We all know that deep the heart of every neocon, they really don’t like “talks” with Iran. A peaceful resolution may come from such talks, and that’ll just set back the ultimate goal of accomplishing “regime change” in the country. If “the nuclear issue” is removed from the table peacefully, a major excuse for pre-emptive war against Iran would go right down the drain. Those of us who correctly advocate a non-interventionist U.S. foreign policy say that it’s none of the U.S. government’s...
Featured Articles
Obama, NSA Spying and the Dangers of Secretive, Authoritarian Government
by John W. Whitehead | Oct 30, 2013 | Featured Articles
“The perception here is of a United States where security has trumped liberty, intelligence agencies run amok (vacuuming up data of friend and foe alike), and the once-admired “checks and balances” built into American governance and studied by European schoolchildren have become, at best, secret reviews of secret activities where opposing arguments get no hearing.” – New York Times columnist Roger Cohen Recent reports indicating that President Obama was aware of and personally approved an NSA...
Israel and the NSA: Partners in Crime
by Justin Raimondo | Oct 29, 2013 | Featured Articles
It wasn’t the US government breaking into the private communications of former French President Nicolas Sarkozy, according to top secret documents unearthed by Edward Snowden and published in Le Monde – it was the Israelis. A four-page internal précis regarding a visit to Washington by two top French intelligence officials denies the NSA or any US intelligence agency was behind the May 2012 attempted break-in – which sought to implant a monitoring device inside the Elysee Palace’s...
Rep. Rogers To The French: You’re Welcome
by Jonathan Turley | Oct 28, 2013 | Featured Articles
Europeans are upset after learning that, in addition to capturing the email and phone records of Americans, the NSA has been doing the same to them in a global assault on privacy. This includes leaders of allied nations. The United States is now viewed as an international rogue nation with no respect for the law or privacy or even loyalty. Now into this explosive environment has jumped Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. Rogers responded directly to the...
A Welcome US/Saudi ‘Reset’
by Ron Paul | Oct 27, 2013 | Featured Articles
Last week it was reported that Saudi Arabia decided to make a “major shift” away from its 80 years of close cooperation with the United States. The Saudi leadership is angry that the Obama administration did not attack Syria last month, and that it has not delivered heavy weapons to the Syrian rebels fighting to overthrow the Assad government. Saudi Arabia is heavily invested in the overthrow of the Assad government in Syria, sending money and weapons to the rebels. However, it was the recent...
Max Boot Justifies NSA Spying: Everybody Does It!
by Chris Rossini | Oct 26, 2013 | Neocon Watch
Neocon Max Boot chooses the toddler route in justifying NSA spying on other countries. If "everybody does it" or "everybody would do it" then it must be ok: I have a word of advice for American allies outraged by alleged NSA spying on their leaders: Grow up. That means you Germany. You too France. And you, Brazil. Mexico too. Also the EU and the UN. Does the NSA spy on your leaders? Probably. Do you spy on leaders of allied states including the United States? Probably. You just don’t have the...
Al-Qaeda’s Corridor Through Syria
by Vijay Prashad | Oct 26, 2013 | Featured Articles
On Tuesday night, suicide bombers and gunmen attacked Iraqi checkpoints along Highway 11, which runs from Baghdad to Syria via Ramadi. They bombed the checkpoint at Rutba as well as points just west of Ramadi. Thirty-seven people were killed in these attacks, a majority of them security officers. Highway 11 is Iraq’s southern route into Syria. The other road from Baghdad to Syria is Highway 12, which runs from Ramadi northwards to the towns of Anan and Rawah, along the Euphrates River and into...
Stasi Meets Steve Jobs
by Eric Margolis | Oct 26, 2013 | Featured Articles
“Gentlemen do not read other gentlemen’s mail” sniffed US Secretary of State Henry Stimson in 1929 when told that American cryptographers had broken Japan’s naval and diplomatic codes. Stimson, who later headed the War Department, ordered code-breaking shut down. Alas, there are not any old-school gentlemen left in Washington these days. Revelations of US electronic spying by whistleblower Edward Snowden have ignited a furor across Latin America and now Europe. This week’s uproar was...
Crying Wolf Over Iran
by Philip Giraldi | Oct 26, 2013 | Featured Articles
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been trying to convince the audience in both the United States and Europe that new Iranian President Hassan Rouhani is a "wolf in sheep’s clothing" intent on beguiling the west with empty promises while proceeding full speed with a nuclear weapons program. Unfortunately for Netanyahu, few are interested in hearing an argument that has been repeated over and over again for more than twenty years in one form or another regarding the imminence of a...
