlin Wall." Apparently, McCain believes this argument will convince other senators to...

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The Death of Daniel Somers

I am reading the heartbreaking suicide note of Daniel Somers, a US combat veteran who spent several years fighting in Iraq. Mr. Somers was only 30 years old when he took his own life, after being tormented by the horrific memories of what he experienced in Iraq.  He...

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What We Have Learned From Afghanistan

Last week the Taliban opened an office in Doha, Qatar with the US government’s blessing. They raised the Taliban flag at the opening ceremony and referred to Afghanistan as the "Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan"—the name they used when they were in charge before the US...

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US Military to Egypt?

KCEN-TV is reporting (via Drudge) that a group of US soldiers from Fort Hood are preparing to deploy to Egypt in a riot control capacity and to "protect" Egypt's border with Israel. The brief report raises far more questions than it answers, such as why the US...

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Nobody is Listening to Our Phone Calls?

Today we learned from the Guardian newspaper that Federal judges and Attorney General Eric Holder signed off on an NSA request to make use of information it “inadvertently” collected on Americans without a warrant. According to the paper, the NSA was given permission...

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