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Cold War II: This Time, The Commies Are In Washington

Cold War II: This Time, The Commies Are In Washington

The Regime in Washington is the only government asserting the supposed right to carry out summary executions anywhere on the face of the globe, so we shouldn’t be surprised to learn that it also claims the right to impose “sanctions” on foreign citizens who publicly criticize it. On March 11, the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) added Russian academic Alexander Dugin to its roster of “individuals and entities to be sanctioned over Russia’s interference in Ukraine.” This decree means...

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‘Ukraine New Spy Law Designed as Provocation, Opens Whole Can of Worms’

‘Ukraine New Spy Law Designed as Provocation, Opens Whole Can of Worms’

Below is an interview with RPI Director Daniel McAdams conducted by RT.If Ukrainian draft law on intelligence comes into force, we might start seeing assassinations, bomb blasts, and psychological attacks in the Donbass region, says Daniel McAdams of the Ron Paul Institute. Ukraine's parliament has passed a law allowing its intelligence units to carry out military operations in eastern Ukraine. If the President Petro Poroshenko signs the law, it would allow special services to infiltrate and...

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Why Do American Weapons End Up in Our Enemies’ Hands?

Why Do American Weapons End Up in Our Enemies’ Hands?

It happens so often you wonder whether it is due to total ineptness or a deliberate policy to undermine our efforts overseas. It’s most likely a result of corruption and unintended consequences, combined with a foreign policy that makes it impossible to determine who are our friends are and who are our enemies. One would think that so many failures in arming others to do our bidding in our effort to control an empire would awaken our leaders and the American people and prompt policy changes. A...

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Rep. Walter Jones: No More Dollars for Afghanistan

US Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC), an RPI Board Member, took to the House Floor yesterday to criticize the new Republican budget for its increased spending in Afghanistan. Spending on that "graveyard of empires," said Walter Jones, is an "absolute waste of taxpayers' money."Rep. Jones cites the absurd situation, recently reported, that US money for places like Afghanistan is — even if inadvertently — winding up in the hands of al-Qaeda and other groups. The CIA, he pointed out, has been sending...

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White House Email Archiving Office Exempts Self from FOIA Disclosures

White House Email Archiving Office Exempts Self from FOIA Disclosures

Hot on the high heels of the Clinton email atrocity, where one individual determined for her own campaign and indeed for all of history which parts of her work as a taxpayer-paid government official would be forever sent down the Memory Hole, the White House announced it is deleting a federal regulation that subjects its Office of Administration to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), making official an unofficial policy under Presidents Bush and Obama to simply reject requests for records...

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Republican ‘Balanced’ Budget Boosts Military Spending

Republican ‘Balanced’ Budget Boosts Military Spending

The Republican House Budget Committee just released its plan for how to balance the budget. One little catch is that the proposal talks only of the possibility of this happening in 10 years. The Democrats, they complain, don’t even try to balance the budget. Well, at least they’re more honest about it. It used to be that we looked at five-year plans in the socialist systems, but here we are facing a conservative proposal to “maybe” balance the budget in 10 years. This achievement will occur,...

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The Wolf Is Guarding the Hen House: The Government’s War on Cyberterrorism

The Wolf Is Guarding the Hen House: The Government’s War on Cyberterrorism

“The game is rigged, the network is bugged, the government talks double-speak, the courts are complicit and there’s nothing you can do about it.”—David Kravets, reporting for Wired Nothing you write, say, text, tweet or share via phone or computer is private anymore. As constitutional law professor Garrett Epps points out, “Big Brother is watching…. Big Brother may be watching you right now, and you may never know. Since 9/11, our national life has changed forever. Surveillance is the new...

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Sen. Cotton’s Fabric of War

Sen. Cotton’s Fabric of War

Sen. Tom Cotton and Bill KristolFreshman Senator Tom Cotton arrived in the Senate with a real bang. First he authored an unprecedented letter to the leaders of Iran trying to convince them (but really the American public) that the US government is an unreliable negotiating partner. Then his real ignorance about Iran became glaringly obvious, as he demanded that Iran give up a nuclear weapons program that does not exist (shades of Iraq, where the same was demanded of Saddam Hussein). How did...

