RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

Featured Articles

The Road to Nowhere: Kerry's Mideast Journey

The Road to Nowhere: Kerry's Mideast Journey

photo: World Economic ForumHere we go again, another round of Mideast peace talk kabuki. A process in which Washington, Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization hold intense talks over holding talks, a ritual as stylized as the traditional Japanese dance. In the end, it’s the same empty, cynical ritual, year after year. This past week, US Secretary of State John Kerry has been leading the dance in the latest attempt to restart peace talks between Israel and the Mahmoud Abbas’ PLO. As...

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Defense Appropriations Delayed — Rebellion in the Works?

Faced with an unexpected groundswell of opposition to its highly unusual move to limit debate on the Defense Appropriations bill, as well as fears over a Floor fight on such contentious issues as the coup in Egypt, arming the Syrian rebels, and NSA spying, House leadership has made it clear that the bill is on hold until at least next week. House leadership hoped to limit discussion of and potential votes on issues it considered too hot to handle by offering up a very unusual modified closed...

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Lindsey Graham: Boycott the Soviets Again!

Lindsey Graham: Boycott the Soviets Again!

photo: U.S Embassy Kabul AfghanistanQ: Why couldn't Lindsey Graham find Russia on the map? A: He'd be too confused looking for the Soviet UnionNeocon prince Lindsey Graham has decided to really hit the Soviets, er, Russians where it hurts. Although he no doubt dreams about bombs -- or at least sanctions -- to bring those stubborn Russians back in line, he has had to set his sights rather lower. In his hyperventilated desperation to punish Russia for not sending NSA leaker Edward Snowden back...

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The Road to Nowhere: Kerry's Mideast Journey

Adam Kokesh and the Drugs and Guns Prosecution Trap

photo: DaveybotPodcast host Adam Kokesh appears to have joined the long list of victims of the US government's drugs and guns prosecution trap. After a US Park Police raid on his Virginia residence last week, media reported Monday that Kokesh was charged with possession of a Schedule I or II drug under the federal Controlled Substances Act while in possession of a gun. After his arrest, a judge ruled that Kokesh is prohibited from owning or possessing a firearm through the end of his...

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The Road to Nowhere: Kerry's Mideast Journey

William Hague: The Foolish Puppet

photo:Foreign and Commonwealth OfficeBritish Foreign Secretary William Hague announced yesterday that his government would be spending nearly one million dollars providing the Syrian rebels with special hoods and other equipment to protect them from chemical weapons. He promised that the assistance would only go to "moderate" forces, but did not explain how he would measure who was moderate or who was extreme. That will be no easy task. For example, as a commander of the Free Syrian Army, Abu...

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The Road to Nowhere: Kerry's Mideast Journey

The Disease is War, Not Snowden

photo: Truthout.orgWhy so many whistleblowers? Why the Tom Drakes? Why the Edward Snowdens and others? And why the persecution, unprecedented persecution by the administration? The answer to those questions is a huge answer. And the answer is the national security state which we've become and the interminable war that we wage as that state. So Snowden is not the disease. We don't have traitors or whistleblowers blooming all over because they are some sort of malady. The disease is war. We've...

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What Drives Jennifer Rubin Crazy? Iran Not Yet A Parking Lot

Neocon political commissar Jennifer Rubin is throwing a fit that the U.S. just won’t attack Iran already! In her mind, the Israelis are on the right page and the U.S. is hopeless. She writes: The Israelis, not without justification, fear the Obama administration is so desperate to avoid a decision on military action that it will engage in endless, useless diplomacy or that it will reach a meaningless agreement that gives Iran cover to continue on its merry way toward nuclear weapons...

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House Leadership’s Iron Fist on Defense Appropriations Bill

When the "People's Branch" of government takes up the Defense Appropriations bill later this week they will abandon a long-held tradition of debating the bill under an "open rule," which would allow any amendment to be brought to the floor that does not seek to change the language of the underlying bill. Traditionally, any amendment limiting or striking funds for any particular program was allowed to the floor under the "five minute rule," i.e. the Member had five minutes to introduce and make...

