Today, October 23, 2013, marks the 30th anniversary of the US Marine barracks bombing in Beirut, Lebanon. Some 241 American servicemembers were killed. These deaths were the direct result of US intervention in an area where there was neither US interest nor any threat...
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As Ye Sow, So Shall Ye Reap
by Paul Craig Roberts | Oct 23, 2013 | Featured Articles
The year 2014 could be shaping up as the year that the chickens come home to roost. Americans, even well-informed ones, don’t know all of the mistakes made by neoconized and corrupted Washington in the past two decades. However, enough is known to see that the US has...
Michael Ledeen: Enough Talk Already…Ramp up The War Machine!
by Chris Rossini | Oct 22, 2013 | Neocon Watch
The military empire is no different than any other bureaucracy. Whereas in the private sector, failure means that you go out of business; government failure means the exact opposite. When the bureaucrats fail, it’s an excuse for bigger budgets, and expansion of the...