Russia’s dramatic intervention in Syria has served to push the conflict in Ukraine (a country that is now partially governed by Star Wars characters) to the back of the world’s collective mind. After all, separatists exchanging fire with government forces and/or far-right “volunteer” battalions every couple of days against a dreary backdrop of rundown Eastern European towns isn’t nearly as exciting as Sukhois dropping bombs on sword-waving desert bandits and so, Ukraine’s crisis has gradually...
Featured Articles
We Must Oppose Obama’s Escalation in Syria and Iraq!
by Ron Paul | Oct 27, 2015 | Featured Articles
Today Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter appeared before the Senate Armed Services Committee to outline a new US military strategy for the Middle East. The Secretary admitted the failure of the US “train and equip” program for rebels in Syria, but instead of taking the appropriate lessons from that failure and get out of the “regime change” business, he announced the opposite. The US would not only escalate its “train and equip” program by removing the requirement that fighters be vetted for...
About That Delta Force Guy Killed in Iraq…
by Peter van Buren | Oct 27, 2015 | Featured Articles
The United States does not formally acknowledge the existence of Delta Force, and rarely mentions the names of any of its members, even after they leave the service. Unlike the SEALs, who seem to be prolific writers, Delta operators keep to themselves. Most of the unit’s actions abroad are never mentioned publicly, and when an operator is killed in combat, often the death goes unmentioned in the press, or attributed sometime later to a training accident. So the very public attention given at...
Fear of the Walking Dead: The American Police State Takes Aim
by John W. Whitehead | Oct 26, 2015 | Featured Articles
“Fear is a primitive impulse, brainless as hunger, and because the aim of horror fiction is the production of the deepest kinds of fears, the genre tends to reinforce some remarkably uncivilized ideas about self-protection. In the current crop of zombie stories, the prevailing value for the beleaguered survivors is a sort of siege mentality, a vigilance so constant and unremitting that it’s indistinguishable from the purest paranoia.”— Terrence Rafferty, New York Times The zombies are back....
Syrian War Ends West’s Dominance of Middle East
by Melkulangara Bhadrakumar | Oct 26, 2015 | Featured Articles
Three weeks and five days into the Russian military operations in Syria, Moscow has achieved the objective of compelling the major external players involved to rethink their established stance on the crisis. Unsurprisingly, new fault lines have appeared in Middle East politics. Last week witnessed a surge diplomatic activity to cope with the new fault lines. First, of course, much as the United States dislikes the Russian military role in Syria, Washington and Moscow concluded a memorandum of...

House Benghazi Hearings: Too Much Too Late
by Ron Paul | Oct 26, 2015 | Featured Articles
Last week the US House of Representatives called former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to appear before a select committee looking into the attack on a US facility in Benghazi, Libya, in 2012. The attack left four Americans dead, including US Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens.As might be expected, however, the “Benghazi Committee” hearings have proven not much more than a means for each party to grandstand for political points.In fact, I would call these Congressional hearings “too much,...
The Older, Better Canada is Back Again
by Eric Margolis | Oct 25, 2015 | Featured Articles
I used to call Canada "the land that time forgot." While the rest of the world lurched from crisis to crisis, Canada remained peaceful, humane, prosperous, progressive, and famously polite, a sort of North American Scandinavia. Polls showed that Canada, for all its blandness and low profile, was one of the world’s most respected nations. The ethos of Canada was to make nice to everyone, aid less fortunate nations, shine at the UN, and make peace-keeping a national cause. That was, of course,...
The Benghazi Hearing: What Neither Hillary nor the Republicans Want to Talk About
by James George Jatras | Oct 23, 2015 | Featured Articles
As I write this, Hillary Clinton’s appearance before the House panel investigating the 2012 terrorist attacks that killed four Americans is still going on. I wasn’t able to listen to all of it live, and will plow through the transcript in due course. Two things already are notable: one concerning the impact of the hearing itself – plus another aspect marked only by the sound of crickets chirping. First, as one would have expected, the hearing has generated more heat than light. As has been the...
America’s Civilian Killings are No Accident
by Peter van Buren | Oct 22, 2015 | Featured Articles
Hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan after US attackAmerica and its allies make modern war in a way that assures “mistakes” destroy hospitals, and civilian lives are taken by drones. These horrors are all too often strategic decisions, or the result of the profligate use of needlessly destructive weapons. They are typically far from accidents. The destruction of a hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, including the deaths of physicians from Doctors Without Borders, has become the celebrity example of...
