State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said on December 22 that the US was going to provide Ukraine with "enhanced defensive capabilities as part of our effort to help Ukraine build its long-term defense capacity, to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity, and to deter further aggression." Among the weapons being sent are US-made FGM-148 Javelin anti-tank missiles, the official said. US media reported on the same day that President Donald Trump approved a plan to provide lethal...
Featured Articles
Intel Vets Tell Trump Iran Is Not Top Terror Sponsor
by Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity | Dec 26, 2017 | Featured Articles
MEMORANDUM FOR: The PresidentFROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for SanitySUBJECT: Is Iran the “World’s Leading Sponsor of Terrorism?”EXECUTIVE SUMMARY/BACKGROUND We are concerned by recent strident and stark public statements from key members of your Administration that paint Iran in very alarmist terms. The average American, without the benefit of history, could easily be persuaded that Iran poses an imminent threat and that there is no alternative for us but military conflict.We find...

Political Immorality and Personal Immorality
by Ron Paul | Dec 25, 2017 | Featured Articles
Many Americans have been shocked by recent revelations of the extent of sexual harassment in Congress. However, no one should be too surprised that those who spend their lives defending and expanding the welfare-warfare state engage in immoral personal conduct. It is only natural that an immoral system, like the welfare-warfare state, tends to attract individuals likely to practice personal immorality.The welfare-warfare state is built on a foundation of taxation and fiat currency controlled...
Iraq Redux in the Making? US Rhetoric on Iran Brings Back Memories of 2003
by Philip Giraldi | Dec 22, 2017 | Featured Articles
Sometimes you wake up in the morning and it’s 2003 all over again. That was the year when the United States embarked on its catastrophic course of intervention in Asia. It was at least somewhat justified in invading Afghanistan to eliminate al-Qaeda but then made the mistake of sticking around to fix the country, a repair job that has lasted sixteen years and counting with no end in sight. And it was also the time when the neoconservatives who were then controlling the Pentagon and White House...
De Facto Travel Restrictions Now Exist For Americans
by Paul Craig Roberts | Dec 21, 2017 | Featured Articles
Green Party presidential Candidate Jill Stein is being investigated by the Senate Intelligence (sic) Committee for “Russian connections.”What has brought Russiagate to Jill Stein? The answer is that she attended the 10th Anniversary RT dinner in Moscow as did the notorious “Russian collaborator” US General Michael Flynn. RT is a news organization, a far better one than exists in the West, but if you were one of the many accomplished people who attended the anniversary dinner, you are regarded...
‘A Stunning Rebuke’ – 128 Nations Support UN Call For Trump To Withdraw Jerusalem Decision
by Tyler Durden | Dec 21, 2017 | Featured Articles
One day after Trump escalated his war of words with the UN, threatening to cut off foreign financial aid over today's UN vote on the president's decision to recognize Jerusalem the capital of Israel, the United Nations on Thursday delivered what has been dubbed a "stunning rebuke" of the US President's Jerusalem decision, voting overwhelmingly to condemn the move and calling on the U.S. to withdraw the decision.The final vote was a landslide against Israel, with some 128 nations voting in...
Trump’s National Security Speech
by Paul Craig Roberts | Dec 19, 2017 | Featured Articles
What do we make of Trump’s national security speech? First of all, it is the military/security complex’s speech, and it is inconsistent with Trump’s intention of normalizing relations with Russia.The military/security complex, using Trump’s position as President, has defined Russia and China as “revisionist powers,” Washington’s rivals who seek to put their own national interests ahead of Washington’s unilateralism. Russia and China are “revisionist powers” because their assertion of their...
The RussiaGate Witch-Hunt – The Deep State’s ‘Insurance Policy’
by David Stockman | Dec 18, 2017 | Featured Articles
There was a sinister plot to meddle in the 2016 election, after all. But it was not orchestrated from the Kremlin; it was an entirely homegrown affair conducted from the inner sanctums -- the White House, DOJ, the Hoover Building and Langley -- of the Imperial City.Likewise, the perpetrators didn't speak Russian or write in the Cyrillic script. In fact, they were lifetime beltway insiders occupying the highest positions of power in the US government.Here are the names and rank of the principal...

Who to Believe on Washington’s Korea Policy, Tillerson or Trump?
by Ron Paul | Dec 18, 2017 | Featured Articles
President Trump has often said that his foreign policy objective was to keep his enemies guessing. If that’s the goal, you could say that he’s doing a good job. The problem is who does he think his enemies are, because the American people are often left guessing as well.US policy toward North Korea last week is a good example of how the Trump Administration is wittingly or unwittingly sowing confusion among friend and foe alike. In what looked like a breakthrough, Secretary of State Rex...
