RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

Featured Articles

The Result of Mueller’s Investigation: Nothing

The Result of Mueller’s Investigation: Nothing

Robert Mueller discredited himself and his orchestrated Russiagate investigation today (Friday, February 16, 2018) with his charges that 13 Russians and three Russian companies plotted to use social media to influence the 2016 election. Their intent, Mueller says, was to “sow discord in the US political system.” What pathetic results to come from a nine month investigation!Note that the hyped Russian hacking of Hillary’s emails that we have heard about every day is no where to be found in...

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Libya: Seven Years of Failed Western Diplomacy

Libya: Seven Years of Failed Western Diplomacy

The approaching seventh anniversary of the "Libyan revolution," (where the celebratory date was last week arbitrarily moved to the 18th of February -- a bit like moving the 4th of July to the 8th) under what a majority of Libyans feel is an illegitimate, solely UN appointed government headed by a man not elected but chosen by foreigners, Prime Minister, Fayez Serraj, is a good time to reflect on the past seven years of abject failure of the West, UN, EU, and NATO in Libya.At least the new...

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George W. Bush Doesn’t Deserve the Media’s Efforts at Rehabilitation

George W. Bush Doesn’t Deserve the Media’s Efforts at Rehabilitation

"Our democracy is only as good as people trust the results,” former President George W. Bush declared in a presumably well-paid speech last week in the United Arab Emirates, a notorious Arab dictatorship. Bush is being exalted as if he is the second coming of George Washington thanks to his implied slams against the Trump administration. But Bush’s actions during his eight year reign did far more to ravage democracy at home and abroad than most people realize.Thanks to gushing media coverage,...

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Christopher Steele: The Real Foreign Influence in the 2016 Election?

Christopher Steele: The Real Foreign Influence in the 2016 Election?

Leaving aside the validity of what has become known as the “Steele dossier,” it’s important to look at how Christopher Steele was able to guarantee that the information in it would play a significant and ongoing role in American politics. Steele, who is British, did far more than simply provide opposition research to the Democratic National Committee. He was able to make sure it reached the most influential people possible in politics, media and government to shape and influence the growing...

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When Former Spies Turn into TV ‘Experts’

When Former Spies Turn into TV ‘Experts’

Once upon a time in the United States there was a general perception that organizations like the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) were both apolitical and high-minded, existing only to calmly and professionally promote the safety and security of the nation. Directors of both organizations often retired quietly without fanfare to compose their memoirs, but apart from that, they did not meddle in politics and maintained low profiles. There was a...

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Is John Brennan the Mastermind Behind Russiagate?

Is John Brennan the Mastermind Behind Russiagate?

The report (“The Dossier”) that claims that Donald Trump colluded with Russia, was paid for by the DNC and Hillary Clinton campaign.The company that claims that Russia hacked DNC computer servers, was paid by the DNC and Hillary Clinton campaign.The FBI’s counterintelligence probe into Trump’s alleged connections to Russia was launched on the basis of information gathered from a report that was paid for by the DNC and Hillary Clinton campaign.The surveillance of a Trump campaign member (Carter...

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If America Wasn’t America, the United States Would Be Bombing It

If America Wasn’t America, the United States Would Be Bombing It

On January 8, 2018, former government advisor Edward Luttwak wrote an opinion piece for Foreign Policy titled “It’s Time to Bomb North Korea.”Luttwak’s thesis is relatively straightforward. There is a government out there that may very soon acquire nuclear-weapons capabilities, and this country cannot be trusted to responsibly handle such a stockpile. The responsibility to protect the world from a rogue nation cannot be argued with, and we understandably have a duty to ensure the future of...

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Lifting of US Propaganda Ban Gives New Meaning to Old Song

Lifting of US Propaganda Ban Gives New Meaning to Old Song

Though its ostensible purpose is to fund the US military over a one year period, the National Defense Authorization Act, better known as the NDAA, has had numerous provisions tucked into it over the years that have targeted American civil liberties. The most well-known of these include allowing the government to wiretap American citizens without a warrant and, even more disturbingly, indefinitely imprison an American citizen without charge in the name of “national security.”One of the...