House Republicans’ Hollow ‘Local Control of Education’ Rhetoric
by Adam Dick | Oct 25, 2013 | Congress Alert
By guiding HR 2083, the Protecting Students from Sexual and Violent Predators Act, to the Floor Tuesday for passage by a voice vote, the House Republican leadership demonstrated the hollowness of the praise it heaped on local control of education when HR 5, the Student Success Act, passed in the House three months earlier. The nice sounding but ominous in consequences Protecting Students from Sexual and Violent Predators Act presents serious federalism, constitutional, and individual liberty...
Fickle Jonathan Tobin on Israel Attacking Iran on Its Own
by Chris Rossini | Oct 24, 2013 | Neocon Watch
Jonathan Tobin goes back and forth on whether Israel should attack Iran on its own. You see, neocons get very anxious when diplomacy is at hand. Diplomacy can end up with a peaceful resolution, and that’s like handing a neocon a piece of kryptonite. So, instead of writing commentaries on the prospect of peace, neocons occupy themselves by pontificating about war. Watch Jonathan Tobin waffle back and forth: On Oct. 1, 2013, he wrote: Last week’s decision by President Obama to reach out to...
Beirut Bombings at 30: Interventionism Kills
by Daniel McAdams | Oct 23, 2013 | Featured Articles
Today, October 23, 2013, marks the 30th anniversary of the US Marine barracks bombing in Beirut, Lebanon. Some 241 American servicemembers were killed. These deaths were the direct result of US intervention in an area where there was neither US interest nor any threat to the United States. Although after the bombing President Ronald Reagan initially pledged to stay the course in Lebanon, within months, facing waning support and a realization that his was a futile policy, he decided to withdraw...
As Ye Sow, So Shall Ye Reap
by Paul Craig Roberts | Oct 23, 2013 | Featured Articles
The year 2014 could be shaping up as the year that the chickens come home to roost. Americans, even well-informed ones, don’t know all of the mistakes made by neoconized and corrupted Washington in the past two decades. However, enough is known to see that the US has lost economic and political power, and that the loss is irreversible. The economic cost of this loss will be born by what remains of the middle class and the increasingly poverty-stricken lower class. The one percent will have...
Michael Ledeen: Enough Talk Already…Ramp up The War Machine!
by Chris Rossini | Oct 22, 2013 | Neocon Watch
The military empire is no different than any other bureaucracy. Whereas in the private sector, failure means that you go out of business; government failure means the exact opposite. When the bureaucrats fail, it’s an excuse for bigger budgets, and expansion of the failures. Neocon Michael Ledeen continues in that tradition, and unsurprisingly want’s less talking with other countries, and more bomb dropping: Take national security, for example. The whole world is in turmoil, as it has been for...
Who Will Protect You from the Police? The Rise of Government-Sanctioned Home Invasions
by John W. Whitehead | Oct 22, 2013 | Featured Articles
“Democracy means that if the doorbell rings in the early hours, it is likely to be the milkman.”—Winston Churchill It’s 3 a.m. You’ve been asleep for hours when suddenly you hear a loud “Crash! Bang! Boom!” Based on the yelling, shouting and mayhem, it sounds as if someone—or several someones—are breaking through your front door. With your heart racing and your stomach churning, all you can think about is keeping your family safe from the intruders who have invaded your home. You have mere...
Washington Casts Blame for Expansion of Al-Qaeda on Turkey
by Dmitry Minin | Oct 21, 2013 | Featured Articles
It is no longer possible to conceal the obvious. The West, in its attempts to remove Bashar al-Asad from power during the years of the war in Syria, has nurtured a force so sinister that its tentacles are now reaching to the Western capitals themselves. Al-Qaeda is at the peak of its influence in the Middle East. In Somalia, the group al-Shabaab has announced its complete merger with this organization. In Libya its members unceremoniously arrested the prime minister, and then let him go. In...
The War On Kids: Spain To OK Gender Change Without Parent Consent
Despite strong opposition even among feminists and many in the Left, Spain is to approve children of 16 years to change their gender without parental notification. Younger...
The War On Kids: Spain To OK Gender Change Without Parent Consent
Aug 15, 2022
Despite strong opposition even among feminists and many in the Left, Spain is to approve children of 16 years to change their gender without parental notification. Younger...
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