Heads Up, President Trump, Secretary Tillerson: Beware ‘Project Overreach’
by Faith Whittlesey | Dec 17, 2017 | Featured Articles
The State Department recently announced it was committing $700,000 to what might be called Project Overreach – an American government initiative to “help” the Hungarians get the “right” news.Department mandarins, it seems, have determined that Hungarians need access to “objective media” about what is happening in and to their country. As Ronald Reagan once said, “there you go again.” My view: It’s a really bad idea, an egregious misuse of U.S. taxpayer dollars, and also, understandably, deeply...
US Defense Secretary Mattis Rejects War on Iran
by Adam Garrie | Dec 17, 2017 | Featured Articles
US Defense Secretary James “Mad Dog” Mattis has refuted claims that the US is preparing for war on Iran after US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley led a bizarre press conference in which she stated that Iran has armed Houthi fighters in Yemen and thus violating the terms of the JCPOA (aka Iran nuclear deal). Haley did not provide any evidence to substantiate her claims, claims which are logistically impossible given the Saudi led blockade of Yemen which predates the JCPOA by nearly four...
Deconstructing the Almighty Russian Hackers Myth
by Patrick Armstrong | Dec 16, 2017 | Featured Articles
Sometimes things can be made more complicated than they really are. And such is the case with the story that the Russian government hacked the Democratic National Committee so as to help Trump become president.In July 2016 Wikileaks released a number of documents showing that the nomination of Hillary Clinton as the Democratic candidate for president had been rigged. A month earlier the DNC had announced it had been "hacked" and the cybersecurity company it hired announced that the Russians...
Weapons Went From The CIA To ISIS In Less Than Two Months
by Tyler Durden | Dec 15, 2017 | Featured Articles
Years late to the party, mainstream media outlets like USA Today, Reuters, and Buzzfeed are just out with "breaking" and "exclusive" stories detailing how a vast arsenal of weapons sent to Syria by the CIA in cooperation with US allies fuelled the rapid growth of ISIS. Buzzfeed's story entitled, Blowback: ISIS Got A Powerful Missile The CIA Secretly Bought In Bulgaria, begins by referencing "a new report on how ISIS built its arsenal highlights how the US purchased munitions, intended for...
The Foundering Russia-Gate ‘Scandal’
by Robert Parry | Dec 15, 2017 | Featured Articles
The disclosure of fiercely anti-Trump text messages between two romantically involved senior FBI officials who played key roles in the early Russia-gate inquiry has turned the supposed Russian-election-meddling “scandal” into its own scandal, by providing evidence that some government investigators saw it as their duty to block or destroy Donald Trump’s presidency.As much as the U.S. mainstream media has mocked the idea that an American “deep state” exists and that it has maneuvered to remove...
‘Everyone is Worried About War’
by Daniel McAdams | Dec 14, 2017 | Featured Articles
Are you worried about war? We are. Iran, North Korea, Russia. Every day we feel we might wake up to hear that the missiles have been launched. Ron Paul created his Institute for Peace and Prosperity in 2013 to be an uncompromising voice opposing war and war propaganda. Many of the Beltway think tanks preaching foreign policy "restraint" are really all about compromise, because they believe if they remain true to principles they will not be “relevant.” Relevant to whom? Relevant to the...
Why America’s Law Enforcement Empire Resembles Secret Police in a Dictatorship
by Philip Giraldi | Dec 14, 2017 | Featured Articles
Secret police are characteristic of dictatorships, or so goes the conventional thinking on the subject. Police in democracies operate for the most part transparently and within a set of rules and guidelines that limits their ability to gratuitously punish citizens who have done nothing wrong. If a policeman operating under rule-of-law steps out of line, he can be held accountable. That is also conventional thinking.But what happens when an ostensibly “democratic” police force becomes corrupted...
The Durham Report And The FBI Coup Against America
The Durham Report dropped yesterday and it's worse than we imagined. The FBI, together with the CIA and the Hillary Clinton campaign, colluded to undermine US elections and...
The Durham Report And The FBI Coup Against America
May 16, 2023
The Durham Report dropped yesterday and it's worse than we imagined. The FBI, together with the CIA and the Hillary Clinton campaign, colluded to undermine US elections and...
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