Featured Articles

Reps. McGovern, Jones, and Lee to Force House Vote This Month on ISIS War Withdrawal

The days of the United States House of Representatives leadership blocking debate and a vote on the ISIS War appear to be coming to an end. On Thursday, Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA), along with Reps Walter Jones (R-NC) and Barbara Lee (D-CA), introduced, pursuant to the War Powers Resolution, a privileged resolution (H.Con.Res. 55) intended to force the House to debate and vote within 15 days on withdrawing US armed forces from Iraq and Syria. Upon the resolution’s introduction, Reps. McGovern and...

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Free Speech, Facebook and the NSA: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Free Speech, Facebook and the NSA: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

“A person under surveillance is no longer free; a society under surveillance is no longer a democracy.”—Writers Against Mass Surveillance THE GOOD NEWS: Americans have a right to freely express themselves on the Internet, including making threatening—even violent—statements on Facebook, provided that they don’t intend to actually inflict harm. The Supreme Court’s ruling in Elonis v. United States threw out the conviction of a Pennsylvania man who was charged with making unlawful threats (it...

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Insanity’s Definition is Sending More US Ground Troops to Iraq

Insanity’s Definition is Sending More US Ground Troops to Iraq

There seems to be great Republican resistance to the idea that their interventions in Iraq and the Muslim world are the main cause of both the mess in Iraq and the growing and increasingly powerful worldwide Islamist movement. To the extent that Hillary Clinton and other Democratic senators and congressmen joined the Republicans in illegally delegating the war-declaring power to George W. Bush there is a point to the Republicans’ resistance. The correct formulation of the statement is that...

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ISIS, Assad Regime Now Fighting Together In Syria, US Alleges

ISIS, Assad Regime Now Fighting Together In Syria, US Alleges

When last we checked in on the situation in Syria, ISIS (who a secret Pentagon document recently revealed was, and probably still is, considered a US “strategic asset”) was supposedly on the move, emboldened by recent successes in the ancient city of Palmyra and the conquest of Ramadi in Iraq, where, you’re reminded, Iraqi forces showed “no will” to fight according the Pentagon. Recent reports also indicated that the militants may have commandeered 2,300 humvees worth more than $1 billion when...

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Breaking: FREEDOM Act Passes Senate, Freedom Dies

Breaking: FREEDOM Act Passes Senate, Freedom Dies

By a vote of 67-32 the Senate today passed the USA FREEDOM Act, just days after the expiration of key elements of the USA PATRIOT Act. The FREEDOM Act is billed as a reform of the unconstitutional and recently-ruled illegal bulk collection of Americans' telecommunications, but in fact it is a whole new level of attack on civil liberties. Here are just a couple of ways the FREEDOM Act is worse than the PATRIOT Act:1) The recent decision of the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that the bulk...

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The CIA: Providing Security or Threatening Liberty?

Last night parts of the PATRIOT Act expired, but it is only a matter of days before Congress passes a new PATRIOT Act -- this time called the FREEDOM Act. As the saying goes, the PATRIOT Act was to real patriotism as the FREEDOM Act is to real freedom. The only real "reform" would be going back to the Constitution, which is the law of the land. The NSA and CIA comprise the secret US government that is the greatest threat to our freedom and liberty. Today's Liberty Report takes a look the CIA's...

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Today in Congress: House to Pass Legislation Promoting National ID Cards Worldwide

Today in Congress: House to Pass Legislation Promoting National ID Cards Worldwide

The congressional push to promote national ID cards worldwide continues, and it looks like the legislative vehicle — the Girls Count Act (S 802) — will likely be sent this week to President Barack Obama to be signed into law without recorded votes in the US Senate or House of Representatives. In November, the House of Representatives approved by a voice vote HR 3398, a previous version of the Girls Count Act. That 2014 bill would, as detailed in a Ron Paul Institute Congress Alert, define it...

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Lindsey Graham’s Got a Simple Platform: War!

Lindsey Graham’s Got a Simple Platform: War!

Just when the US presidential contest needed a real macho man candidate, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) today threw his camouflaged hat in the ring. The Senator is staking it all on the proposition that after 14 years of fighting a global war on terror that has produced nothing but more terror, what Americans really want is eight more years of turbocharged world war under Comandante Graham. "Radical Islam is running wild," said Graham today, but "I'm afraid some Americans have grown tired of...