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US Intel Stands Pat on MH-17 Shoot-down

US Intel Stands Pat on MH-17 Shoot-down

Despite the high stakes involved in the confrontation between nuclear-armed Russia and the United States over Ukraine, the US intelligence community has not updated its assessment on a critical turning point of the crisis – the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 – since five days after the crash last July 17, according to the office of the Director of National Intelligence. On Thursday, when I inquired about arranging a possible briefing on where that US intelligence assessment...

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Iran Fighting ISIS – Is it Really a Problem?

Iran Fighting ISIS – Is it Really a Problem?

As Iran continues to take an active role in helping Iraq fight ISIS, many US neocons are upset that the US military is not over there on the ground doing the fighting. They want Americans to believe that only another US invasion of Iraq – and of Syria as well – can defeat ISIS. But what is wrong with the countries of the region getting together and deciding to cooperate on a common problem? While the entry of Iranian-backed Shi’ite militias into ISIS-occupied areas may not be ideal – there is...

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CNN is Beating the Drums of War

CNN is Beating the Drums of War

President George W. Bush’s national security advisor, Condi Rice, warned Americans that Saddam Hussein’s (nonexistent) weapons of mass destruction could result in a mushroom cloud going up over an American city. No such threat existed. But today a very real threat exists over all American cities, and the national security advisor does not notice. The threat issues from Washington and arises from the demonization of Russia and its leadership. Wolf Blitzer (CNN, March 13) used the cover of a...

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A Green Light for the American Empire

A Green Light for the American Empire

The American Empire has been long in the making. A green light was given in 1990 to finalize that goal. Dramatic events occurred that year that allowed the promoters of the American Empire to cheer. It also ushered in the current 25-year war to solidify the power necessary to manage a world empire. Most people in the world now recognize this fact and assume that the empire is here to stay for a long time. That remains to be seen. Empires come and go. Some pop up quickly and disappear in the...

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Get Out Peacefully: The Libertarian Principle of Secession

Get Out Peacefully: The Libertarian Principle of Secession

For a century and a half, the idea of secession has been systematically demonized among the American public. The government’s schools spin fairy tales about the “indivisible Union” and the wise statesmen who fought to preserve it. Decentralization is portrayed as unsophisticated and backward, while nationalism and centralization are made to seem progressive and inevitable. When a smaller political unit wishes to withdraw from a larger one, its motives must be disreputable and base, while the...

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Obama’s Venezuelan Dictatorship

Obama’s Venezuelan Dictatorship

Ever since the advent of the Cold War, US officials have told us that it was necessary for the United States to adopt the totalitarian structure known as the national-security state in order to combat communist totalitarianism. We are now witnessing a similar spectacle with respect to President Obama’s exercise of dictatorial powers to deal with the socialist regime of President Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela. Obama’s justification for his embrace of dictatorial powers would undoubtedly be the...

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The Intellectual as Servant of the State

The Intellectual as Servant of the State

Policy intellectuals — eggheads presuming to instruct the mere mortals who actually run for office — are a blight on the republic. Like some invasive species, they infest present-day Washington, where their presence strangles common sense and has brought to the verge of extinction the simple ability to perceive reality. A benign appearance — well-dressed types testifying before Congress, pontificating in print and on TV, or even filling key positions in the executive branch — belies a malign...

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Azerbaijan Should be Very Afraid of Nuland

Azerbaijan Should be Very Afraid of Nuland

The US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, Victoria Nuland, visited Baku on 16 February as part of her trip to the Caucasus, which also saw her paying stops in Georgia and Armenia. While Azerbaijan has had positive relations with the US since independence, they’ve lately been complicated by Washington’s "pro-democracy" rhetoric and subversive actions in the country. Nuland’s visit, despite her warm words of friendship, must be look at with maximum suspicion, since...

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Protests Break Out In Europe: Cold Winter Coming

Earlier this week in Germany and the Czech Republic, tens of thousands took to the streets to demand an end to Russia sanctions and the start of the NordStream II pipeline. Then...

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