
Serfdom under the TSA

Serfdom under the TSA

By now, I’m sure that most Americans have their own personal stories about TSA abuse. The U.S. government’s takeover of airport security after the 9/11 attacks has made flying an unpleasant experience. This past weekend, I was flying back to Virginia. A TSA agent took...

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The End of the End of Ideology

The End of the End of Ideology

In 1960, Harvard sociologist Daniel Bell published a book called The End of Ideology. It argued that it was time to put aside all our ridiculous arguments of the past – socialism, fascism, liberalism, anarchism, technocracy, etc. – and just recognize that elites like...

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Taking Rights Seriously

Taking Rights Seriously

“If all mankind minus one were of one opinion,Mankind would be no more justifiedIn silencing that one person,Than he, if he had the power,Would be justified in silencing mankind.”  -- John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) The world is filled with self-evident truths --...

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Government by Experts

Government by Experts

I have often thought that after Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson was our worst president. By worst is meant least faithful to the Constitution and most destructive of personal liberty. With the exception of Lincoln’s dictatorship -- during which the federal government...

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Milk and the Police State

Milk and the Police State

Last week, in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, state troopers and investigators executed a search warrant on the farm of Amos Miller. Miller has been producing fresh unadulterated dairy products and grass-fed beef for 40 years. He does not sell to the public. Rather,...

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