As neocon Max Boot said a few days ago, Ukraine “remains the biggest prize” between Russia and the West.But why stop with Ukraine?Boot’s comrade-in-arms, Michael Rubin is not stopping with the smaller prize. He has his sights already fixed on the Grand Prize. Rubin...
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A No-Fly Zone is an Act of War
by Col. W. Patrick Lang | Feb 22, 2014 | Featured Articles
(click to enlarge)Failure of the US policy of regime change in Syria is leding once again to the contemplation of "options." One of those that is much discussed is that of a no-fly zone covering all of Syria. Let's be clear as to what would be involved in that option:...
Ron Paul Discusses Snowden Clemency Petition and Foreign Policy In Depth
by Adam Dick | Feb 21, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
It is a treat to hear a non-rushed interview of Dr. Ron Paul that allows him to lay out more fully the reasoning behind his views. Paul, the chairman and founder of RPI, had such an interview this week with the Voice of Russia. Over 15 minutes, Paul discusses his...