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US Feels Uneasy About Inter-Korean Amity

US Feels Uneasy About Inter-Korean Amity

The North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has upset all doomsday predictions that once the Winter Olympics Games are over, the tensions on the Korean peninsula would reappear. Kim’s invitation to South Korean President Moon Jae-in to Pyongyang can be regarded as a "game changer." Moon has been non-committal, saying conditions need to be created first. The important thing is that Moon neither accepted Kim’s invitation nor declined. As a senior South Korean official put it, Moon has “practically...

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E-Verify Threatens Us All

E-Verify Threatens Us All

In addition to funding for a border wall and other border security measures, immigration hardliners are sure to push to include mandatory E-Verify in any immigration legislation considered by Congress. E-Verify is a (currently) voluntary program where businesses check job applicants’ Social Security numbers and other Information — potentially including “biometric” identifiers like fingerprints — against information stored in a federal database to determine if the job applicants are legally in...

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Make Sports, Not War

Make Sports, Not War

Considering that a nuclear conflict over North Korea appeared imminent in recent weeks, the winter Olympics at Pyeongchang, South Korea, is a most welcome distraction – and might even deter a major war on the peninsula.The highlight of the games was the arrival of Kim Yo-jong, the younger sister of North Korea’s ruler, Kim Jong-un. This was the first time a member of North Korea’s ruling Kim dynasty had come to South Korea. Her handshake with South Korea’s president, Moon Jae-in was a historic...

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Guilt by Musical Association

Guilt by Musical Association

Should the feds be permitted to treat anyone who is not a choirboy like a criminal suspect? Unfortunately, local, state, and federal agencies have a long history of targeting, harassing, and entrapping fans of untraditional music. Because so many innocuous activities have become criminalized in recent decades, it has never been easier for the feds to tar any group they please. Precedents established against devotees of unruly music could be used in the future against peaceful libertarians.From...

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Is the Steele Dossier Full of ‘Russian Dirt’ – or British?

Is the Steele Dossier Full of ‘Russian Dirt’ – or British?

With text messages between US Justice Department (DOJ) conspirators Peter Strzok and his adulterous main squeeze Lisa Page now revealing that then-President Barack Obama “wants to know everything we’re doing,” it now appears that the 2016 plot to subvert the rule of law and corrupt the US organs of state security for political purposes reached the very pinnacle of power. To call the United States today a “banana republic” increasingly may be seen as a gratuitous insult to the friendly...

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‘Fig leaf of fighting ISIS is gone’ – Ron Paul Institute

In attacking Syrian government-allied forces in eastern Syria earlier week, the US government has lost the ability to claim that its continued presence in Syria is to fight ISIS. With ISIS nearly defeated and the Pentagon announcing that the US military would remain in Syria indefinitely, it is clear that the US has another agenda in Syria. By partnering with forces fighting to overthrow the government of Syria (the "Syrian Democratic Forces") and now by attacking Syrian government forces, the...

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US May Have Arranged ‘Self Defense’ Attack On Syrian Government Forces

US May Have Arranged ‘Self Defense’ Attack On Syrian Government Forces

Last night the illegal US occupation force in north-east Syria attacked a group of Syrian government aligned troops and their Russian support. The incident happened north-east of Deir Ezzor city on the east side of the Euphrates. The US claims that it killed some 100 Syrian soldiers that were allegedly attacking its proxy forces in an attempt to recover oil fields.There is a factual separation of areas south-west of the Euphrates under Syrian government control and north-east of the Euphrates...

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Political Gamesmanship at the Olympics

Political Gamesmanship at the Olympics

So, why is Vice-president Mike Pence attending the Winter Olympics in South Korea? Is it because he’s a sports fan who just wants to enjoy the quadrennial spectacle of the Olympic games?Unfortunately, no.Pence is going to the games for political purposes. He intends to use them as an opportunity to level a propaganda attack against North Korea, the communist regime that the US government has long been committed to regime-changing. To advance this political aim, Pence will be accompanied by...

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Why Is Peter Hotez Afraid To Debate RFK, Jr.?

When Covid fanatic Dr. Peter Hotez went on Joe Rogan's show last week to trash-talk Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. as an anti-vaxxer kook, he may not have expected what would happen...

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