Fox, Daily Beast Stories on Cubans in Syria Lack One Thing: Evidence of Cubans in Syria
by Adam Johnson | Oct 21, 2015 | Featured Articles
Fox News (10/14/15) reported last week that Cuba has sent Gen. Leopoldo Cintra Frias and hundreds of troops to Syria to assist the Russian and Assad governments in “operating Russian tanks.” This explosive claim was soon echoed by James Bloodworth in the Daily Beast (10/16/15) and subsequently spread widely on social media. A Cuban troop presence in Syria would be a blockbuster story indeed—undermining the easing of tensions between Cuba and the United States while serving as a huge...
Yes, There Still are Some Benghazi Questions Worth Asking
by Peter van Buren | Oct 21, 2015 | Featured Articles
It is very, very difficult to discuss Benghazi and Clinton without almost immediately dipping deep into partisan politics cesspool, and no doubt any hearings she will testify at on Thursday will be ugly and deeply partisan. About half of the people reading this just clicked away to somewhere else. Thoughts on this topic are just that polarized. But let’s not give up too easily. There are important questions about Clinton’s handling of Benghazi that are relative to her desire to be president....
General In Charge Of ‘Total Failure’ Syrian ‘Train And Equip’ Program Gets Promotion
by Tyler Durden | Oct 20, 2015 | Featured Articles
The US effort to train and equip Syrian freedom fighters battling to bring democracy to Damascus and usurp a brutal dictator has been a smashing success (count the instances of sarcasm there). Take ISIS for example. The Pentagon knew that the opposition groups the West and its regional allies were supporting could morph into something beyond anyone’s control. Recall the following passage from a secret DoD document dated 2012: “If the situation unravels, there is the possibility of establishing...
Things Are Getting Scary: Global Police, Precrime and the War on Domestic ‘Extremists’
by John W. Whitehead | Oct 20, 2015 | Featured Articles
Are you afraid that the government is plotting to confiscate your firearms? Do you believe the economy is about to collapse and the government will soon declare martial law? Do you display an unusual number of political and/or ideological bumper stickers on your car? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you may be an anti-government extremist (a.k.a. domestic terrorist) in the eyes of the police. As such, you are now viewed as a greater threat to America than ISIS or al Qaeda....
US House Resolution Seeks New Conflict in Ukraine
by Daniel McAdams | Oct 19, 2015 | Congress Alert
The US House of Representatives, which never ceases sticking its nose in other people's business, is tomorrow scheduled to take up H. Res. 348, a bill "Supporting the right of the people of Ukraine to freely elect their government and determine their future." The bill can only increase tensions in Ukraine and threaten the fragile eight month old "Minsk II" ceasefire agreement.The "Minsk II agreement" continues to produce relative calm in eastern Ukraine -- earlier this month both Kiev and the...
CNN Anchor Demands Americans ‘Stop Swooning Over Putin’
by Tyler Durden | Oct 18, 2015 | Featured Articles
We’ll just put this bluntly: when you, as a country, do something incredibly stupid from a foreign policy perspective, you open the door for your global critics and adversaries to i) call you out on it publicly, and ii) use your gross incompetence and general disregard for anything that even approximates common sense, to their geopolitical advantage. And make no mistake, in Syria, Washington, Riyadh, and Doha did something incredibly stupid. They financed, armed, and trained a hodgepodge of...

Debt Ceiling Debate: Don’t Mention Warfare/Welfare State!
by Ron Paul | Oct 18, 2015 | Featured Articles
The US Treasury’s recent announcement that the government will reach the debt ceiling on November 3 means Congress will soon be debating raising the government’s borrowing limit again. Any delay in, or opposition to, raising the debt ceiling will inevitably be met with hand-wringing over Congress’ alleged irresponsibility. But the real irresponsible act would be for Congress to raise the debt ceiling. Cutting up its credit card is the only way to make Congress reduce spending. Anyone who...
US Patriot Missiles To Ukraine: Game-Changer Or Nuclear War?
Yesterday CNN reported that the Biden administration has decided on a significant escalation in Ukraine: providing Kiev with the most advanced US missile defense system, the...
US Patriot Missiles To Ukraine: Game-Changer Or Nuclear War?
Dec 14, 2022
Yesterday CNN reported that the Biden administration has decided on a significant escalation in Ukraine: providing Kiev with the most advanced US missile defense system, the...
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