Faced with an unexpected groundswell of opposition to its highly unusual move to limit debate on the Defense Appropriations bill, as well as fears over a Floor fight on such contentious issues as the coup in Egypt, arming the Syrian rebels, and NSA spying, House...
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Lindsey Graham: Boycott the Soviets Again!
by Daniel McAdams | Jul 18, 2013 | Neocon Watch
photo: U.S Embassy Kabul AfghanistanQ: Why couldn't Lindsey Graham find Russia on the map? A: He'd be too confused looking for the Soviet UnionNeocon prince Lindsey Graham has decided to really hit the Soviets, er, Russians where it hurts. Although he no doubt dreams...
Goodbye, Janet
by Daniel McAdams | Jul 18, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
photo: U.S. Embassy Tel AvivAs Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano departs her post for the fairer climes of the University of California, she leaves behind a government monstrosity that not only is not in better shape than when she arrived, but is teetering...