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Meet the Resnicks

Ever wonder about those tens of millions of dollars that go to fund the network of shrill neo-con think-tanks pushing for ever more sanctions on Iran? Just good Americans concerned about US national security and the threat of a nuclear-armed Iran? Patriotic citizens passionately engaged over the dangers Israel might face should Iran be given an inch of maneuver room in the world's economic system? Or corrupt American oligarchs who use their billions to gin up fear and paranoia so that they can...

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House Passes Farm Bill With Partial Hemp Legalization

The US House of Representatives passed a new farm bill (H.R.2642) Thursday afternoon that would remove the US government prohibition on colleges and universities growing industrial hemp for research purposes in compliance with state laws. The partial removal of the US government prohibition on growing hemp included in H.R.2642 is the same as in Rep. Jared Polis's amendment that won a majority floor vote for inclusion in a previous House farm bill (H.R.1947) before that farm bill was voted down...

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The Road to Nowhere: Kerry's Mideast Journey

A Possible Change in Turkey's Syria Policies?

Although the main spot in the world news is still occupied by Egypt, which has come to the brink of civil war, the tensions in Turkey are constantly making themselves felt. While Egypt, according to the popular blog Haberturk, is already “going the way of Libya,” the civil disturbances in Turkey are clearly of a protracted nature. In the last several days the activity on the streets of Istanbul and other Turkish cities has died down somewhat, but has not faded away entirely. The police is...

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The Road to Nowhere: Kerry's Mideast Journey

Why the EU is Also Desperate for Snowden's Capture

photo: -lucky cat-It’s very revealing and symbolic that President Morales’ plane should have been forced to land in a European Union country after the withdrawal of overflight rights by other EU countries, because this, of course, shows how the European poodle jumps at the American circus master’s command. European governments are very obviously under the thumb of the Americans, they have shown this very blatantly. And the reason why I say it’s symbolic is that the abuses which Snowden has...

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Neocons Delighted With Egypt Chaos

Neocons held no love for Egypt’s deposed President Mohamed Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood, which some felt threatened the US “influence” over Egyptian affairs that is rented with the annual $1.5 billion foreign assistance check. That a democracy was to be undermined by tanks was no big deal to them – it’s all about influence. Charles Krauthammer said: “We have no particular stake in Egypt’s economy. Our stake is in its politics. Yes, we would like to see a strong economy. But in a country...

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The Road to Nowhere: Kerry's Mideast Journey

What is Happening in Egypt?

The July 3 move by the Egyptian military to stabilize the country signals the collapse of Obama’s Middle East policy. Washington’s present interventionist regional policy began during the George W. Bush administration and was fatally flawed from the start. The Obama administration simply compounded the mistakes while moving it forward. Vice President Dick Cheney and his neo-con team created a crusade against the Shia branch of Islam targeting Iran, its ally Syria, and Hizbullah in Lebanon. The...

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Neo Con Think Tankers Unite! (To Bash China)

Three days before the recent Xi-Obama Summit, US neocons launched yet another initiative to undermine US-China relations. In a “China threat” themed report, circulated in Washington and on the Internet, neocons called for aggressive actions to contain China. The report was written by an ad hoc advocacy committee called the Asia-Pacific Strategy Working Group. Members of this group belong to such neoconservative think tanks as the American Enterprise Institute and the Foreign Policy Initiative...

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The Road to Nowhere: Kerry's Mideast Journey

Obama's Wild Neo Con Dream

It is now clear that the preliminary meeting at Geneva this week of Russia, the United States and the United Nations for setting a date for the Geneva-2 conference on Syria ended inconclusively. The meeting couldn’t agree when the Geneva-2 should be held or who would be invited. A UN statement said that Russian Foreign minister Sergey Lavrov and his US counterpart John Kerry will meet next week and further talks are expected to follow. The United Nations special envoy Lakhdar Brahimi who...

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Narrative Fail? Quad Vaxxed Biden…Has Covid!

One year ago today President Biden told Americans if they get the Covid shot they won't get Covid. Today the quadruple vaccinated Biden has announced that...he has Covid. Has the...

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