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Hope for Iraq? Depends on What You’re Hoping For…

Hope for Iraq? Depends on What You’re Hoping For…

Is there hope for Iraq? It depends on what you are hoping for. It is becoming clearer that there is little hope of destroying Islamic State in Iraq. Islamic State has no shortage of new recruits. Its fighters capture heavy weapons with such ease that the United States is forced to direct air strikes against equipment abandoned by the Iraqis — even as it ships in more. Islamic State holds territory that will allow it to trade land for time, morph into an insurgency and preserve its forces by...

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Ex-Im Bank is Welfare for the One Percent

Ex-Im Bank is Welfare for the One Percent

This month Congress will consider whether to renew the charter of the Export-Import Bank (Ex-Im Bank). Ex-Im Bank is a New Deal-era federal program that uses taxpayer funds to subsidize the exports of American businesses. Foreign businesses, including state-owned corporations, also benefit from Ex-Im Bank. One country that has benefited from $1.5 billion of Ex-Im Bank loans is Russia. Venezuela, Pakistan, and China have also benefited from Ex-Im Bank loans. With Ex-Im Bank’s track record of...

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Whether in the USSR or USSA, Politicians Come and Go — But the Security Organs Remain

Whether in the USSR or USSA, Politicians Come and Go — But the Security Organs Remain

“Hey, guys, we’ll be here long after you are gone,” gloated a high-ranking CIA official during a hearing of the US Senate’s “Church Committee” investigation of illegal domestic intelligence operations forty years ago. What this meant, according to Peter Fenn, Senator Church’s Chief of Staff, “was, `we’ll wait you out.'” Church, an Idaho Democrat who briefly ran for his party’s presidential nomination in 1976, had served in Army Intelligence during World War II and had supported the disastrous...

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To Beat ISIS, Kick Out US-Led Coalition

To Beat ISIS, Kick Out US-Led Coalition

It’s been a bad time for foes of ISIS. Islamic State (IS) scored a neat hat-trick by invading strategic Ramadi in Iraq’s mainly Sunni Anbar province, occupying Syria’s historic gem Palmyra, and taking over Al-Tanf, the last remaining border crossing with Iraq. The multinational, American-led "Coalition" launched last August to thwart Islamic State’s (IS, formerly ISIS) march across Syria and Iraq…did nothing. And so Baghdad and Washington are pointing fingers, each accusing the other of being...

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A Color Revolution for Macedonia

A Color Revolution for Macedonia

During the Cold War Washington was concerned about communists fomenting street protests that they could turn into revolutions, with groomed politicians waiting in the wings to take over the new government, thus expanding the Soviet empire. Today this is precisely what Washington does. We recently witnessed this operation in Ukraine and now it seems to be underway in Macedonia. The National Endowment for Democracy was established in 1983. The official purpose is to promote democracy abroad. The...

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The NSA’s Technotyranny: One Nation Under Surveillance

The NSA’s Technotyranny: One Nation Under Surveillance

“The ultimate goal of the NSA is total population control.”—William Binney, NSA whistleblower We now have a fourth branch of government. As I document in my new book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, this fourth branch came into being without any electoral mandate or constitutional referendum, and yet it possesses superpowers, above and beyond those of any other government agency save the military. It is all-knowing, all-seeing and all-powerful. It operates beyond the reach...

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Iraq and Another Memorial Day

Iraq and Another Memorial Day

Iraq? On another Memorial Day, we’re still talking about Iraq? Remembering I attended the 2015 commencement ceremonies at Fordham University in New York. The otherwise typical ritual (future, global, passion, do what you love, you’ll never forget this place) began oddly, with an admonition to pause for a moment in honor of our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, and a special congratulations to veterans among the graduating class. No other group was so singled out. At William and Mary, a...

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PATRIOT Act Drama: Is It All McConnell Theatre?

PATRIOT Act Drama: Is It All McConnell Theatre?

While arrogant morons dominate the staffs of Capitol Hill–and the rest of the state–there are a few who are principled. One writes me about how sick he is of the Patriot Act show: I’m betting that the most likely scenario is the Senate passing the House version of USA Freedom next weekend during their special, ultra-dramatic, made-for-campaign-fundraising session on Sunday afternoon of the 31st. Everyone gets their drama in, and can claim they fought hard to the “bitter, dramatic end,” even...

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